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Everything posted by Graf

  1. @MRX Первые две функции присутствовали. Добавил третью. Через 50 минут узнаем, работает или нет)
  2. @NMS3RR Вот архив. Там папка garner2 + variable.lua + lua_err.log Ссылка
  3. А что может быть не так с ним? Где-то внутри есть значение для хаоса?
  4. Да, не работает. Но, я проверял 4-5 сборок, там прописано также. В чем же проблема?
  5. @MRX Замена кода на ваш провалилась. Спасибо за попытку.
  6. Предметы есть. Функции карты знаю лишь в ctrl.lua? Что-то еще нужно скидывать? --此文件中凡是可能被多次执行的函数函数名都要加上地图名前缀 function config(map) MapCanSavePos(map, 0) --设置地图是否保存角色位置地图坐标方向此设置影响该地图的所有副本 MapCanPK(map, 1) --设置地图是否可以PK此设置影响该地图的所有副本 MapCanTeam( map, 0 ) MapType( map , 3 ) MapCopyNum(map, 1) --设置地图的副本数目如果不调用该语句则使用默认值1 SingleMapCopyPlyNum(map, 300) --设置一个副本的玩家数 --MapCanTeam(map , 1) MapCanStall(map , 0) end function get_map_entry_pos_garner2() --设置入口的位置的坐标坐标米 local POS_X=2191 local POS_Y=2778 return POS_X , POS_Y end function init_entry(map) SetMapEntryMapName(map, "garner") --设置入口的位置地图名 SetMapEntryTime(map, "2010/8/1/0/0", "0/2/0", "0/0/30", "0/0/45") --设置入口的时间地图对象首次开启时间年/月/日/时/分以后再次开启的间隔日/时/分全表示只有首次开启每次开启到入口消失的间隔日/时/分全表示永不消失每次开启到地图关闭的间隔日/时/分全表示永不关闭。。 end function after_enter_garner2( role , map_copy ) end function before_leave_garner2( role ) end --function map_copy_first_run_garner2( map_copy ) -- lua_SetCopySpecialInter(map_copy , 10000) -- Notice("10") -- --end --function map_copy_run_garner2( map_copy ) ----Notice("3") --local new1 = CreateChaEx(791, 120, 120, 145, 50) -- SetChaLifeTime(new1, 900000) -- --end --凊5鷸枔儷?悙1?? function map_copy_run_special_garner2( map_copy ) local HowManyNoDead = GetMapActivePlayer(map_copy) Notice("?彦疱狃眄铎 踵铖?"..HowManyNoDead.." 恹骅怿桴") Every_5_minute = Every_5_minute+1 if Every_5_minute == 2 then -- ??+硰? local Monster2 = CreateChaEx(859, 6352, 3558, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster3 = CreateChaEx(859, 6761, 13062, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster4 = CreateChaEx(859, 10820, 24989, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster5 = CreateChaEx(859, 14673, 20803, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster6 = CreateChaEx(859, 12311, 16188, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster7 = CreateChaEx(859, 12015, 13994, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster8 = CreateChaEx(859, 12380, 12324, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster9 = CreateChaEx(859, 14339, 12947, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster10 = CreateChaEx(859, 18442, 12863, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster11 = CreateChaEx(859, 18791, 7534, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster12 = CreateChaEx(859, 14373, 7541, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster13 = CreateChaEx(859, 10186, 6273, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster14 = CreateChaEx(859, 10043, 9649, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster15 = CreateChaEx(859, 17186, 3343, 145, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster2,299050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster3,299100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster4,299150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster5,299200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster6,299250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster7,299300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster8,299350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster9,299400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster10,299450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster11,299500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster12,299550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster13,299600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster14,299650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster15,299700) end if Every_5_minute == 3 then -- 枑?+硰? local Monster16 = CreateChaEx(860, 11339, 24276, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster17 = CreateChaEx(860, 13812, 18439, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster18 = CreateChaEx(860, 15189, 6218, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster19 = CreateChaEx(860, 16393, 12239, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster20 = CreateChaEx(860, 14895, 13905, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster21 = CreateChaEx(860, 12824, 12767, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster22 = CreateChaEx(860, 10154, 11890, 145, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster16, 299050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster17, 299100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster18, 299150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster19, 299200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster20, 299250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster21, 299300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster22, 299350) end if Every_5_minute == 4 then -- 駸?+硰? local Monster23 = CreateChaEx(861, 12167, 25665, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster24 = CreateChaEx(861, 13564, 23189, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster25 = CreateChaEx(861, 18274, 13329, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster26 = CreateChaEx(861, 19167, 9778, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster27 = CreateChaEx(861, 14915, 14352, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster28 = CreateChaEx(861, 13881, 9818, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster29 = CreateChaEx(861, 10854, 11740, 145, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster23, 299050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster24, 299100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster25, 299150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster26, 299200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster27, 299250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster28, 299300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster29, 299350) end if Every_5_minute == 5 then --悅姈 local Monster30 = CreateChaEx(875, 10785, 24073, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster31 = CreateChaEx(872, 13477, 22976, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster32 = CreateChaEx(868, 14639, 15668, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster33 = CreateChaEx(872, 13318, 16448, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster34 = CreateChaEx(879, 12347, 15640, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster35 = CreateChaEx(872, 13948, 13970, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster36 = CreateChaEx(875, 15914, 12813, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster37 = CreateChaEx(868, 18943, 10871, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster38 = CreateChaEx(868, 18963, 8391, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster39 = CreateChaEx(868, 16101, 