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  1. 1 point
    Ten Server Commandments By Jap (this guide is mainly on how to manage a server(mainly a medium one) as a gm) "I've been in this game for years, it made me an animal It's rules to this shit, I wrote me a manual A step-by-step booklet for you to get Your game on track, not your wig pushed back" -Biggie There are servers such as: 1) Easy - (20x+ rates) ROSO, rainbow pirates online, SPO, ROTO. (where EQ is just given to you/ the pk is very fast paced/ pk mainly based on who fb's first and better ping) 2) Easy,mid - (~10x rates) LPO, Wisdom pirates online (pk is near fast running) 3) Mid - (4x-8x rates) Pirate war online, Piratearch, World of pirates devastation. 4) Mid,Hard - (2x-4x rates) Foxlv (these kind of servers usually don't make it in 2 weeks since they are hard to maintain and u need to be very lucky to gather a player base on this kind of server) 5) Hard - (1x rates) PKO, sunny go, Mordo (mainly vanilla) These are 10 server rules that strictly apply to all servers except easy ones. 1) Delay your server opening. Servers which open the same day they advertise 100% die, period. What you need to do is delay and anticipate your server. Make beta launches with good bug defixing and ballance. Good example of this was server pirate war online, scrub server but anticipated their launch the they got 350 people on start. All they did was announce the server 2 weeks before opening beta. Beta lasted 1-3 days. On launch they got ~300 ppl. This mistake is done by almost every new private server, and that is why those new servers die within 3 days. 2) Make everything unique. This includes: website design, forum design, even client design. People are bored of seing the same coppied website platforms, ppl want unique,new designs, since they are more attractive to the eye. 90% of the server website designs nowadays are just copy pastas from other servers. I'm not saying its bad, It's just that people are bored of it and quit the server faster. Few servers with unique design: pko, sunnygo, mordo, spo, wisdom pirates online.(fox) Getting a unique forum not those cheap free ones, is really better since it is more attractive for people to use forum. For example wisdom pirates had around 350+ people playing. But forum activity was 2 posts total - since the forum was a cheap free one and not attractive. 3) No big gems. This rule only fits for medium and med/hard servers. Keep it simple. Gems such as: normal, broken, crack, chip, ug's, bd, jades (hat gems). - those are normal for a mid/hard server gems that are simply for a easy server: great gems, azz's, rock gems, +8 etc gems and many many more gems that are only for easy servers. 4) Chaos argent. Considering the server is med, med/hard, hard. When server opens, make sure to close CA and only open CA after few days (your choice). Since players will create voys and ensure early game CA monopoly. Gathering early CA chests and getting early CA sets and their effect which is -50% dmg reduction, +50% dmg dealing. 5) Be a active GM. When you open your server. MAKE SURE, to be very very active in the first 2 weeks or atleast 1 week of the server opening. Since those first 2 weeks are the most important in the server. Speak with the community talk with them about the server. What fixes what bug etc it needs. Don't be that gm that there is a bug that people abuse and the gm only fix it 3 days later (pwo) Overall, login to the server atleast 3 or more times a week and talk in world chat, so players know that you are not giving up ur hopes on ur own server. 6) Advertise On new servers there is little to none advertising, gm reminds ppl that his server will come out in 1 week, then he stops and ppl are supposed to remember, he needs to do that sht everyday and remind ppl, that way the server gets more attention. And ofcourse bigger player count. There is facebook, pkodev forum, other forums maybe. Other server forums. Other servers world chat. Nowadays ppl use discord, you can go to other servers group chats and link ur server there. Hell, yuo can even check the servers offline people, and private message the server to those offline people, without gm seeing it. But on a fresh server, you need to pump that sht every day. Before launch is most important, and 1-14 days after server is really important. 7) Be a smart GM. (know your server) This comes to knowledge of the game tales of pirates. A very good example is foxlv, a good coder which just knows how to write codes and not anything about the game. Plainly kills the server because he didn't had a good knowledge of the game. Sometimes the best person to know what the server needs, is the player itself. In that case the gm needs a trustworthy pack of players that can report him the problem of the server. Being a smart gm, is also considered that listening to players is crucial. The players are the main ingrediant to your server that keeps it alive, those players play the game day and night and know. Every tiny bit and trick what this server lacks and what is good with it. So giving those players a chance is very important. Just knowing which players to trust. Zankza ofc is known for not listening to other ppl, thats why he lead foxlv to its death. 8) Not so many pk maps Keep it simple, we are working with medium and medium/hard servers. Keeping it simple is maps like: CA, FC, DS, DW, BD. you can stick a few maps like bounty hunter or arena island etc. But don't ever stick 30 more pk maps that players just dont fucking go there and are to lazy and busy to go to every fking pk maze. A lot of maps, means less people go there, its physics. If there is a million maps, and only 100 players online. Few maps wont be gone too. But if there is 2 pk maps. All those 100 will go there. 9) Be good at your craft as a GM. Capacity of adding new things, ability to debug everything. If you open a server, better make sure you have a team atleast with you, that can debug and help you with server. There was a server where i pointed out a bug to a gm, and he simply responded "aw man idk how to fix that" guess what, that server died within 1 week. If you want a progressive mid server, you better learn how to add new things. Such as new maps, bosses, mazes, items, apps, gems, npc etc. And if you want to compete with the big boys, you better come prepared and ready because when you open a server there will be gm's that want to ddos and hack into your server. 