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Everything posted by mkhzaleh

  1. thx bro:) do u have game.exe address for iteminfo ?
  2. CAN SOMEONE put the address in hxd? (iteminfo/skilleffect) or how to convert the address from ollydbg to hxd? cuz i can't save my editing in ollydbg @V3ct0r @Totoka and thx
  3. helo guys i try find the right address but OllyDbg don't work with me and idk how go to this address in hxd i found this one for skilleffect but which one is the right one and i found the address skillinfo.txt from @V3ct0r comment can u help me to find skilleffect + iteminfo +same for game.exe 2.4 (skilleffect + iteminfo+skillinfo) and thx
  4. thx all fixed just changed database with create new login
  5. t thx i did same and work but how did u exchange 3e8 to e8 03 00 00
  6. helo guys i was work so good with my data base but did some wipe by mistake and when i attached them again had those error first one with create new acc with tool but it was work so good befor but when i try login in same acc it's login without problems! and have this error when try make pin code and this picture from database it's right or i did something wrong?
  7. thx bro that clear for me but what was not clear when i put 10 27 in hex like screen shot how should be? and thx:) but never edit game.exe befor and if u have any idea how to make my own game.exe cuz when i use some server game.exe i get problem version game error
  8. thx i found this so if i want change it to 10k that's mean (10000=2710) and there's something called bin (10011100010000)
  9. well i should try to find guild cuz never did that befor ok any thx
  10. yea that's one cool thx so now if i want upgrade my iteminfo to 10k and skilleff to 500 what number should i put and thx for ur time
  11. thx for answer i saw all of them but i did't get it how edit it can someone share with me any game.exe limited at 10k?
  12. any guild about how make my game.exe? HOW can edit them? by hexa?
  13. helo guys.. i'm looking for startgame or any Launcher. work with iteminfo 8000+ items same for skillif cuz each time i try open my new update he can't open the game ! any idea?
  14. yea bro i did same this way and work but effect did work cuz even skilleffect.lua limited so i can see skill but when i click on it it's won't work and i saw roso iteminfo and top2 iteminfo then have9k items and roso 19k in items info but i don't have anygame exe game work on this shet
  15. i changed the item info and changed number of skill and added to server and every thing ok but when i put the effect code to (skilleffect.lua ) and (Variable.lua) game server not work and auto close .. when i removed effect code from skilleeffect it's work but i can't get skill when open it in game! how can fix this?
  16. oky i will try and same for script in server files? cuz i added them in other way but when i click on skill gonna and don't get anything
  17. helo did u find any idea to fix this issue?
  18. helo guys i was try to add new skills in my iteminfo but when i combiler it he gave me same this (error) how can i fix this problem!?
  19. aha good i can edit the pictures of bar but need to put the right code too
  20. heloo guys i was looking for skin like old top2 for skill bar where we can use 24 slot not only 12 cuz that's look helpful since we added alot of skills 115-125-bla bla and helpful for sm so i wanna to know where to edit skill bar to make it like 1-9(numbers ) and f1-f12 other skill bar and can open them in same time anyone have any idea about that?
  21. aha just was try to test it if it's going be cool or not
  22. helo guys what the best camera editing with hight view and people don't be small t put in my server or i should edit Characterinfo? to keep size of people same?
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