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About mariogt16

  • Rank
    Cabin Boy

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  1. function Creat_Item(item, item_type, item_lv, item_event) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_STR, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_CON, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_AGI, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_STA, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_DEX, 0) end function Creat_Item_Tattr(item_type,item_lv , item_event) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_STR, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_CON, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_AGI, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_STA, 0) Add_Item_Attr(ITEMATTR_VAL_DEX, 0) end ??????
  2. fk in so nuv i not conected -.- have a 1 week, in so fuking nub the mega is shutdonw the files fkkk -.- @V3ct0r , in looking full in google al day see all files and nothing, one ip chager ? for 32bits in english version top 2 are in chinese
  3. bro can post again the link ? or any one have , file for top II patch with bracalet etc ? clean ,with
  4. Pko 2.4 are dead the link
  5. kong can u helpme game.exe close the client,  i installed purejuice files + patch , and is when loading is a fucking problem lol, only exit the game can help in this only ? , i have a intent of enter en top2 v 1 with mine friends 

    1. blankode


      Maybe you patched top2 with top1 patch / also check the scripts folder if everything is alright and in its place. Bad UI coding can also lead to client closing.

  6. function custom_cha_timer(role, freq, time) local cha = TurnToCha ( role ) local cha_type = GetChaTypeID ( cha ) local Cape_bg = GetChaItem ( role , 2 , 4 ) local Cape_id = GetItemID ( Cape_bg ) if Cape_id == 7990 and cha_type == 1 then local statelv = 1 local statetime = 3600 AddState ( role , role , STATE_CAPE1 , statelv , statetime ) elseif Cape_id == 7990 and cha_type == 2 then local statelv = 1 local statetime = 3600 AddState ( role , role , STATE_CAPE2 , statelv , statetime ) elseif Cape_id == 7990 and cha_type == 3 then local statelv = 1 local statetime = 3600 AddState ( role , role , STATE_CAPE3 , statelv , statetime ) elseif Cape_id == 7990 and cha_type == 4 then local statelv = 1 local statetime = 3600 AddState ( role , role , STATE_CAPE4 , statelv , statetime ) else local statelv_cape1 = GetChaStateLv ( role , STATE_CAPE1 ) if statelv_cape1~=0 then RemoveState ( role , STATE_CAPE1 ) end local statelv_cape2 = GetChaStateLv ( role , STATE_CAPE2 ) if statelv_cape2~=0 then RemoveState ( role , STATE_CAPE2 ) end local statelv_cape3 = GetChaStateLv ( role , STATE_CAPE3 ) if statelv_cape3~=0 then RemoveState ( role , STATE_CAPE3 ) end local statelv_cape4 = GetChaStateLv ( role , STATE_CAPE4 ) if statelv_cape4~=0 then RemoveState ( role , STATE_CAPE4 ) end end end function cloak.lua(filename,text) local file = GetResPath('script/extension/database/cloak/'..filename..".txt") if(fileexists(file) ~= false) then LogFile = io.open(file,'a') LogFile:write("["..os.date().."]/t"..text.."/n") LogFile:close() end end what the fuking error ? need add hooks or what ?
  7. hey bro can u show me the functions of rb 4 ? plz i have problem with luaeffect..... and the rb 2 said plz show ur proff , i delete all my data for the admiral cloak a big error , and now the npc are a fk error i need the all functions for all 2 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mariogt16


      is only function.lua or char timer ?

      , and the last ? in corret hooking


    3. MonkeyCode


      Because I am on mobile, the text appears abit misformated for me, please start a thread and put your codes in code box.

