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Posts posted by noanshadow

  1. Hi v3ct0r, I take the opportunity to release the section with some ideas.

    *button with maps events time function (CA,FC,DS,DW)
    *Buttom AutoTrace function
    *Mounts system
    *Hp and SP Bar below the character or HP percentage
    *Guild system with guild bank
    * Extension Bank or bank shared
    * buttom battle power system (Earn a higher title by increasing your Power)
    * buttom Achievements system ( for example if you kill 5 mobs first time obtain items or tittle)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  2. as it is visualized in the first image, I try to add more land, but I can not find a solution, because if I approach the two fragments of the map, visually it looks bad.

    in the second image I show how the terrain, has the same colors referring to its height


  3. I am trying to join two fragments of maps, but I have the disadvantage that they are at different heights, I use "heigth map generator" but I can not make it work correctly, even putting heigth = 0 in some specific areas, it continues in the same way.


  4. Hello everyone, I am trying to use a function provided by the user @Angelix , but I am unable to enter the first conditional related to time, I implemented a print to check if it entered, but I cannot find a way.

    function map_copy_run_garner2(MapCopy)
    	ChaosArgent.Alive = GetMapActivePlayer(MapCopy)
    	if ChaosArgent.Alive > 0 then
    	local Second = tonumber(os.date("%S"))
    	local Minute = tonumber(os.date("%M"))
    	if (Minute - math.floor(Minute / 5) * 5) == 0 and Second == 0 then --Problem Here
    		Notice("<"..ChaosArgent.Config.General.MapName..">: There are still "..ChaosArgent.Alive.." players alive.")
    		ChaosArgent.SpawnNum = Minute/5
    		if ChaosArgent.Config.Monsters[ChaosArgent.SpawnNum] ~= nil then
    			if ChaosArgent.Alive >= 1 then
    				for i = 1, table.getn(ChaosArgent.Config.Monsters[ChaosArgent.SpawnNum]), 1 do
    					local ID = ChaosArgent.Config.Monsters[ChaosArgent.SpawnNum][i].ID
    					local X = ChaosArgent.Config.Monsters[ChaosArgent.SpawnNum][i].X * 100
    					local Y = ChaosArgent.Config.Monsters[ChaosArgent.SpawnNum][i].Y * 100
    					local Monster = CreateChaEx(ID, X, Y, 145, 60, MapCopy)
    					SetChaLifeTime(Monster, 299000)


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