6381, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster40 = CreateChaEx(879, 15389, 6087, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster41 = CreateChaEx(879, 15126, 6725, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster42 = CreateChaEx(875, 14694, 7473, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster43 = CreateChaEx(875, 14046, 10079, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster44 = CreateChaEx(872, 13561, 9940, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster45 = CreateChaEx(879, 12202, 10924, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster46 = CreateChaEx(875, 11824, 10620, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster47 = CreateChaEx(875, 11026, 11515, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster48 = CreateChaEx(868, 9987, 11359, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster49 = CreateChaEx(868, 10050, 10309, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster50 = CreateChaEx(868, 10009, 8176, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster51 = CreateChaEx(868, 12256, 6305, 145, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster30,298050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster31,298100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster32,298150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster33,298200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster34,298250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster35,298300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster36,298350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster37,298400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster38,298450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster39,298500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster40,298550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster41,298600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster42,298650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster43,298700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster44,298750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster45,298800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster46,298850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster47,298900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster48,298950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster49,299000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster50,299050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster51,299100) end if Every_5_minute == 6 then -- ?楎?噳< local Monster52 = CreateChaEx(869, 6383, 3326, 130, 60,map_copy) local Monster53 = CreateChaEx(880, 6760, 5283, 310, 60,map_copy) local Monster54 = CreateChaEx(876, 5985, 6834, 85, 60,map_copy) local Monster55 = CreateChaEx(876, 7022, 8707, 70, 60,map_copy) local Monster56 = CreateChaEx(869, 7976, 9655, 280, 60,map_copy) local Monster57 = CreateChaEx(869, 6933, 12327, 280, 60,map_copy) local Monster58 = CreateChaEx(880, 6095, 15473, 55, 60,map_copy) local Monster59 = CreateChaEx(880, 8774, 13019, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster60 = CreateChaEx(876, 9894, 12745, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster61 = CreateChaEx(869, 10279, 13445, 310, 60,map_copy) local Monster62 = CreateChaEx(869, 13154, 21932, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster63 = CreateChaEx(873, 13979, 24290, 280, 60,map_copy) local Monster64 = CreateChaEx(869, 12066, 25739, 10, 60,map_copy) local Monster65 = CreateChaEx(880, 10475, 24473, 115, 60,map_copy) local Monster66 = CreateChaEx(876, 11915, 22670, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster67 = CreateChaEx(873, 13946, 22903, 265, 60,map_copy) local Monster68 = CreateChaEx(880, 13144, 20195, 100, 60,map_copy) local Monster69 = CreateChaEx(873, 13908, 18644, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster70 = CreateChaEx(869, 13055, 18537, 85, 60,map_copy) local Monster71 = CreateChaEx(873, 14496, 16124, 280, 60,map_copy) local Monster72 = CreateChaEx(880, 14689, 15746, 340, 60,map_copy) local Monster73 = CreateChaEx(869, 11936, 16302, 70, 60,map_copy) local Monster74 = CreateChaEx(873, 13456, 13442, 340, 60,map_copy) local Monster75 = CreateChaEx(869, 16310, 12095, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster76 = CreateChaEx(873, 18525, 13386, 325, 60,map_copy) local Monster77 = CreateChaEx(880, 18688, 11302, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster78 = CreateChaEx(876, 19509, 10124, 160, 60,map_copy) local Monster79 = CreateChaEx(873, 19458, 9739, 205, 60,map_copy) local Monster80 = CreateChaEx(869, 18724, 7861, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster81 = CreateChaEx(876, 17617, 5696, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster82 = CreateChaEx(873, 17042, 6149, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster83 = CreateChaEx(869, 16166, 6177, 190, 60,map_copy) local Monster84 = CreateChaEx(879, 19034, 3793, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster85 = CreateChaEx(876, 16762, 3079, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster86 = CreateChaEx(880, 15763, 3315, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster87 = CreateChaEx(873, 15786, 3892, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster88 = CreateChaEx(869, 14734, 4920, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster89 = CreateChaEx(873, 12945, 6454, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster90 = CreateChaEx(880, 12909, 6129, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster91 = CreateChaEx(876, 11697, 6337, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster92 = CreateChaEx(873, 11130, 6266, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster93 = CreateChaEx(876, 10087, 6876, 145, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster52,297050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster53,297100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster54,297150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster55,297200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster56,297250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster57,297300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster58,297350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster59,297400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster60,297450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster61,297500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster62,297550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster63,297600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster64,297650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster65,297700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster66,297750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster67,297800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster68,297850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster69,297900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster70,297950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster71,298000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster72,298050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster73,298100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster74,298150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster75,298200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster76,298250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster77,298300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster78,298350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster79,298400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster80,298450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster81,298500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster82,298550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster83,298600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster84,298650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster85,298700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster86,298750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster87,298800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster88,298850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster89,298900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster90,298950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster91,299000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster92,299050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster93,299100) end if Every_5_minute == 7 then -- 顥?噳< local Monster94 = CreateChaEx(870, 8103, 15758, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster95 = CreateChaEx(871, 6366, 16072, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster96 = CreateChaEx(877, 6158, 14021, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster97 = CreateChaEx(878, 6462, 13205, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster98 = CreateChaEx(874, 18456, 3689, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster99 = CreateChaEx(881, 17992, 3613, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster100 = CreateChaEx(871, 15235, 3295, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster101 = CreateChaEx(874, 11944, 3601, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster102 = CreateChaEx(870, 12378, 3349, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster103 = CreateChaEx(871, 11528, 2721, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster104 = CreateChaEx(881, 9531, 2727, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster105 = CreateChaEx(874, 8534, 3308, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster106 = CreateChaEx(877, 7543, 3164, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster107 = CreateChaEx(878, 6487, 3343, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster108 = CreateChaEx(871, 7192, 4128, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster109 = CreateChaEx(870, 6677, 4895, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster110 = CreateChaEx(877, 6567, 5679, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster111 = CreateChaEx(881, 6701, 6500, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster112 = CreateChaEx(881, 6369, 6949, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster113 = CreateChaEx(877, 6994, 8064, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster114 = CreateChaEx(878, 6505, 8494, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster115 = CreateChaEx(874, 6536, 8923, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster116 = CreateChaEx(870, 6288, 10738, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster117 = CreateChaEx(871, 5901, 12142, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster118 = CreateChaEx(881, 13579, 25098, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster119 = CreateChaEx(878, 12103, 25146, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster120 = CreateChaEx(871, 12122, 24854, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster121 = CreateChaEx(870, 11116, 24702, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster122 = CreateChaEx(871, 10579, 24343, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster123 = CreateChaEx(881, 10968, 23507, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster124 = CreateChaEx(874, 13141, 22546, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster125 = CreateChaEx(877, 13778, 22539, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster126 = CreateChaEx(878, 13259, 21845, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster127 = CreateChaEx(874, 14899, 20929, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster128 = CreateChaEx(881, 14973, 20419, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster129 = CreateChaEx(870, 13247, 19932, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster130 = CreateChaEx(871, 13892, 19399, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster131 = CreateChaEx(881, 13283, 17519, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster132 = CreateChaEx(874, 18412, 20105, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster133 = CreateChaEx(871, 22194, 18012, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster134 = CreateChaEx(870, 21710, 17182, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster135 = CreateChaEx(874, 20408, 17788, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster136 = CreateChaEx(878, 20461, 17339, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster137 = CreateChaEx(881, 19457, 17817, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster138 = CreateChaEx(881, 16343, 15573, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster139 = CreateChaEx(870, 14078, 15726, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster140 = CreateChaEx(871, 12363, 15855, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster141 = CreateChaEx(871, 11589, 13429, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster142 = CreateChaEx(874, 11113, 13869, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster143 = CreateChaEx(881, 10902, 14335, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster144 = CreateChaEx(878, 9309, 12935, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster145 = CreateChaEx(881, 12534, 11209, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster146 = CreateChaEx(874, 12515, 13202, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster147 = CreateChaEx(878, 14479, 14079, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster148 = CreateChaEx(874, 16426, 11297, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster149 = CreateChaEx(877, 16757, 12339, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster150 = CreateChaEx(878, 17115, 12436, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster151 = CreateChaEx(881, 18473, 12565, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster152 = CreateChaEx(881, 20540, 11384, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster153 = CreateChaEx(878, 20235, 10866, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster154 = CreateChaEx(874, 20390, 9764, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster155 = CreateChaEx(871, 19487, 9642, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster156 = CreateChaEx(881, 19063, 7981, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster157 = CreateChaEx(874, 18836, 7827, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster158 = CreateChaEx(878, 19026, 6331, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster159 = CreateChaEx(871, 18459, 5518, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster160 = CreateChaEx(870, 17781, 6160, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster161 = CreateChaEx(871, 15146, 5255, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster162 = CreateChaEx(878, 15722, 6195, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster163 = CreateChaEx(881, 15088, 6729, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster164 = CreateChaEx(874, 15116, 7447, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster165 = CreateChaEx(878, 12657, 8012, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster166 = CreateChaEx(874, 11770, 6209, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster167 = CreateChaEx(870, 10394, 6937, 145, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster94,296050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster95,296100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster96,296150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster97,296200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster98,296250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster99,296300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster100,296350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster101,296400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster102,296450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster103,296500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster104,296550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster105,296600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster106,296650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster107,296700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster108,296750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster109,296800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster110,296850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster111,296900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster112,296950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster113,297000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster114,297050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster115,297100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster116,297150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster117,297200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster118,297250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster119,297300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster120,297350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster121,297400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster122,297450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster123,297500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster124,297550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster125,297600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster126,297650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster127,297700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster128,297750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster129,297800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster130,297850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster131,297900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster132,297950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster133,298000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster134,298050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster135,298100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster136,298150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster137,298200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster138,298250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster139,298300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster140,298350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster141,298400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster142,298450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster143,298500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster144,298550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster145,298600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster146,298650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster147,298700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster148,298750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster149,298800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster150,298850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster151,298900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster152,298950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster153,299000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster154,299050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster155,299100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster156,299150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster157,299200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster158,299250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster159,299300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster160,299350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster161,299400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster162,299450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster163,299500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster164,299550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster165,299600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster166,299650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster167,299700) end if Every_5_minute == 8 then -- 髿侁?