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Everything posted by ruubi

  1. NetCommand.h @@ ++ Line 529 #define CMD_MC_REQUESTPIN CMD_MC_BASE + 113 NetIf.cpp @@ ++ Line 143 case CMD_MC_REQUESTPIN: { CCursor::I()->SetCursor( CCursor::stNormal ); g_stUIDoublePwd.SetType(CDoublePwdMgr::MC_REQUEST); g_stUIDoublePwd.ShowDoublePwdForm(); return true; } Serverfiles/lua/misscript/npc.lua r_talk13 = nil function r_talk13 () Talk( 1, "Monica: Hi, I am Banker Monica. Accounts can never go wrong with me around." ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, HasMoney, 200 ) TriggerAction( 1, TakeMoney, 200 ) TriggerAction( 1, OpenBank ) TriggerFailure( 1, JumpPage, 2 ) Text( 1, "Vault (PIN)", RequestClientPin, enumPinForBank) Talk( 2, "Sorry, you do not have sufficient gold to pay for vault usage" ) AddNpcMission(1050) AddNpcMission(1212) AddNpcMission(6091) AddNpcMission(6092) end UIDoublePwdForm.cpp void CDoublePwdMgr::_evtDoublePwdFromMouseEvent(CCompent *pSender, int nMsgType, int x, int y, DWORD dwKey) case MC_REQUEST: g_stUIDoublePwd.SendGameRequest(); break;// end } ----------------------------- @@ ++ line 284 void CDoublePwdMgr::SendGameRequest() { char szMD5[33] = {0}; md5string(g_stUIDoublePwd.edtDoublePwd->GetCaption(), szMD5); CS_SendGameRequest( szMD5 ); g_stUIDoublePwd.CloseAllForm(); } UIDoublePwdForm.h @@ ++ line 52 static const int MC_REQUEST = -1; @@ ++ line 80 void SendGameRequest();
  2. resource/script/birth/birth_conf.lua
  3. Sunset lights for character selection scene
  4. RGB Stoneinfo How it works: You search for a color picker in browser, you set what color you want then you take the hex code of the color, the next step is putting the code in stoneinfo.txt for the gem you want.
  5. Client source modification UIHeadSay.cpp //void CHeadSay::Render function// Find: Line 481:: else if (_pOwn->IsPlayer()) { sprintf(szBuf, "%s", _pOwn->getName()); strncpy( s_sNamePart[NAME_INDEX], szBuf, NAME_LENGTH ); } Replace with: else if (_pOwn->IsPlayer()) { sprintf(szBuf, "Lv%d %s", _pOwn->getGameAttr()->get(ATTR_LV), _pOwn->getName()); strncpy( s_sNamePart[NAME_INDEX], szBuf, NAME_LENGTH ); } And build solution!
  6. Player Level plugin next to player name ****No longer for sale**** Was shared by me for publicity in releases/client section!
  7. Some features I found in my lists New login scene:
  8. Yes it's possible, just give your friend the map you have edited, map folder, as far as I remember for example its garner.map or garner.obj can't remember correctly but it's one of those.
  9. Use map editor in order to create your custom sitting places.
  10. Message me on discord. yagura2k#1001 will tell u more things that could help.
  11. About the DDoS it depends on what host are you gonna buy. I'd recommend buying OVH and if you want to buy one for your tests i'd recommend Contabo, a pretty good VPS with a small price but not good for opening a server with it.
  12. Fun guy u kong zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, yes bro wrexor helperd me im pro guy now zzzzzzz
  13. Let's see what you gonna do with it
  14. Did you change the client IP?
  15. I'd reccomend you not to use those websites from the archive.
  16. use startgame.bat instead of opening game.exe , and put "start system/game.exe startgame corsairs1" instead of "start system\Game.exe startgame"
  17. ruubi

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    The GameServer and game.exe doesn't match , use this executables : https://mega.nz/#!YmYgWSbK!EnN3seQyafhfgIvT1K3fe-DcfsT8aD_s1hTQbFlTy3M
  18. ruubi

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    yeah, https://mega.nz/?fbclid=IwAR25_3kLvV4rxvRW8jvM53AyGbLE1Jc2-NLQeJgjJvXhLAfNIjLH0Tjec9w#!2y5zVI4Y!1NeDdNhlQYfqiMEfkn8VdWefldPgxubiR0mkft0tKF4
  19. ruubi

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    https://mega.nz/#!5zgxUQYQ!f-DJMffq5tIWsO9aZ1jb9sMBIfNCJUnn0wsbDrCnWe0 password is "One Man Can Change The World"
  20. @KONG Can you release the client where you was presenting new argent ? that one is fully updated , atleast game.exe if not full client .
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