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Everything posted by 1g0rS1lv4

  1. ...Does this cause the auto attack to be disabled? @mkhzaleh
  2. Hello Community, make appear the Durability and Effectiveness in the rings and neck, I wonder if it could be done? Would anyone know or know how to do this?
  3. @Angelix I believe he has something similar to what you want. @MiniMan
  4. проверьте, помечен ли ваш пиратский логин следующим образом. просто нажмите на свойства в вашем логине SQL. и проверьте пароль, если он правильный. *****Я использовал гугл переводчик *****I used google translator.
  5. desculpe pelo meu mau inglês.
  6. @space open you forge.lua ** search for: function can_unite_item_main ( Table ) ** then within this function you will find this. local Item2_Lv = Get_StoneLv ( Item2 ) local Item3_Lv = Get_StoneLv ( Item3 ) ** add this below the function if ItemID2 <= 860 and ItemID2 <= 861 and ItemID2 <= 862 and ItemID2 <= 863 then if Item2_Lv>=7 or Item3_Lv >= 7 then SystemNotice ( role , "Gem can improved to level 7 at most.") return 0 end end ** Gems IDS ** if ItemID2 <= 860 and ItemID2 <= 861 and ItemID2 <= 862 and ItemID2 <= 863 then ** Level Max Gem Is Lv7 - you can switch to the desired max level ** if Item2_Lv>=7 or Item3_Lv >= 7 then *** the function would look this way. sorry for my bad English.
  7. @space abre você forge.lua ** procurar por -> função can_unite_item_main (Tabela) ** então dentro desta função você encontrará isto. local Item2_Lv = Get_StoneLv (Item2) local Item3_Lv = Get_StoneLv (Item3) ** adicione abaixo. se ItemID2> = 864 e ItemID2 <= 865 e ItemID2 <= 866 ENTÃO SE Item2_Lv> = 7 OU Item3_Lv> = 7 ENTÃO - Altere o valor máximo lv gem SystemNotice (Função "Voltado para o Nível 7 não máximo") Retornar 0 end end ** 864, 865 e 866 IDS GEMS. ** se Item2_Lv> = 7 ou Item3_Lv> = 7 então - Trocador você max lv gem *** seria assim desculpe pelo meu inglês.
  8. my website when it arrived in a number of accounts created began to appear the following error. Can someone tell me what the problem is?
  9. What error is this? where fixed?
  10. was to be 13 str and was only 11 str.
  11. @Ecstasy Thanks, but @KONG already settling for me.
  12. Buy Hex Service for Game Server has error in Fusion clothing... Fusing equipment that already has apparel with other apparel is giving this error and all IDs are below 5999.
  13. Does anyone have this script to give me Move Slot Gem?
  14. *Server File\resource\script\calculate *Open AttrCalculate.lua *Seach : CreatCha(role) *add your message. local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName(role) Notice("Name Server: "..cha_name.." welcome to Server Name.") ----------------------------------------------------------| *would stay look more or less like this. *Example: function CreatCha(role) local attr_ap = Attr_ap( role ) + 10 SetCharaAttr( attr_ap, role, ATTR_AP ) AttrRecheck(role) local hp = GetChaAttr( role, ATTR_MXHP ) local sp = GetChaAttr( role, ATTR_MXSP ) SetCharaAttr( hp, role, ATTR_HP ) SetCharaAttr( sp, role, ATTR_SP ) CreatChaSkill(role) local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName(role) Notice("Name Server: "..cha_name.." welcome to Server Name.") end **Message will only appear for new player entering the server. Sorry for bad english =/
  15. https://mega.nz/#!ZxV1VB6b!LRMD-LIshwIBeqdeRuuljKV17ZhgA-bn2eJBTdHmEyQ
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