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Everything posted by ZidSliverr

  1. Добрый день, некоторое время назад я прочитал и научился создавать миссии с помощью руководства по форуму @Angelix, после нескольких тестов и ошибок, кажется, что он появляется в NPC. Но теперь у меня есть другие ошибки / проблемы, надеюсь, вы можете мне помочь 1. Название поиска показывает «Неизвестное имя поиска». 2. Когда вы получаете элемент «4319», он всегда показывает «0/5» на экране, но когда вы переходите к NPC квеста, вы можете его завершить, даже если отображается «0/5» 3. В QUEST2 (KillMonster) Если на экране отображается «1/1», но когда вы переходите к NPC квеста, вы не можете «Завершить» его, 3. Я получаю следующие ошибки на экране ENG: TriggerProc: incorrect function notification or trigger does not have any action notice! ID = 54465 -CCharMission :: Killware: the mission management function [TriggerProcc] could not return! >>> Here is the code inside MissionScript07 // NpcScript08.lua -TriggerProc: неверное уведомление о функции или триггер не имеет никаких уведомлений о действии! ID = 54465 -CCharMission :: Killware: функция управления миссией [TriggerProcc] не могла вернуться! >>> Вот код внутри MissionScript07 // NpcScript08.lua >>> NpcScript08.lua <<<<<< function AtrapandoCaracoles() ----ATRAPANDO CARACOLES-Barba_roja DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 ) MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" ) MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_GETITEM, 4319, 5 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4319, 5, 10, 5) MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?") MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001) MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4319, 5) MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4319, 5 ) MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 ) MisResultAction(GiveItem, 262, 1, 1) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4319) TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5) RegCurTrigger(120011) end AtrapandoCaracoles() --定义任务后结束时必须调用该函数 ------------------------------ function AtrapandoCaracolesP2() DefineMission( 2024, "Rebirth Stone", 2024 ) MisBeginTalk( "Hola quiero Que vallas a matar a sPIRIT dragon." ) MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 2024) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2024) MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2024, 1) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20241, TE_KILL, 103, 1 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2024) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 103, 1, 10, 1) -- MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_ITEM, 262, 1, 1) -- MisPrizeSelAll() MisResultTalk("Grasias por aver matado a <rBlack dragon> toma tu premio.") MisHelpTalk("No as terminado tu mision ve a matar a <rBlack dragon>.") -- MisResultCondition(NoRecord, 2024) MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2024) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2024, 14) MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2024) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 103) TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2024, 10, 1) RegCurTrigger(20241) end AtrapandoCaracolesP2() -- >>>>NpcScript07 <<<<<< function Barba_roja() Talk( 1, "BarbaRoja: Aaaaaahoooy! Marinero de agua dulce, preparate para las aventuras que se acontecen, este mundo ah de cambiar pronto HO-Ho-ho.." ) Text (1, "Aventuras y Botines?", JumpPage, 2) Talk (2, "Grrrrr!,Asi que crees que estas listo sabandija de tierra?") Text (1, "Arrr! vuelve luego", CloseTalk) AddNpcMission (12000) AddNpcMission (2024) end
  2. Good afternoon, a while ago I read and learned to create missions with the forum guide of @Angelix, after several tests and errors, it seems that it appears in the NPC But now I have other errors / problems, I hope you can help me 1. The name of the search shows "Unknown search name". 2. When you get the item "4319" It always shows "0/5" on the screen but when you go to the NPC of the quest you can complete it even though "0/5" is displayed 3. In the QUEST2 (KillMonster) If it shows "1/1" on the screen but when you go to the NPC of the quest you can not "Complete it" 3. I receive the following errors on the screen -TriggerProc: incorrect function notification or trigger does not have any action notice! ID = 54465 -CCharMission :: Killware: the mission management function [TriggerProcc] could not return! >>> Here is the code inside MissionScript07 // NpcScript08.lua PSD: Help pls @Joah >>> NpcScript08.lua <<<<<< function AtrapandoCaracoles() ----ATRAPANDO CARACOLES-Barba_roja DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 ) MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" ) MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_GETITEM, 4319, 5 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4319, 5, 10, 5) MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?") MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001) MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4319, 5) MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4319, 5 ) MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 ) MisResultAction(GiveItem, 262, 1, 1) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4319) TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5) RegCurTrigger(120011) end AtrapandoCaracoles() --定义任务后结束时必须调用该函数 ------------------------------ function AtrapandoCaracolesP2() DefineMission( 2024, "Rebirth Stone", 2024 ) MisBeginTalk( "Hola quiero Que vallas a matar a sPIRIT dragon." ) MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 2024) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2024) MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2024, 1) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20241, TE_KILL, 103, 1 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2024) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 103, 1, 10, 1) -- MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_ITEM, 262, 1, 1) -- MisPrizeSelAll() MisResultTalk("Grasias por aver matado a <rBlack dragon> toma tu premio.") MisHelpTalk("No as terminado tu mision ve a matar a <rBlack dragon>.") -- MisResultCondition(NoRecord, 2024) MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2024) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2024, 14) MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2024) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 103) TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2024, 10, 1) RegCurTrigger(20241) end AtrapandoCaracolesP2() -- >>>>NpcScript07 <<<<<< function Barba_roja() Talk( 1, "BarbaRoja: Aaaaaahoooy! Marinero de agua dulce, preparate para las aventuras que se acontecen, este mundo ah de cambiar pronto HO-Ho-ho.." ) Text (1, "Aventuras y Botines?", JumpPage, 2) Talk (2, "Grrrrr!,Asi que crees que estas listo sabandija de tierra?") Text (1, "Arrr! vuelve luego", CloseTalk) AddNpcMission (12000) AddNpcMission (2024) end
  3. ZidSliverr

