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Everything posted by FapFap

  1. yea but if remove those I can take the first task as much as I want, without completing others
  2. anyone faced this problem? can help?
  3. I'm having a problem with Hexa Quest, when i complete all six tasks i cant re-take the quest from npc again.. whats the problem? heres my quest scripts: Pko 1.36 by @Lucky DefineMission( 6114, "The First Task", 1000) MisBeginTalk( "<t>Could you do me one more favor? Please send this letter to Shaitan Chairman Guile at (873, 3545).Hurry up. A higher experience is waiting for you!") MisBeginCondition( CheckTime ) MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 76 ) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1000) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1000) MisBeginAction( GiveItem, 3292, 1, 4) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1000) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1000) MisBeginBagNeed(1) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Please send this letter to Chairman Guile in the Shaitan City") MisHelpTalk( "<t>Guile is at (873,3545) in the Shaitan City. Good Luck.") MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure ) ----------------------------鐵人六項之一 DefineMission( 6115, "The First Task", 1000, COMPLETE_SHOW) MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure ) MisResultTalk( "<t>A letter for me? Thanks.") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1000) MisResultCondition( HasItem, 3292, 1) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1000) MisResultAction( TakeItem, 3292, 1) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1000) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1000) MisResultAction( AddExp_1) -----------------------------鐵人六項之二 DefineMission( 6116, "The Second Task", 1001) MisBeginTalk( "<t>The Nurse Gina of Argent City wants a tail grass. Buy Gina a tail grass from Physician Ditto.") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1000) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1001) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1001) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1001) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10011, TE_GETITEM, 3143, 1) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1001) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Go and buy a tail grass from Physician Ditto for Nurse Gina") MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 3910, 1, 10, 1) MisHelpTalk( "<t>Physician Ditto sells the tail grass.") MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure ) ----------------------------鐵人六項之二 DefineMission( 6117, "The Second Task", 1001, COMPLETE_SHOW) MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure ) MisResultTalk( "<t>Your tail grass comes at the right time. I need it right now!") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1001) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1001) MisResultCondition( HasItem, 3910, 1) MisResultAction( TakeItem, 3910, 1) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1001) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1001) MisResultAction( AddExp_1 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 3910) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1001, 10, 1 ) RegCurTrigger( 10011 ) ---------------------------鐵人六項之三A DefineMission( 6118, "The Third Task", 1002) MisBeginTalk( "<t> Recently, the grassland elks brought us a lot of trouble. Could you give them a lesson for us?") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1001) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1002) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1002) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1003) MisBeginCondition( LvCheck, "<", 40) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1002) MisBeginAction( AddTrigger, 10021, TE_KILL, 299, 20 ) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1002) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Kill 20 grassland elks at Garner (1360,2683) and come back .") MisNeed( MIS_NEED_KILL, 299, 20, 10, 20) MisResultTalk( "<t>Well done. You completed it so quickly. I will reward you something.") MisHelpTalk( "<t>You can find grassland elks around the Garner at (1360, 2683).") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1002) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1002) MisResultCondition( HasFlag, 1002, 29) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1002) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1003) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1002) MisResultAction( AddExp, 13000, 13000) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 299) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1002, 10, 20 ) RegCurTrigger( 10021 ) ----------------------------鐵人三項之三B DefineMission( 6119, "The Third Task", 1004) MisBeginTalk( "<t>Recently, the pumpkin knights brought us a lot of trouble. Could you give them a lesson for us?") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1001) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1004) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1002) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1003) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1004) MisBeginCondition( LvCheck, ">", 39) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1004) MisBeginAction( AddTrigger, 10041, TE_KILL, 37, 20 ) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1004) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Kill 20 pumpkin knights at Silver Mine 2, Silver Mine 3 or Garner at (622, 3364)") MisNeed( MIS_NEED_KILL, 37, 20, 10, 20) MisResultTalk( "<t>Wow~ Well done. You completed it so quickly. I will reward you something.") MisHelpTalk( "<t>The pumpkin knights are around the Garner at (622, 3364).") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1004) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1004) MisResultCondition( HasFlag, 1004, 29) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1004) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1003) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1004) MisResultAction( AddExp_3) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 37) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1004, 10, 20 ) RegCurTrigger( 10041 ) ----------------------------------鐵人六項之四 DefineMission( 6120, "The Fourth Task", 1005) MisBeginTalk( "<t> Now you are qualified to the fourth task. Collect 3 Wood and 3 Iron Ore and give them to Greg at (1882, 2805) in Abandon Mine Haven.") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1003) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1005) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1005) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1005) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10051, TE_GETITEM, 4543, 3 ) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10052, TE_GETITEM, 4545, 3 ) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10053, TE_GETITEM, 1478, 3 ) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1005) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Send 3 Wood, 3 Sashimi and 3 Iron Ore to Greg at (1882, 2805) in Abandon Mine Haven.") MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4543, 3, 10, 3) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4545, 3, 20, 3) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1478, 3, 20, 3) MisHelpTalk( "<t>You can get the Wood by cutting down trees, the Sashimi fishing and get the Iron Ore by mining.") MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure ) ---------------------------------鐵人六項之四 DefineMission( 6121, "The Fourth Task", 1005, COMPLETE_SHOW) MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure ) MisResultTalk( "<t>Your Wood and Iron Ore come just at the right time. I need them right now.") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1005) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1005) MisResultCondition( HasItem, 4543, 3) MisResultCondition( HasItem, 4545, 3) MisResultCondition( HasItem, 1478, 3) MisResultAction( TakeItem, 4543, 3) MisResultAction( TakeItem, 4545, 3) MisResultAction( TakeItem, 1478, 3) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1005) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1005) MisResultAction( AddExp_4) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 4543) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1005, 10, 3 ) RegCurTrigger( 10051 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 4545) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1005, 20, 3 ) RegCurTrigger( 10052 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 1478) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1005, 20, 3 ) RegCurTrigger( 10053 ) -----------------------------------鐵人六項之五 DefineMission( 6122, "The Fifth Task", 1006) MisBeginTalk( "<t> The next task is collecting two pink pearls and give them to Forbei at (2226,2726) in the Argent City.") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1005) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1006) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1006) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1006) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10061, TE_GETITEM, 2588, 5 ) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1006) MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Collect five Elven Signets and give them to Forbei at (2226,2726) in the Argent City") MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 2588, 5, 10, 5) MisHelpTalk( "<t>It seems that you can only get the Elven Signets from your Pet.") MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure ) -----------------------------------鐵人六項之五 DefineMission( 6123, "The Fifth Task", 1006, COMPLETE_SHOW) MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure ) MisResultTalk( "<t> You are so strong.The pearls are so beautiful. Now you have the chance to do the final task. I believe you can do it.") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1006) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1006) MisResultCondition( HasItem, 2588, 5) MisResultAction( TakeItem, 2588, 5) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1006) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1006) MisResultAction( AddExp_5) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 2588) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1006, 10, 5 ) RegCurTrigger( 10061 ) -----------------------------------鐵人六項之六 DefineMission( 6124, "The Sixth Task", 1007) MisBeginTalk( "<t>The final task is very simple. All you need to do is just finding another two people as you companions. And on you team, you must have one person whose level is from 20 to 30, another person whose level is from 31 to 40 and the other whose level is higher than 40.When you make it, you can go to find Swordsman Ray in the Lower Icicle Castle to get your award!") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1006) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1007) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1007) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1007) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1007) MisHelpTalk( "<t>Go to find your companion") MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure ) ----------------------------------鐵人六項之六 DefineMission( 6125, "The Sixth Task", 1007, COMPLETE_SHOW) MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure ) MisResultTalk( "<t>You are so great! congratulations! I will look forward to your performance next time.") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1007) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1007) MisResultCondition( CheckTeam ) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1007) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1007) MisResultAction( AddExp_6) function CheckTime ( role ) local now_week= os.date("%w") -------------星期几(十进制) local now_hour= os.date("%H") -------------时 now_week= tonumber(now_week) now_hour= tonumber(now_hour) -- SystemNotice( role, "星期"..now_week.."时间"..now_hour) if now_week == 6 then if now_hour >= 9 and now_hour < 12 then return LUA_TRUE elseif now_hour >= 18 and now_hour < 24 then return LUA_TRUE end end end
  4. Can someone tell me why im having this error on my lua_err.txt ?? Function.lua: Skilleffect.lua:
  5. Anyone can tell me if this specs are good for hosting a server? bcz after an hour or so im having a terrible lag, cpu goes up to 80%
  6. I'm using 10x Party Exp and 5x Solo Exp, and i'm having lower exp when im on party can someone help me please?!
  7. FapFap