    4. mariogt16


      okz i public again in public 


  8. I have the client for with i use the 1.36 files said character.tx error when i go to create a pj and exit the client
  10. -- Cloak System ------------------------------------------------------- --[[ ShareTeamExp: if cloak ~= nil then if cloak.hasCloak(t) == 1 then local cloakSlot = GetChaItem(t, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)) if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 63) == 1 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 63); local multiplier = .05; multiplier = multiplier * gemLv; exp_up = exp_up + (exp_up * multiplier); end end end ------------------------------------------------------- Check_Baoliao: above: a = Percentage_Random(mf); add: -- Cloak System: if cloak ~= nil then if cloak.hasCloak(ATKER) == 1 then local cloakSlot = GetChaItem(ATKER, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)); if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 64) == 1 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 64); local multiplier = .05 * gemLv; mf = ((mf*100) + ((mf*100) * multiplier)) / 100; end end end ------------------------------------------------------- can_forge_item_main: if CloakGem[GetItemID(Item_Stone1)] ~= nil then if CloakGem[GetItemID(Item_Stone1)] ~= GetItemID(Item_Jinglian) then BickerNotice(role, GetItemName(GetItemID(Item_Stone1)).." can only be forged to "..GetItemName(CloakGem[GetItemID(Item_Stone1)]).."!"); return 0; end end ------------------------------------------------------- forge.lua (ontop); CloakGem = {}; for i = 7585, 7590 do CloakGem = Cloak_Id; end ------------------------------------------------------- ]] cloak = {}; -- Cloak Upgrade Device: 7584 -- 3611 cloak.conf = { itemId = 5001, dustyId = 7582, itemSlot = 5, maxLv = 10, statperLv = 1 }; cloak.race = { [1] = 210, [2] = 211, [3] = 212, [4] = 213 }; -- cloak.conf['statperLv'] cloak.hook = { tick = cha_timer, melee = Skill_Melee_End, range = Skill_Range_End, bolt = Skill_Xlcz_End, conch = Skill_Bkcj_End }; cloak.aId = { [cloak.conf['itemId']] = true }; cloak.upRate = {}; cloak.upRate[0] = 1 cloak.upRate[1] = 1 cloak.upRate[2] = 1 cloak.upRate[3] = 1 cloak.upRate[4] = 1 cloak.upRate[5] = .7 cloak.upRate[6] = .5 cloak.upRate[7] = .4 cloak.upRate[8] = .3 cloak.upRate[9] = .2 cloak.getCloakLv = function(item) local getLv = GetItemAttr(item, 55); if getLv > 0 then return getLv; end return 0; end cloak.hasCloak = function(cha) local slot = GetChaItem(cha, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)); local slotId = GetItemID(slot); if slotId == cloak.conf['itemId'] then return 1; end return 0; end cloak.getGem = function(item) local chaCloak = {}; local param = GetItemForgeParam(item, 1) --Notice(param); param = TansferNum(param) chaCloak[1] = GetNum_Part2(param) chaCloak[2] = GetNum_Part3(param) chaCloak[3] = GetNum_Part4(param) chaCloak[4] = GetNum_Part5(param) chaCloak[5] = GetNum_Part6(param) chaCloak[6] = GetNum_Part7(param) return chaCloak; end cloak.hasGem = function(item, stoneId) local gem = cloak.getGem(item); if gem[1] == stoneId or gem[3] == stoneId or gem[5] == stoneId then return 1; end return 0; end cloak.getGemLv = function(item, stoneId) local gem = cloak.getGem(item); if gem[1] == stoneId then return gem[2]; end if gem[3] == stoneId then return gem[4]; end if gem[5] == stoneId then return gem[6]; end end -- Cloak System: if cloak ~= nil then if cloak.hasCloak(ATKER) == 1 then local cloakSlot = GetChaItem(ATKER, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)); if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 64) == 1 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 64); local multiplier = .05 * gemLv; mf = ((mf*100) + ((mf*100) * multiplier)) / 100; end end end cloak.skill = function(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) if cloak.hasCloak(ATKER) == 1 then local cloakSlot = GetChaItem(ATKER, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)); if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 65) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(.07) if Percentage == 1 then local getStateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 214); if getStateLv == 0 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 65); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 214, gemLv, 3); local ret = gemLv * 5 --SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Physical Resistence reduce by "..ret.." for 3 sec") end end end if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 66) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(.07) if Percentage == 1 then local getStateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 215); if getStateLv == 0 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 66); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 215, gemLv, 3); local ret = gemLv * 50 --SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Defence reduce by "..ret.." for 3 sec") end end end if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 67) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(.07) if Percentage == 1 then local getStateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 216); if getStateLv == 0 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 67); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 216, gemLv, 3); local ret = gemLv * 10 --SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Dodge reduce by "..ret.." for 3 sec") end end end if cloak.hasGem(cloakSlot, 68) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(.07) if Percentage == 1 then local getStateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 217); if getStateLv == 0 then local gemLv = cloak.getGemLv(cloakSlot, 68); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 217, gemLv, 3); local ret = gemLv * 10 --SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Hitrate reduce by "..ret.." for 3 sec") end end end end end ---------------------------------------------- -- HOOKS: ---------------------------------------------- cha_timer = function(role, freq, time) cloak.hook['tick'](role, freq, time) if IsPlayer(role) == 1 then -- PlayEffect(role, 319) local slot = GetChaItem(role, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)); local slotId = GetItemID(slot); local raceId = GetChaTypeID(role); local state = cloak.race[raceId]; if cloak.aId[slotId] == true then local cloakLv = cloak.getCloakLv(slot); AddState(role, role, state, cloakLv, 3600); else local hasCloak = GetChaStateLv(role, state); if hasCloak ~= 0 and slotId ~= cloak.conf['itemId'] then --BickerNotice(role, 'asd'); RemoveState(role, state); end end end end