噳< local Monster168 =CreateChaEx(886, 12509, 4259, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster169 =CreateChaEx(885, 5457, 4334, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster170 =CreateChaEx(886, 5773, 6410, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster171 =CreateChaEx(885, 6015, 7907, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster172 =CreateChaEx(883, 5912, 9755, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster173 =CreateChaEx(885, 5765, 11923, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster174 =CreateChaEx(885, 5778, 16229, 100, 60,map_copy) local Monster175 =CreateChaEx(886, 12287, 23966, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster176 =CreateChaEx(885, 12452, 16601, 10, 60,map_copy) local Monster177 =CreateChaEx(885, 8745, 16392, 70, 60,map_copy) local Monster178 =CreateChaEx(883, 10637, 17204, 340, 60,map_copy) local Monster179 =CreateChaEx(883, 13138, 18622, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster180 =CreateChaEx(886, 13053, 20648, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster181 =CreateChaEx(885, 11115, 22603, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster182 =CreateChaEx(886, 9806, 23768, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster183 =CreateChaEx(885, 10671, 24923, 355, 60,map_copy) local Monster184 =CreateChaEx(883, 12144, 25703, 340, 60,map_copy) local Monster185 =CreateChaEx(884, 13693, 25149, 325, 60,map_copy) local Monster186 =CreateChaEx(883, 14113, 24077, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster187 =CreateChaEx(886, 14256, 22667, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster188 =CreateChaEx(885, 13194, 22154, 160, 60,map_copy) local Monster189 =CreateChaEx(883, 13766, 20308, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster190 =CreateChaEx(885, 14438, 21317, 115, 60,map_copy) local Monster191 =CreateChaEx(885, 15361, 20579, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster192 =CreateChaEx(884, 13893, 19379, 250, 60,map_copy) local Monster193 =CreateChaEx(883, 12373, 19662, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster194 =CreateChaEx(886, 14845, 17779, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster195 =CreateChaEx(885, 12338, 17990, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster196 =CreateChaEx(886, 13878, 17083, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster197 =CreateChaEx(885, 17986, 16422, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster198 =CreateChaEx(883, 18897, 18510, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster199 =CreateChaEx(885, 18986, 20192, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster200 =CreateChaEx(886, 17770, 21172, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster201 =CreateChaEx(885, 17749, 20183, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster202 =CreateChaEx(886, 17608, 17940, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster203 =CreateChaEx(885, 17966, 16919, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster204 =CreateChaEx(885, 15719, 16587, 355, 60,map_copy) local Monster205 =CreateChaEx(884, 13626, 15567, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster206 =CreateChaEx(883, 12259, 15636, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster207 =CreateChaEx(883, 10368, 15866, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster208 =CreateChaEx(886, 10862, 14192, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster209 =CreateChaEx(886, 12133, 14455, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster210 =CreateChaEx(886, 11717, 11742, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster211 =CreateChaEx(886, 14496, 13609, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster212 =CreateChaEx(884, 15696, 15415, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster213 =CreateChaEx(883, 17531, 15466, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster214 =CreateChaEx(885, 19447, 19081, 25, 60,map_copy) local Monster215 =CreateChaEx(886, 21536, 18830, 85, 60,map_copy) local Monster216 =CreateChaEx(883, 22710, 19054, 340, 60,map_copy) local Monster217 =CreateChaEx(885, 24410, 19083, 295, 60,map_copy) local Monster218 =CreateChaEx(886, 24879, 17783, 265, 60,map_copy) local Monster219 =CreateChaEx(884, 24537, 16584, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster220 =CreateChaEx(885, 23040, 16326, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster221 =CreateChaEx(883, 21823, 16318, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster222 =CreateChaEx(885, 21039, 17245, 205, 60,map_copy) local Monster223 =CreateChaEx(886, 19761, 16810, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster224 =CreateChaEx(884, 19295, 17794, 130, 60,map_copy) local Monster225 =CreateChaEx(885, 19336, 16410, 265, 60,map_copy) local Monster226 =CreateChaEx(883, 19761, 15645, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster227 =CreateChaEx(885, 20661, 12547, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster228 =CreateChaEx(886, 20309, 14934, 265, 60,map_copy) local Monster229 =CreateChaEx(885, 20643, 13701, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster230 =CreateChaEx(884, 19566, 13489, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster231 =CreateChaEx(883, 19582, 12389, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster232 =CreateChaEx(885, 17997, 12389, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster233 =CreateChaEx(884, 16476, 12852, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster234 =CreateChaEx(883, 14757, 12515, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster235 =CreateChaEx(885, 13520, 11379, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster236 =CreateChaEx(886, 12775, 11229, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster237 =CreateChaEx(885, 13050, 9677, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster238 =CreateChaEx(884, 10951, 10978, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster239 =CreateChaEx(883, 10735, 9437, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster240 =CreateChaEx(886, 12030, 13049, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster241 =CreateChaEx(886, 11154, 13044, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster242 =CreateChaEx(885, 9754, 13486, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster243 =CreateChaEx(883, 8647, 13953, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster244 =CreateChaEx(886, 8724, 12802, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster245 =CreateChaEx(885, 9664, 12421, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster246 =CreateChaEx(884, 9603, 11357, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster247 =CreateChaEx(886, 9958, 10562, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster248 =CreateChaEx(885, 8655, 10842, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster249 =CreateChaEx(886, 8639, 9741, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster250 =CreateChaEx(886, 8666, 5103, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster251 =CreateChaEx(885, 8702, 6631, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster252 =CreateChaEx(883, 8721, 8236, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster253 =CreateChaEx(886, 10323, 9552, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster254 =CreateChaEx(885, 9828, 8401, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster255 =CreateChaEx(884, 9615, 7427, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster256 =CreateChaEx(883, 11009, 8562, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster257 =CreateChaEx(886, 12226, 8433, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster258 =CreateChaEx(884, 15415, 7607, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster259 =CreateChaEx(883, 14380, 8470, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster260 =CreateChaEx(885, 14279, 10057, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster261 =CreateChaEx(883, 14500, 11200, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster262 =CreateChaEx(886, 15774, 12103, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster263 =CreateChaEx(883, 15897, 9088, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster264 =CreateChaEx(886, 15927, 9926, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster265 =CreateChaEx(885, 15870, 11318, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster266 =CreateChaEx(884, 16705, 11009, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster267 =CreateChaEx(886, 16991, 10282, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster268 =CreateChaEx(885, 16776, 9390, 100, 60,map_copy) local Monster269 =CreateChaEx(884, 16228, 8008, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster270 =CreateChaEx(885, 17340, 5441, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster271 =CreateChaEx(886, 16977, 6826, 250, 60,map_copy) local Monster272 =CreateChaEx(885, 17895, 7596, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster273 =CreateChaEx(883, 18350, 9107, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster274 =CreateChaEx(885, 17184, 12038, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster275 =CreateChaEx(884, 17675, 13625, 280, 60,map_copy) local Monster276 =CreateChaEx(883, 17292, 14462, 355, 60,map_copy) local Monster277 =CreateChaEx(885, 18674, 13972, 250, 60,map_copy) local Monster278 =CreateChaEx(886, 18726, 13152, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster279 =CreateChaEx(884, 19140, 11976, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster280 =CreateChaEx(885, 19373, 10749, 205, 60,map_copy) local Monster281 =CreateChaEx(883, 19756, 9173, 250, 60,map_copy) local Monster282 =CreateChaEx(884, 20326, 10478, 250, 60,map_copy) local Monster283 =CreateChaEx(885, 21174, 11534, 280, 60,map_copy) local Monster284 =CreateChaEx(883, 21691, 10492, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster285 =CreateChaEx(886, 8797, 15531, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster286 =CreateChaEx(886, 20759, 8953, 235, 60,map_copy) local Monster287 =CreateChaEx(886, 19452, 7657, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster288 =CreateChaEx(884, 19486, 6799, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster289 =CreateChaEx(885, 20496, 7737, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster290 =CreateChaEx(886, 20700, 6806, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster291 =CreateChaEx(885, 20642, 5653, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster292 =CreateChaEx(883, 19568, 5521, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster293 =CreateChaEx(883, 18070, 5694, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster294 =CreateChaEx(885, 15987, 6943, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster295 =CreateChaEx(886, 14332, 7074, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster296 =CreateChaEx(884, 13255, 6892, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster297 =CreateChaEx(885, 11828, 7155, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster298 =CreateChaEx(886, 10361, 6896, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster299 =CreateChaEx(884, 9856, 6512, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster300 =CreateChaEx(883, 10510, 5556, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster301 =CreateChaEx(886, 11501, 6188, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster302 =CreateChaEx(885, 12417, 5925, 175, 60,map_copy) local Monster303 =CreateChaEx(886, 14962, 6289, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster304 =CreateChaEx(884, 14056, 6124, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster305 =CreateChaEx(885, 15776, 5999, 190, 60,map_copy) local Monster306 =CreateChaEx(883, 14497, 4230, 115, 60,map_copy) local Monster307 =CreateChaEx(883, 17683, 4209, 250, 60,map_copy) local Monster308 =CreateChaEx(886, 19524, 4054, 220, 60,map_copy) local Monster309 =CreateChaEx(883, 19698, 3217, 160, 60,map_copy) local Monster310 =CreateChaEx(886, 19010, 3462, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster311 =CreateChaEx(885, 17617, 3373, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster312 =CreateChaEx(884, 16722, 2757, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster313 =CreateChaEx(883, 15852, 3275, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster314 =CreateChaEx(886, 15111, 3340, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster315 =CreateChaEx(885, 14381, 2672, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster316 =CreateChaEx(884, 13548, 3291, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster317 =CreateChaEx(886, 12330, 2930, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster318 =CreateChaEx(885, 11616, 3663, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster319 =CreateChaEx(884, 10642, 2901, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster320 =CreateChaEx(883, 10180, 4087, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster321 =CreateChaEx(886, 9541, 3296, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster322 =CreateChaEx(885, 9087, 3095, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster323 =CreateChaEx(886, 8476, 3854, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster324 =CreateChaEx(884, 7821, 3114, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster325 =CreateChaEx(883, 6536, 4350, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster326 =CreateChaEx(884, 7257, 5414, 115, 60,map_copy) local Monster327 =CreateChaEx(885, 7122, 7119, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster328 =CreateChaEx(886, 7189, 8852, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster329 =CreateChaEx(885, 7165, 11359, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster330 =CreateChaEx(884, 7175, 13327, 100, 60,map_copy) local Monster331 =CreateChaEx(883, 7096, 15693, 70, 60,map_copy) local Monster332 =CreateChaEx(884, 6836, 3723, 145, 60,map_copy) local Monster333 =CreateChaEx(884, 21369, 9546, 205, 60,map_copy) local Monster334 =CreateChaEx(884, 21811, 3311, 205, 