    Local Chat

    someone told me it can be prevented through lua
  8. FapFap

    Local Chat

    My gameserver aint using chathandler.. rip x.x I would tell you but can't make it public
  9. Can someone tell me how language barrier works? I'm trying to make something similar but can't find all the functions
  10. Can someone help me to deny player talk more than 100 letters on localchat?! Server-side..
  11. FapFap


    Same thing just tested
  12. FapFap


    Yeah i have, also says on top that LuaSql is loaded
  13. FapFap


    I'm having this error on gameserver by trying to make this function works... Error: Function:
  14. Anyone can explain me why im getting disconnet when buying any SHIP from npc? using clean 1.36 base files
  15. they fine but it won't work
  16. I have that one, but im trying to make the effect fruit useable for 60 seconds using itemeffect, but aint working @Onioni I used ur script but isn't working the forging is 100% and also using fruit doesn't work
  17. I've made combine work fine with fruit and without, im just having a problem with the Forging Fruit for 100% this is my forging success rates without fruits, but fruit aint working.. local Sklv = 1 local StateLv = GetChaStateLv ( role , STATE_JLGLJB ) Sklv = Sklv + StateLv local Check_A local CheckFaild if Baoshi_NeedLv < 4 then Check_A = 1 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) elseif Baoshi_NeedLv == 4 then Check_A = 0.9 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) elseif Baoshi_NeedLv == 5 then Check_A = 0.7 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) elseif Baoshi_NeedLv == 6 then Check_A = 0.6 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) elseif Baoshi_NeedLv == 7 then Check_A = 0.5 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) elseif Baoshi_NeedLv == 8 then Check_A = 0.4 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) elseif Baoshi_NeedLv == 9 then Check_A = 0.3 CheckFaild = Percentage_Random ( Check_A ) end if CheckFaild == 1 then Check_Jinglian_Item = Jinglian_Item ( Item_Jinglian , Item_Stone1 , Item_Stone2 ) else local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian ) LG( "JingLian_ShiBai" , "Player ["..cha_name.."] Forging of equipment failed. Equipment is not damaged - "..Item_Jinglian_name ) SystemNotice ( role , "Sorry, forging has failed! Luckily equipment is not damaged..." ) end ------------------ local ItemID_Stone1 = GetItemID ( Item_Stone1 ) local ItemID_Stone2 = GetItemID ( Item_Stone2 ) local Stone1_Lv = Get_StoneLv ( Item_Stone1 ) local Stone2_Lv = Get_StoneLv ( Item_Stone2 ) local Jinglianshi_Lv = 0 if Stone1_Lv > Stone2_Lv then Jinglianshi_Lv = Stone1_Lv else Jinglianshi_Lv = Stone2_Lv end local Jinglian_Lv = GetItem_JinglianLv ( Item_Jinglian ) local R1 = 0 local R2 = 0 R1 = RemoveChaItem ( role , ItemID_Stone1 , 1 , 2 , ItemBag [1] , 2 , 1 , 0 ) --移除宝石1 R2 = RemoveChaItem ( role , ItemID_Stone2 , 1 , 2 , ItemBag [2] , 2 , 1 , 0 ) --移除宝石2 if R1 == 0 or R2 == 0 then LG( "Jinglian" , "Gem deletion failed" ) end if CheckFaild == 0 then return 2 end check_item_final_data ( Item_Jinglian ) -- SystemNotice(role , "Return failed") -- local a = 0.75 local b = Check_CG_Jinglian ( Jinglian_Lv , Jinglianshi_Lv , Sklv ) if b == 0 then i = RemoveChaItem ( role , ItemID_Jinglian , 1 , 2 , ItemBag [0] , 2 , 1 , 0) --移除宝石 if i == 0 then LG( "Hecheng_BS" , "Delete item failed" ) end local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian ) LG( "JingLian_ShiBai" , "Player ["..cha_name.."] Forging of equipment failed - "..Item_Jinglian_name ) SystemNotice( role , "Very sorry! Forging has failed. Item was destroyed!") return 2 end -- Notice("Forging completed") local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian ) LG( "JingLian_ShiBai" , "Player ["..cha_name.."] Forging successful - "..Item_Jinglian_name ) return 1 end
  18. @Onioni Im testing even clean files and i dont know why even lv 6 combine / forge rates are 100% lol ain't they suppose to fail even on lv 3? like official if they clean files..
  19. but thats what i posted on my first post, but it doesnt work lol
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