Skill_Melee_End = function(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.hook['melee'](ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.skill(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) end Skill_Range_End = function(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.hook['range'](ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.skill(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) end Skill_Xlcz_End = function(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.hook['bolt'](ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.skill(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) end Skill_Bkcj_End = function(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.hook['conch'](ATKER, DEFER, sklv) cloak.skill(ATKER, DEFER, sklv) end function ItemUse_CloakUpgrade(role, Item) local Cha_Boat = GetCtrlBoat ( role ) if Cha_Boat ~= nil then SystemNotice( role , "Cannot use while sailing" ) UseItemFailed ( role ) return end local slot = GetChaItem(role, 2, (cloak.conf['itemSlot'] - 1)); local slotId = GetItemID(slot); local cloakLv = cloak.getCloakLv(slot); local deviceId = GetItemID(Item); if slotId ~= cloak.conf['itemId'] then BickerNotice(role, 'Cannot use ['..GetItemName(deviceId)..'] on '..GetItemName(slotId)..'!'); UseItemFailed(role); return end local cloakLv = cloak.getCloakLv(slot); if cloakLv >= cloak.conf['maxLv'] then BickerNotice(role, '['..GetItemName(slotId)..'] already maxed Upgrade!'); UseItemFailed(role); return end local successRate = Percentage_Random(cloak.upRate[cloakLv]); if successRate == 1 then BickerNotice(role, successRate); local startAttr,endAttr = ITEMATTR_VAL_STR,ITEMATTR_VAL_STA; local itemAttr = {}; local increment = 1; for i = startAttr,endAttr do itemAttr = GetItemAttr(slot, i); SetItemAttr(slot, i, itemAttr + cloak.conf['statperLv']); end -- 183 SetItemAttr(slot, 55, cloakLv + 1); SetItemAttr(slot, 183, cloakLv + 1); SynChaKitbag(role,13) PlayEffect(role, 345); else SystemNotice(role , "Sorry, upgrade has failed! Luckily Cloak is not damaged..."); PlayEffect(role, 346); end end function ItemUse_CloakUnseal(role, Item) local Cha_Boat = GetCtrlBoat ( role ) if Cha_Boat ~= nil then SystemNotice( role , "Cannot use while sailing" ) UseItemFailed ( role ) return end local HasItem = CheckBagItem(role, cloak.conf['dustyId']); if HasItem < 1 then BickerNotice(role,"You need ["..GetItemName(cloak.conf['dustyId']).."] in your Inventory!"); UseItemFailed(role); return else TakeItem(role, 0, cloak.conf['dustyId'], 1) GiveItem(role, 0, cloak.conf['itemId'], 1, 25); Notice(GetChaDefaultName(role)..' successfully Unsealed a '..GetItemName(cloak.conf['dustyId'])..'!'); PlayEffect(role, 345) RefreshCha(role) end end function STATE_AC_Add ( role , statelv ) local strsb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local consb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local agisb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local dexsb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local stasb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local strsb = StrSb( role ) + strsb_dif SetCharaAttr( strsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STR ) local consb = ConSb( role ) + consb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_CON ) local agisb = ConSb( role ) + agisb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI ) local dexsb = ConSb( role ) + dexsb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX ) local stasb = ConSb( role ) + stasb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STA ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_AC_Rem ( role , statelv ) local strsb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local consb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local agisb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local dexsb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local stasb_dif = cloak.conf['statperLv'] * statelv local strsb = StrSb( role ) - strsb_dif SetCharaAttr( strsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STR ) local consb = ConSb( role ) - consb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_CON ) local agisb = ConSb( role ) - agisb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI ) local dexsb = ConSb( role ) - dexsb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX ) local stasb = ConSb( role ) - stasb_dif SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STA ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Riven_Add(role, statelv) local pdef_dif = 5 * statelv local pdef = ResistSb(role) - pdef_dif SetCharaAttr( pdef , role , ATTR_STATEV_PDEF ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Riven_Rem(role, statelv) local pdef_dif = 5 * statelv local pdef = ResistSb(role) + pdef_dif SetCharaAttr( pdef , role , ATTR_STATEV_PDEF ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Pierc_Add(role, statelv) local defsb_dif = 50 * statelv local defsb = DefSb(role) - defsb_dif SetCharaAttr( defsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEF ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Pierc_Rem(role, statelv) local defsb_dif = 50 * statelv local defsb = DefSb(role) + defsb_dif SetCharaAttr( defsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEF ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Illusory_Add(role, statelv) local fleesb_dif = 10 * statelv local fleesb = FleeSb(role) - fleesb_dif SetCharaAttr( fleesb , role , ATTR_STATEV_FLEE ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Illusory_Rem(role, statelv) local fleesb_dif = 10 * statelv local fleesb = FleeSb(role) + fleesb_dif SetCharaAttr( fleesb , role , ATTR_STATEV_FLEE ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Curse_Add(role, statelv) local hitsb_dif = 10 * statelv local hitsb = HitSb(role) - hitsb_dif SetCharaAttr( hitsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_HIT ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end function STATE_Curse_Rem(role, statelv) local hitsb_dif = 10 * statelv local hitsb = HitSb(role) + hitsb_dif SetCharaAttr( hitsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_HIT ) ALLExAttrSet(role) end where i put this bro ? can help me
  11. i have a information for have a 2 errors one in the items forgeables not found , and 1 in the cloack no show cape in when i put in 5th and no see stats of she
  12. any one have data bases for top 2 ?
  13. bro can u post that cloack all in one , i see al pages and have diferents post and problems
  14. i have a error on my cloack and files , where i put that files ? can save picture
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