60,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster168,290050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster169,290100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster170,290150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster171,290200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster172,290250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster173,290300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster174,290350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster175,290400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster176,290450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster177,290500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster178,290550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster179,290600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster180,290650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster181,290700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster182,290750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster183,290800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster184,290850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster185,290900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster186,290950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster187,291000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster188,291050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster189,291100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster190,291150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster191,291200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster192,291250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster193,291300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster194,291350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster195,291400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster196,291450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster197,291500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster198,291550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster199,291600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster200,291650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster201,291700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster202,291750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster203,291800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster204,291850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster205,291900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster206,291950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster207,292000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster208,292050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster209,292100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster210,292150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster211,292200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster212,292250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster213,292300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster214,292350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster215,292400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster216,292450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster217,292500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster218,292550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster219,292600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster220,292650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster221,292700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster222,292750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster223,292800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster224,292850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster225,292900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster226,292950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster227,293000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster228,293050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster229,293100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster230,293150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster231,293200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster232,293250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster233,293300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster234,293350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster235,293400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster236,293450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster237,293500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster238,293550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster239,293600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster240,293650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster241,293700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster242,293750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster243,293800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster244,293850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster245,293900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster246,293950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster247,294000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster248,294050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster249,294100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster250,294150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster251,294200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster252,294250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster253,294300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster254,294350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster255,294400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster256,294450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster257,294500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster258,294550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster259,294600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster260,294650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster261,294700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster262,294750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster263,294800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster264,294850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster265,294900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster266,294950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster267,295000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster268,295050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster269,295100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster270,295150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster271,295200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster272,295250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster273,295300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster274,295350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster275,295400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster276,295450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster277,295500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster278,295550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster279,295600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster280,295650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster281,295700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster282,295750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster283,295800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster284,295850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster285,295900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster286,295950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster287,296000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster288,296050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster289,296100