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Posts posted by Angelix

  1. 21 hours ago, Shako said:


    From the TXT File: 27730692757 is correct.


    I advise you to edit all your DEXP[LEVEL] to be the same as your characterlvlup, because this array is used sometimes for certain scripts to level people up.


    When you edit the characterlvup, you should edit the dexp also to be the same, but characterlvup is the one that determines the exps 


    Cheers :)

    Thanks for the answer. :P

  2. 1 minute ago, Shako said:

    @Angelix resource > character_lvup.txt

    I'm using v2.X files, from that file I get:

    130		130		27730692757

    And from variable I get:

    DEXP[130]					=		24957623481

    Which is correct? Anyway, I was asking on the maximum amount I can use, for example if I would increase my level from 130 to 135, can I do that? What's the max amount I can place there in other for a player to level up normally from 130 -> 135. What it the max amount of EXP the GS can handle?

  3. What is the maximum experience points a player can accumulate? I know there is a limit bound by the GameServer application being 32 or 64 (don't really know). Either way, I found this in "Init_Attr.lua":

    SetChaAttrMax(ATTR_CEXP, 120080000000)

    Is that the amount of EXP I can use to increase levels?

  4. There is a way to detect if a player belongs to a guild, it will just return the ID of the guild back. If you are using variables/tables to store all things related to your guild system, then that might be a useful thing.


    About a check to see if leader or not, haven't searched enough in files yet.

    You may additionally retrieve guild's name when inserting their guild ID with this function.


    Well I tried looking for a function that checks if a player is/isn't leader of the guild it currently is member of and I couldn't find anything. Yet I remember that the NPC that lets bid against other guilds in other to participated in guild wars only allows you to bid only if you are leader (if I'm not mistaken), so maybe it is done internally within the GameServer.

  5. 19 hours ago, Covadola said:


    Goto GameFolder\scripts\lua\forms
    find name frmTempBag and find this

    grdTempBag = UI_CreateCompent( frmTempBag, GOODS_GRID_TYPE, "grdTempBag", 184, 158, 7, 36 ) 
    UI_SetGridSpace( grdTempBag, 4, 4 )
    UI_SetGridContent( grdTempBag, 4, 4 )
    UI_SetGridUnitSize( grdTempBag, 32, 32 )
    UI_SetMargin( grdTempBag, 21, 4, 0, 0 )




    scrollid = UI_GetScroll( grdTempBag )
    UI_SetSize( scrollid, 11, 1 )
    UI_LoadImage( scrollid, "texture/ui/PublicC.tga", COMPENT_BACK, 11, 1, 194, 13 )

    id = UI_GetScrollObj( scrollid, SCROLL_UP )
    UI_LoadButtonImage( id, "texture/ui/PublicC.tga", 11, 9, 166, 0, TRUE )
    UI_SetSize( id, 11, 9 )

     id = UI_GetScrollObj( scrollid, SCROLL_SCROLL )
    UI_LoadImage( id, "texture/ui/PublicC.tga", COMPENT_BACK, 9, 43, 166, 10 )
    UI_SetSize( id, 9, 43 )

    id = UI_GetScrollObj( scrollid, SCROLL_DOWN )
    UI_LoadButtonImage( id, "texture/ui/PublicC.tga", 11, 9, 166, 0, TRUE )
    UI_SetSize( id, 11, 9 )


    and you will get this, if you wanna se changes make a new char and you will see it



    Just like @V3ct0r said in his guide. :P 

  6. 1 hour ago, Shako said:

    What i think you could do is make 3 seperate maps and run them on the same gameserver (eg. garner1, garner2, garner3) and then have the same thing, but entry.lua is different, where each offers a different level cap, and that way you can customize rewards, etc also.


    The thing is, I want to make an multiple instance map event. Whereas if 5 players are ready, then it shall send them to X copy of the map, then if another 5 players are ready then it can send them to Y copy of the map. 


    The "Chaos Argent" is still a thing I can do with copies. It was an example. 

    1 hour ago, V3ct0r said:

    You can just check level when character enters map if these maps should work in different time (in function check_can_enter_garner2(), file entry.lua)


    That could work for the said example of "Chaos Argent". Question is, how can I make an multiple instance map to work on demand? 

  7. 2 hours ago, V1tor said:

    Skilleff reacts weird to hexing. Let me know if you succeeded hexing it. @Angelix

    Well I was able to use hex and edit both GameServer and Game to new limits. I hexed GameServer and set ItemInfo/CharacterInfo to 20K and SkillEff/SkillInfo to 5K. Opened up each text file and placing a line with that number and it failed, but when using the limit minus one (ex: 19,999, or 5,999 for SkillEff and SkillInfo), no errors showed up. Same goes for Game when compiling using "table _bin". I have yet to actually go in-game and test if it actually works, so far it got through the compiler. 

  8. 59 minutes ago, Totoka said:


    Dunno, I Will provide those offsets/references, but they have a different pattern, and also different allocator (2 function arguments instead of 3), can you check it ?


    here game.exe:






    Yes, for MapInfo that is correct, I was only able to raise up to 125 (7D), tried putting 150 (96) and Compiler(Game.exe) crashed. Will try testing for StoneInfo.

    EDIT: Same goes for StoneInfo, anything higher than 125 (7D) will result in a crash I think, also tried placing 150 (96) and it crashed. 


    • Like 1

  9. Thank you very much! I have already edited my GameServer (SkillInfo, SkillEff and ItemInfo), just need to finish on Game (SkillInfo and SkillEff), need for ItemInfo. Does StoneInfo/MapInfo have limits?


    EDIT: Already found my ItemInfo limit, it was 10,000 and changed it to 20,000. Thanks! :D

  10. I'm trying to alter a character's stats at certain maps, by being a certain class or even both. Through this function:

    function ExAttrSet(Player)

    How does this function get refreshed normally? How can I refresh/update it? Right now I'm using "RefreshCha(Player)" within "cha_timer", is that wrong or is there a better way to do it?

  11. 12 hours ago, OldHero said:

    i made. omg but this script dont work for me ..

    There has been numerous examples within the whole thread, why not simply look through your files? There are function that give glows to player when using certain sets like the Lv75 Death Torso and Lv85 Ring. Take that function and add it to the "can_enter_X" map function. 

  12. So I plan on adding a few things to my scripts for Chaos Argent, any ideas on what I can? Let them be reasonable, I can't edit applications or something major, just modify LUA scripts.


    So far I have these simple things added:

    • Player who try to leave the map without being dead will be punished by being sent to prison or unable to enter for X seconds/minutes.
    • Players who forcefully entered the map in teams will be punished by being sent to prison and honor/chaos points deducted.
    • Skills with duration effect can be removed, an example would be "Stealth".
    • The rewards can vary by the amount of unique/total players inside the map.
    • Players can receive bonus honor/chaos points when having kill streaks and also defeating the player that last killed you.
    • Map timer follows a schedule every 5 minutes starting at :00, if no player has entered before a wave, then that wave won't spawn and next time the next wave will spawn.

    So I'm open for ideas that can make the overall experience of "Chaos Argent" awesome, more entertaining.

    I didn't know where to post this, if this should be moved to another section, then please do.

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