10) Ballance This is a topic that few servers just want to avoid. Considering that some server want to do ballance of the server, and few don't. Server that don't want to do ballance are simply ensuring themselves that nothing will go wrong. And the gm's wont be responsible for other class weakness and even servers failure. Servers that want to do ballance, mainly run into struggle that they don't know wtf they are doing This is simply because those gm's dont play the server, they don't pk, and they don't know the casual life of their server player. A good ballanced server was LPO. LPO GM team had a few list of members from inside the server. That informed the gm's which class is a bit op and which needs boost. Thats how they kept the ballance. Servers such as vanilla ones usually run into this problem and med/hard. So you choose, either you trust few people on your server and start ballancing the classes of your server. Or you don't do ballance and let everything sit down to its roots. Fact* Easy servers which open nowadays, die within 2 weeks, it's because players get the best gear in 1 week. There are easy servers running with 1-6 year experience, which makes the new easy servers hard to compete with them, taking in consideration that people get the max gear in 1 week in new easy server. Now if we take a look at vanilla (hard) servers, there is only a couple of them existing. It is PKO and sunnygo online. The reason only 1 or rarely 2 vanilla server can exist is very simple. Every vanilla server is the same, its the same original files with 1x rates. So the player will join a vanilla server with more people and not a new vanilla server that has just opened and has 10 players. You cannot compete with zankza servers, its close to impossible. Fact* Zankza servers will always attract attention and gather a big audience, since he is well known in server making in the community. Tips: 1.For a medium server or a hard server. Always have a plan, on what you will do for a progression server. Such as when most of the players reach lvl 75 and get their uns 65 gear, Open up abbadon, so they go get their uns 75 EQ, after that open up winter so they get uns 95 eq and so on and on. This mistake was done in foxlv, such as Opening winter to get 95 eq instead of abbadon to get 75 EQ. GM's also don't visit the servers usually, so they miss out on how fast people farm and get the sets. So it ends up people getting the max gear in 1 week. 2.Get a team of people who speak english. Getting a team and not controlling the server as a dictator (zankza). When you are the only person making decisions, this is a big nono, just look at big companys like youtube or google, they have more then 30 people thinking of ways to make the platform better. The more people you have in your team and you trust them, the better the solutions for the server will be, logically. You need people to rely on and those people might have a better solution on the server then you. 3.In every server, there is EXP ranking, and on the exp ranking you always see quit'ed people with no guild. This is also a big part in keeping the server running for a long time. You can go and check on PKO online exp ranking, 10% of those top50 people have quit'ed. So in few months, the mid tear people will reach high lvl and be at the point where those quit'ed people where. This is drastic if you want to keep the server alive for a long time. You need to know why people in high lvl quit, maybe somehow reach out to them or ask people why they quit'ed. People usually quit because there is no content to reach out more (just like in PKO after lvl 75,80). After you know the reasons they quit, WORK WITH THEM. Try coming with solutions that will bring those veteran players back in the game and with full excitment. This was common on Fox, who played fox knows this. In the end of foxlv days the only people that played were veterans, and the the only thing GM did was focus on bringing more people to the server, which is bad. You need to focus on making a good server for its future, and people will come to the server automatically. 4. (2018/01/07 edited) When you want to open a server, now this is a must and i see 90% of the servers don't do this, but Clean and fix the server, BEFORE opening it. When a new server opens on the very first day and week, it has a lot of bugs/abuses/glitches/disconetcs Etc Etc. Every server can avoid this and it will make the servers gameplay more easy. Simple, just test everything, mall etc etc, test everything. Make betas and test everything yourself practically. DONT PUSH the server to the public as fast as you can because you want to make the profit faster. If you whanna make a elite server, work with it, fix the bugs, if the bugs will take 3 weeks to fix, fix them. But don't push out a halfly made server, this mistake was done by http://pirategames.online/ Example of a good server: 1) Pirate king online a) 1,2,3,5,6,8,9. These are the points that this server and zankza as a gm is achieving. b) people are tuning in his server because they know that he and his team can bring new stuff on the table with ability to debug everything etc. 2) Foxlv a) 1,2,3,5,6,8,9. b) I think the only reason why foxlv was a great server is because the advertisment that zankza had put in it. And that it was mainly a non p2w server. This is what a unique server looks like, with unique website and unique forum:
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Step 1. Go to resource/script/calculate and open Init_Attr.lua Step 2. Make sure this syntax > SetChaAttrMax( ATTR_LV , 130 ) looks like that < Step 3. Go to resource folder, scroll down and find the file called character_lvup.txt Step 4. Replace character_lvup.txt content with this one : Step 5. Go to resource/script/calculate and open variable.lua Step 6. Search for DEXP_Num in variable.lua Step 7. Select everything from DEXP_Num syntax to the last line starting with DEXP and then replace it with the text below. Step 8. Enjoy leveling to 130 !
  5. 1 point
    From wikipedia: It's theory (or an art) vs practical (what companies really want).
  6. 1 point
    Engineering always and will be the top choice. computer science is related/nearby to hardware engangement, it's upgradable while the engineering required a brain's storm in it, this will lead the developer to release a new hardware system.
  7. 1 point
    English stable server list cleaned, deleted threads with sites not accessible.
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