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  1. 1 point
    могу предложить ovh от 6 гигов оперативной памяти(это почти самое главное) проц можно не сильный, даже пенек 4 пойдет. памяти гигов 40 за глаза(если чистить логи)
  2. 1 point
    Server rates In this guide I will tell you how to change server rates. To change rates open file variable.lua (Server\resource\script\calculate\) and find variables: EXP_RAID = 1 -- Experience rate MF_RAID = 1 -- Drop rate RESOURCE_RAID_ADJUST = 1 -- Resource drop rate TEAMEXP_RAID = 1 -- Party experience rate ELEEXP_GETRAD = 1 -- Fairy growth rate In that case all rates are equal to x 1 How to add rate for Ships: 1) Add in variable.lua (see above) new variable SHIP_RAID. It will store rate for ship experience: SHIP_RAID = 1 -- Ship experience rate Ship rate is equal to x 1 in that case 2) Open file exp_and_level.lua (Server\resource\script\calculate\) and find function GetExp_PKM(dead, atk). Look below for local ship_expadd = math.floor( math.min(7, (dead_lv / 10 + 2) ) ) and replace it with local ship_expadd = math.floor( math.min(7, (dead_lv / 10 + 2) ) * SHIP_RAID) Then save changes. Now you can specify rate for ship experience. How to make auto rates: You could make rates update automatically depending on your conditions. For example depending on a day time or week day. Let's make so that rates would increase by x 2 every weekends. 1) Experience and ship experience (EXP_RAID and SHIP_RAID). Open file exp_and_level.lua (Server\resource\script\calculate\) and find function GetExp_PKM(dead, atk). At the beginning of the function add the following code: function GetExp_PKM(dead, atk) local day_of_week = GetNowWeek() if day_of_week == 6 or day_of_week == 0 then -- At weekends rates are equal to x 2 EXP_RAID = 2 SHIP_RAID = 2 else -- At weekdays rates are equal to x 1 EXP_RAID = 1 SHIP_RAID = 1 end -- original code ..... end 2) Team experience (TEAMEXP_RAID). In the file exp_and_level.lua (see above) find function ShareTeamExp(dead, team_atker, dead_exp, The_Killer). At the beginning of the function add the following code: function ShareTeamExp(dead, team_atker, dead_exp, The_Killer) local day_of_week = GetNowWeek() if day_of_week == 6 or day_of_week == 0 then -- At weekends rates are equal to x 2 TEAMEXP_RAID = 2 else -- At weekdays rates are equal to x 1 TEAMEXP_RAID = 1 end -- original code ..... end 3) Drop rate (MF_RAID). Open file skilleffect.lua (Server\resource\script\calculate\) and find function Check_Baoliao(ATKER, DEFER, ... ). At the beginning of the function add the following code: function Check_Baoliao(ATKER, DEFER, ... ) local day_of_week = GetNowWeek() if day_of_week == 6 or day_of_week == 0 then -- At weekends rates are equal to x 2 MF_RAID = 2 else -- At weekdays rates are equal to x 1 MF_RAID = 1 end -- original code ..... end 4) Resource drop rate (RESOURCE_RAID_ADJUST). In the file skilleffect.lua find function Check_SpawnResource(ATKER, DEFER, lv_skill, diaoliao_count, ...). At the beginning of the function add the following code: function Check_SpawnResource(ATKER, DEFER, lv_skill, diaoliao_count, ...) local day_of_week = GetNowWeek() if day_of_week == 6 or day_of_week == 0 then -- At weekends rates are equal to x 2 RESOURCE_RAID_ADJUST = 2 else -- At weekdays rates are equal to x 1 RESOURCE_RAID_ADJUST = 1 end -- original code ..... end 5) Fairy growth rate (ELEEXP_GETRAD). Open file functions.lua (Server\resource\script\calculate\) and find function Give_ElfEXP(role, Item, Type, Num). At the beginning of the function add the following code: function Give_ElfEXP(role, Item, Type, Num) local day_of_week = GetNowWeek() if day_of_week == 6 or day_of_week == 0 then -- At weekends rates are equal to x 2 ELEEXP_GETRAD = 2 else -- At weekdays rates are equal to x 1 ELEEXP_GETRAD = 1 end -- original code ..... end That's all! If you have any questions you can ask them here.
  3. 1 point
    KOP/PKO/TOP Development Services - Binary hooking/patching - Adding functionality to 1.3x executables - Lua services Works Done and Deployed: - Visible player level in name for Game.exe - Coloured Name (equipment based and static colours) for Game.exe - Bankable items for GameServer.exe - Removing Apparel limits (GameServer.exe and Game.exe) - LuaSQL extension (GameServer.exe) - Swing (Game.exe) - PacketHandler at Lua Level (GameServer.exe) - One click IGS (no security password) - Say function fix for NPCs and monsters Services: this includes custom modification upon request For more details please send a private message Coloured Name: One click IGS:
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