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Posts posted by GustavoHMA

  1. 2 minutes ago, Angelix said:

    What I think @GustavoHMA means is that if a newly created account is playing and kills a monster then gets some points, those points won't get added since that account doesn't exist within TradeDB. Accounts created don't synchronize with TradeDB, they get create once a player enters in-game mall for the first time since TradeServer checks whether an account exists, if it doesn't, then it creates a record for it within TradeDB. Your query goes on ahead expecting the account you're trying to access/modify does exist which in reality can or can't exist depending on whether the player has entered or not the in-game mall before getting some points added.


    Try this:

    1. Create two new accounts, "A" and "B".
    2. Check TradeDB, you'll see that neither accounts exists within it.
    3. Create a new character in each account.
    4. With player "A" access in-game mall and a record for that account will be created within TradeDB while account "B" won't have one.
    5. With both characters kill a monster to add some points to their account.
    6. Account "A" should get points while account "B" shouldn't be getting since it does not exists within TradeDB.
    7. Then with player "B" enter in-game mall and then the record should be created and see if it has points from before.

    Finally someone understood me. B|

  2. 33 minutes ago, Vasil said:

    Hello @GustavoHMA , i am using Xero's TradeServer and i am not facing anything from what you said,you'll only get it if you're using WolfenDev TradeServer

    I think you did not get it. My TradeServer is the same as yours. Make the following test, create a new account and then add points by killing the monsters, after entering the In-game Mall you will realize that no point has been added. That is the question.

    • Like 1

  3. There are some flaws because I created a similar function, but in the form of a Card and requires checking some errors:

    If the player never enters In-Game Mall, it will never add the points, so you need to check if there is any record in SQL;

    If there is an error in SQL, it will be necessary to create logs so that it is resolved by the administrator.

    Well, I guess that's just it.

    • Like 1

  4. Hello everyone, I'll teach you to change the default password that is contained in the Safety table of the Tradedb database.

    Why should you change this password?
    1) Because with TradeTools.exe, with its dedicated IP, with the right port and the default password (moliyo#TradeServer@bird&man), it is possible to add, edit and delete items and packages, albeit Categories, see these images:
    IGS Tool 1.pngIGS Tool 2.pngIGS Tool 3.pngIGS Tool 4.png
    To maintain your security I recommend you change it, see the steps:
    1) Generate a unicode password with 27 characters, I will use this site to generate a random password: http://maord.com/

    2) Open GameServer.exe with Notepad++ and look for the default password (moliyo#TradeServer@bird&man) and replace with new one and save it. Always back up your GameServer.exe before making any modifications.

    3) Open InfoPasswd.exe and paste the new password into the text field and then click on the button until you create an encrypted password.

    Download InfoPasswd.exe here

    4) Copy this encrypted password and paste it into the Passwd column inside the Safety table.

    5) Open GameServer.exe and IGS and see if everything is ok.

    6) Done, the default password has been modified successfully, now it is seized.



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  5. 1) If you do not use the MSSQL 2000 when inserting the host using double backslashes.



    local host = 'PCNAME-PC\\SQLEXPRESS'


    2) The paths of LuaSQL and ExecuteQueryAsync functions are not sufficient to add the functions to be performed on Lua files.

    PushPatch(&LuaSql, (PBYTE)0x5A5FD2);
    PushPatch(&ExecuteQueryAsync, (PBYTE)0x5A5EFE);


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