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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Simple Admiral Cloak Script - [Video Tutorial] I have always looked for, and never found a Cloak script that is easy to install and configure, so after learning a little decide to create a tutorial with a script edited by me, I know the script is far from good or beautiful, but it's good for who is starting, and does not know where to start. Includes: Cloak Script Configuration files Glow Lines Color of icons changed (to give my touch xD) Video Tutorial Don't have Gems Video Tutorial Scans: VirusTotal Jotti Download: MEGA Credits: Some codes were made by other people. All credits to them.
  2. 1 point
    Судя по функции - тот кто сделал последний удар. Подробнее: function Check_Baoliao.
  3. 1 point
    Well of course it can work. The issue still persist and you amplified it though. On a server, opening and closing too many files at once will hang the server, and that’s what serialization does. It should work with the code I provided, maybe adjust a bit to allow more than one address per map so no use of aerialization. No no issues should arise on a low population server, the problem starts when a high population server uses a heavily triggered function that uses serialization (don’t know if it gets caused on LuaSQL). The GameServer will constantly open and close text files (generated by serialization) when called by the function and it will cause lag (hang by causing functions long execution times). Also, too much code and mine is less lines. Hahah
  4. 1 point
    he can use this way too , but its may be heavily loading idk function UPOGCin(Player)--player enter local pKey = "pKey" local File = GetResPath("../PlayerData/GoddessCollisio/"..pKey..".db") local macplayer = GetAccountMAC(Player) if UPOGCmap == nil then if file_exists(File) == false then UPOGCmap = {} table.save(UPOGCmap, File) else UPOGCmap = table.load(File) end end if UPOGCmap[macplayer] == nil then UPOGCmap[macplayer] = {Limit = 0} table.save(UPOGCmap, File) end if UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit > 2 then UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit = 2 end UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit = UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit + 1 table.save(UPOGCmap, File) end function UPOGCout(Player)--player leave local pKey = "pKey" local File = GetResPath("../PlayerData/GoddessCollisio/"..pKey..".db") local macplayer = GetAccountMAC(Player) if UPOGCmap == nil then if file_exists(File) == false then UPOGCmap = {} table.save(UPOGCmap, File) else UPOGCmap = table.load(File) end end if UPOGCmap[macplayer] == nil then UPOGCmap[macplayer] = {Limit = 0} table.save(UPOGCmap, File) end if UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit < 0 then UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit = 0 end UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit = UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit - 1 table.save(UPOGCmap, File) end function after_enter_UPOGC(role, map_copy) UPOGCin(role) end before_leave_UPOGC(role) UPOGCout(role) end function check_can_enter_UPOGC(role, copy_mgr) local UPOGC_charlimits = 2 -- mean player can join with 2 characters only -- local pKey = "pKey" local File = GetResPath("../PlayerData/GoddessCollisio/"..pKey..".db") local macplayer = GetAccountMAC(role) if UPOGCmap == nil then if file_exists(File) == false then UPOGCmap = {} table.save(UPOGCmap, File) else UPOGCmap = table.load(File) end end if UPOGCmap[macplayer] == nil then UPOGCmap[macplayer] = {Limit = 0} table.save(UPOGCmap, File) end if UPOGCmap[macplayer].Limit >= UPOGC_charlimits then BickerNotice(role,"You have 2 characters Inside") return 0 end end this one works fine ,
  5. 1 point
    Using this function: function GetAccountMAC(Player) local AccountName = GetActName(Player) local String = "SELECT last_login_mac FROM AccountServer.dbo.account_login WHERE name = '"..AccountName.."'" local Connect, CID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.AccountServer.Host, SQL.AccountServer.User, SQL.AccountServer.Password) if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", CID, String) if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", CID, Query) LuaSQL("freehandle", CID, Query) LuaSQL("close", CID) return Data["last_login_mac"] end end end Do this (using Chaos Argent as an example): ChaosArgentMAC = ChaosArgentMAC or {} function check_can_enter_garner2(Player, CopyMGR) ... local PlayerMac = GetAccountMAC(Player) ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] or false if ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] then return 0 end end function after_enter_garner2(Player, MapCopy) ... local PlayerMac = GetAccountMAC(Player) ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = true end function before_leave_garner2(Player) ... local PlayerMac = GetAccountMAC(Player) ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = false end function map_copy_close_garner2(MapCopy) ... ChaosArgentMAC = {} end Give that a try and let me know. Although it relies heavily on loading LuaSQL constantly when trying to enter, entering and leaving so I don't know what effects it may have on server stability when having a high player base. Also just in case, reset the variable after map closing so it's persistent. Also, I don't know if the variable will be stored correctly, maybe you can convert it to a string so it stores without a problem? Don't know. Try the above, if any issues then convert the MAC address using "tostring" function on each "GetAccountMAC" call.
  6. 1 point
    glows all client side, just add te effect on skilleff then make sure that you have them inside sceneffectinfo
  7. 1 point
    this happens when players are farming or using cheat engine.
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