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster290,296150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster291,296200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster292,296250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster293,296300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster294,296350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster295,296400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster296,296450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster297,296500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster298,296550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster299,296600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster300,296650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster301,296700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster302,296750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster303,296800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster304,296850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster305,296900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster306,296950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster307,297000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster308,297050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster309,297100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster310,297150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster311,297200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster312,297250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster313,297300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster314,297350) SetChaLifeTime(Monster315,297400) SetChaLifeTime(Monster316,297450) SetChaLifeTime(Monster317,297500) SetChaLifeTime(Monster318,297550) SetChaLifeTime(Monster319,297600) SetChaLifeTime(Monster320,297650) SetChaLifeTime(Monster321,297700) SetChaLifeTime(Monster322,297750) SetChaLifeTime(Monster323,297800) SetChaLifeTime(Monster324,297850) SetChaLifeTime(Monster325,297900) SetChaLifeTime(Monster326,297950) SetChaLifeTime(Monster327,298000) SetChaLifeTime(Monster328,298050) SetChaLifeTime(Monster329,298100) SetChaLifeTime(Monster330,298150) SetChaLifeTime(Monster331,298200) SetChaLifeTime(Monster332,298250) SetChaLifeTime(Monster333,298300) SetChaLifeTime(Monster334,298350) end end --凊5儷?悙??庣? function map_run_garner2( map ) end --鐦?鼧+晩+?悙 function map_copy_before_close_garner2( map_copy ) How_Many_Active = GetMapActivePlayer(map_copy) if How_Many_Active > 0 then DealAllActivePlayerInMap(map_copy,"GiveSpecItem") end How_Many_Active = 0 Money_all = 100000000 Every_5_minute = 0 end --鐦?鼧+晩+?悙 function map_copy_close_garner2( map_copy ) ClearAllSubMapCha(map_copy) end -- --地图开关判断—————————————————————————————————————————— function can_open_entry_garner2( map ) local Now_Time = GetNowTime() return 1 end function GiveSpecItem( role ) if How_Many_Active == 0 then return end local Money_Garner2 = Money_all/How_Many_Active -- SystemNotice(role,How_Many_Active) if How_Many_Active > 5 then AddMoney ( role , 0 , Money_Garner2 ) -- local message = "傠Θ "..How_Many_Active .. "ǎ喈? ?绋 "..Money_Garner2 .." ぅ?" -- SystemNotice(role,How_Many_Active) return end if How_Many_Active < 6 and How_Many_Active > 1 then local Item_CanGet = GetChaFreeBagGridNum ( role ) if Item_CanGet <= 0 then GiveItemX ( role , 0 , 1031 , 1 , 4 ) else GiveItem ( role , 0 , 1031 , 1 , 4 ) end AddMoney ( role , 0 , Money_Garner2 ) --SystemNotice(role,How_Many_Active) --local message = "傠Θ "..How_Many_Active .."ǎ喈獱, 埇 犰 "..Money_Garner2 .."??1 憿镡泐 憩ガ?鏍 " --Notice ( message ) return end if How_Many_Active == 1 then local Item_CanGet = GetChaFreeBagGridNum ( role ) if Item_CanGet <= 0 then GiveItemX ( role , 0 , 1032 , 1 , 4 ) else GiveItem ( role , 0 , 1032 , 1 , 4 ) end AddMoney ( role , 1000000 , Money_Garner2 ) local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local message = "项玟疣怆屐 "..cha_name.."! 蔓 恹桡疣腓 ".. Money_Garner2 .." 珙腩蜞 ?1 蒽犭屐鬆 " -- SystemNotice(role,How_Many_Active) SystemNotice(role,message) return end end
  7. Взял чистый хаос Аргента с pko 1.38(1.39 тоже пробовал). Не выдаются эмблемы короля. В системе ошибок нет, в консоли gameserver тоже. Есть идеи?)
  8. Хм, сейчас посмотрю. Спасибо
  9. В чем заключается суть хаос патча? Скачал, там mapinfo.bin и areaset.bin. Декомпилировал, посмотрел.. Не понял в чем разница)
  10. Все работает. Всем большое спасибо)
  11. Смог все реализовать. Теперь не понимаю, как правильно label вставить и progressbar, чтобы показывалось "Обновление найдено", "Обновления загружаются", "Обновление завершено". Помогите пожалуйста))
  12. Такая же проблема. Знаю какой порт, но его нет в нужной строке. http://rgho.st/89N9DvBj8
  13. Меня интересует лишь алгоритм neoncube. Именно логика. Прошу сделать мне логическую цепочку его работы)))
  14. Не соображаю) Как сделать на примере neoncube? В файле pathes.txt(ini или как угодно) идут названия "1. Patch_1.rar 2. Patch_2.rar" и так далее. Чтобы подключалось по ссылке, проверяло и скачивалось + разархивировалось. "Ionic.Zip;" библиотека для работы с .zip
  15. Думаю в объяснении не нуждается. Все просто) <?php $host = "IP"; $user = "Логин"; $pass = "пароль"; $connection = @mssql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if(!$connection) die('<b>Ошибка:</b> Невозможно подключиться к базе данных!'); $sql = @mssql_query('SELECT * FROM gamedb.dbo.character WHERE mem_addr > 0'); if(!$sql) { echo '<b>Ошибка:</b> Невозможно выполнить запрос к базе данных!'; } $online = mssql_num_rows($sql); ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yandex.st/bootstrap/2.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://yandex.st/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://yandex.st/bootstrap/2.3.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php print "<p>В сети - $online</p>" ?> </body> </html>
  16. Good evening. Created in Windows Forms C# form launcher. Does anyone have an example?)) Exactly how to implement a function that checks files, download .zip archives and unzipping them?) Or is it only a paid service?)
  17. Вечер добрый. Создал в Windows Forms C# форму лаунчера. Есть у кого пример?)) Как именно реализовать функцию проверки файлов, скачивания .zip архивов и их разархивация?) Или это только платная услуга?) Good evening. Created in Windows Forms C# form launcher. Does anyone have an example?)) Exactly how to implement a function that checks files, download .zip archives and unzipping them?) Or is it only a paid service?)
  18. Тему можно удалить.
  19. Остров зефира Это тот самый остров зефира, представленный, в виде отдельной карты. Нашел его в большом архиве, но там не было ни координат, ни миникарты, да и информации "0". Ссылка mapinfo.txt X zephyr Остров Зефира 1 150,150 3,150,150 255,255,255 ScriptDefine.lua AddMap( "zephyr", "Land Zephyr" ) --ID = X birth_conf.lua -- Остров Зефира AddBirthPoint("Land Zephyr", "zephyr", 177,308 ) Думаю скриншоты не нужны)
  20. Решил проблему, путем чистки файлов карт.
  21. Решил проблему, путем чистки файлов карт.
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