    Create a Quest

    QUEST MONSTER KILL: 1. The name of the search shows "Unknown search name". 2. When you kill the monster "Sleepy Nail" it is not added to the counter "0/5" 3. I receive the following errors on the screen -TriggerProc: incorrect function notification or trigger does not have any action notice! ID = 54465 -CCharMission :: Killware: the mission management function [TriggerProcc] could not return! DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 ) MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" ) MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_KILL, 71, 5 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 71, 5, 10, 5) MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?") MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 12001, 14 ) MisResultAction(TakeItem, 262, 1 ) MisResultAction(AddExp, 1000, 1000 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 100000, 100000 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 71) TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5) RegCurTrigger(120011)
  4. Good afternoon, a while ago I read and learned to create missions with the forum guide of Angelix, after several tests and errors, it appears that appears in the NPC But now I have other errors / problems, I hope they can help me 1. The name of the search shows "Unknown search name". 2. When you kill the monster "Sleepy Nail" it is not added to the counter "0/5" 3. I receive the following errors on the screen -TriggerProc: incorrect function notification or trigger does not have any action notice! ID = 54465 -CCharMission :: Killware: the mission management function [TriggerProcc] could not return! >>> Here is the code inside MissionScript01NpcScript04.lua >>> NpcScript01.lua >>>> "AddNpcMission (12000)" DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 ) MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" ) MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_KILL, 71, 5 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 71, 5, 10, 5) MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?") MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 12001, 14 ) MisResultAction(TakeItem, 262, 1 ) MisResultAction(AddExp, 1000, 1000 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 100000, 100000 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 71) TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5) RegCurTrigger(120011)
  5. Good evening, someone could explain to me in what files I can create new Mobs with Respawn time in the map of "Argent City" I want to place the Monster Great king clam
  6. Good afternoon, I wanted to ask you, if there is any way to do it by clicking on the NPC, it will show you an image (JPGE or PNG) loaded from the client. PSD: I leave a reference image - Opening the map
  7. ZidSliverr

    Create a Quest

    Thank you very much, friend, it works correctly
  8. ZidSliverr

    Create a Quest

    At the end the code that is generated, where it has to be pasted or in what files to make it functional in NPC X?
  9. ZidSliverr


  10. any solution to convert LGO to OBJ?
  11. Thank you very much friend, it works for me using reference of "SendExchangeData ()" !!
  12. Good afternoon, someone can help me create an NPC that will have that type of windows or panels, Redeem items by items (Cards, Wood, FairyC, etc), I hope you can help me, thanks anyway
  13. Thank you very much @Sultan I worked following the last steps you left me. PSD: In the guide were not those last steps you left (I'm pretty newbie in this scripts) :( PSD2: When you say "if you want to upload a file, just go to extensions and add it" does it mean that there is an automated form or program? Could you teach me the form or the program, thank you.
  14. Good evening, paste the content in: garner / ctrl.lua What am I doing wrong? I am new at this.
  15. Where do I have to paste the file "Index.lua"?
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