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Everything posted by Vasil

  1. MoneyDWHook = GetExp_PKM GetExp_PKM = function( dead , atk ) MoneyDWHook(dead,atk) local DeadMonster = GetChaID(dead) if(GetChaMapName(atk) == "puzzleworld" or GetChaMapName(atk) == "puzzleworld2") then if(DeadMonster == 669 or DeadMonster == 670 or DeadMonster == 671 or DeadMonster == 672 or DeadMonster == 725 or DeadMonster == 726)then local chamoney = GetChaAttr( atk , ATTR_GD ) local moneyadd = 1000000 chamoney = chamoney + moneyadd SetCharaAttr( chamoney, atk , ATTR_GD ) SyncChar(atk,4) SystemNotice( atk, "You have Recieved 1 Million Gold From "..GetChaDefaultName(dead) ) end elseif(GetChaMapName(atk) == "darkswamp")then if(DeadMonster == 696 or DeadMonster == 695 or DeadMonster == 698 or DeadMonster == 697)then local chamoney = GetChaAttr( atk , ATTR_GD ) local moneyadd = 500000 chamoney = chamoney + moneyadd SetCharaAttr( chamoney, atk , ATTR_GD ) SyncChar(atk,4) SystemNotice( atk, "You have Recieved 500k Gold From "..GetChaDefaultName(dead) ) end end end This should work @Faller
  2. As i said,workes perfectly.It doesn't take damage in CA Mobs or Players into CA.
  3. Used if IsPlayer(b) == 0 then and whut,Doesn't work in whole CA,works in other map as CI,but CA no damage has been taken.
  4. @Satan function SkillSp_Xlcz ( sklv ) --技能"Spiritual Bolt"的sp消耗公式 local sp_reduce = 30 + sklv * 2 return sp_reduce end function SkillCooldown_Xlcz( sklv ) local Cooldown = 5000 - sklv * 250 return Cooldown end function Skill_Xlcz_Begin ( role , sklv ) local sp = Sp(role) local sp_reduce = SkillSp_Xlcz ( sklv ) if sp - sp_reduce < 0 then SkillUnable(role) return end Sp_Red (role , sp_reduce ) end function Skill_Xlcz_End ( ATKER , DEFER , sklv ) if ValidCha(ATKER) == 0 then LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Skill_Xlcz_End : ATKER as null" ) return end if ValidCha(DEFER) == 0 then LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Skill_Xlcz_End : DEFER as null" ) return end -- local atkdmg = Atk_Dmg ( ATKER , DEFER ) local lv_atker = Lv ( TurnToCha ( ATKER ) ) local lv_defer = Lv ( TurnToCha ( DEFER ) ) local sta_atker = Sta(ATKER) local sta_defer = Sta(DEFER) local lv_dif = math.max ( ( - 1 ) * 10 , math.min ( 10 , lv_atker - lv_defer ) ) local AddStateLv = 0 AddStateLv = GetChaStateLv ( ATKER , STATE_MLCH ) hpdmg = math.floor (( 10 + sta_atker * 2 ) * ( 1 + sklv * 0.25 ) * ( 1 + lv_dif * 0.075 )) local map_name_ATKER = GetChaMapName ( ATKER ) local map_name_DEFER = GetChaMapName ( DEFER ) local agi_atker = Agi(ATKER) local Can_Pk_garner2 = Is_NormalMonster (DEFER) if map_name_ATKER == "garner2" or map_name_DEFER == "garner2" then if Can_Pk_garner2 == 0 then local dmg = MAGIC_Atk_Dmg(ATKER,DEFER) hpdmg = math.floor (dmg * ( 1 + sklv * 0.50 ) ) -- Notice ( "statetime="..statetime) end end local job = GetChaAttr(a, ATTR_JOB) --不同职业采用不同的属性成长率 local dmg_fin = Cuihua_Mofa ( hpdmg ,AddStateLv ) + (sta_atker * 2) if (job == 13) then local dmg_fin = Cuihua_Mofa ( hpdmg ,AddStateLv ) * 2 end local dmg_ElfSkill = ElfSkill_MagicAtk ( hpdmg , ATKER ) dmg_fin = dmg_fin + dmg_ElfSkill Hp_Endure_Dmg ( DEFER, dmg_fin ) -- LG( "xlcz", "Spiritual Bolt Skill Level=" , sklv ,"Attacker sta=", sta ,"Normal attack damage=", atkdmg , "Skill Damage= " , dmg , "\n" ) end function MAGIC_Atk_Dmg(a,b) --[[计算普通攻击的基本正常伤害]]-- local job = GetChaAttr(a, ATTR_JOB) --不同职业采用不同的属性成长率 local sta_atker = Sta(a) local sta_defer = Sta(b) local atk_mnatk = math.floor (MnatkIb(a) + sta_atker*Magic_rate1[job] + Magic_rate2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( sta_atker*4/20), 2 )) local atk_mxatk = math.floor (MxatkIb(a) + sta_atker*Magic_rate1[job] + Magic_rate2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( sta_atker*4/20), 2 )) local defer_mgic_def = sta_defer * 2 local defer_resist = Resist(b) local atker_lv = Lv( a ) local defer_lv = Lv( b ) local lv_dis = atker_lv - defer_lv local lv_eff = 1 if math.abs (lv_dis) >= 1 then lv_eff =math.min ( math.max ( 0.5 , 1 + 0.025 * lv_dis ) , 1.5 ) end local atk = math.random( atk_mnatk , atk_mxatk ) local dmg = Magic_Dmg ( atk, defer_mgic_def , defer_resist ) --[[计算正常伤害值]]-- local mndmg = math.floor( Lv(a) * 0.25 + Mnatk(a) * 0 ) + 1 --[[计算最小伤害值]]-- dmg =math.max( lv_eff * dmg , mndmg ) return dmg end function Magic_Dmg (atk, def, resist ) --[[物理攻击计算]]-- local magic_atk = atk local magic_def = def local magic_resist = resist -- LuaPrint ( " Physical Attack= "..phy_atk.." Physical Defense= "..phy_def.."Physical Resist= "..phy_resist ) -- LuaPrint (\n) -- LG ( " Damage" , "Physical attack= ", phy_atk, "Physical Resist= " , phy_def, " Physical Resist= " , phy_resist, "\n" ) dmg = math.floor( (magic_atk - magic_def ) * (1 - math.min (0.85 , magic_resist/100 ) )) return dmg end
  5. Hello,i know this was already answered by @Satan before but here it ain't working,tried other several methods without any success. Can anyone kindly share a working method in-here?Please?
  6. Hello,i seen this function on several servers & it's really good so magics doesn't be weak in farming or stuff.If someone got it,can u share it please?thanks
  7. Hello @Tera,i just wanted to check TPO Website and how does it work,seems i'm getting an error in registration "There was an error while creating ur account blahblah..."but the account gets created.Got an idea about this error?
  8. Hello @V3ct0r! He asked me in facebook & i searched there,it's not there sadly.
  9. Yo @Shako,i highly recommend zzzritdzzz,he is an awesome and talented designer
  10. Hello!This system was shared before,i got it too but i just cant find it
  11. Vasil


    Hello Dude,that's awesome! GL!
  12. Hello! @V3ct0r protection can help you to avoid SQL Injection as a type of vulnerability of exacutables. You may pm him for more info!
  13. Hello @Satan! i'll try them ASAP!
  14. Hello, i have got that . i'll post it right here when i get home.
  15. Hello Sultan! No! its not what i am looking for. these orbs are really different. This one uses ItemPrefix and passive skills such as punching ennemy away from you!
  16. It's a system known with a passive skills (punching,poisoning etc...) Someone got it? pls if yes , share it l=)
  17. He would get into a very big trouble,same thing with the other guy
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