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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    System Name: PK Mode - HandleChat Credits: Pirates Online, showcase; @Andrew and @Angelix help on is_friend(); Introduction: This system allow players to battle on Battle Zones when the PK Mode is activated only. To enable PK Mode player must type on local chat the following command /pkon or to disable it /pkoff. Change-Logs: - Release of scripts v1.0 (03/13/2018) - Client Archives TODO: - When player has PK Mode activated and use skills that does area damage or debuff skills target and role gets damaged/affected
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    1) Change the name of the characters in the game With this modification players will be able to rename their characters without leaving the game. To do this, the player needs to come up to a special NPC. And talk to him: Then the form for entering a new name will open: Requirements for renaming a character: 1) The new name must be between 5 and 15 characters inclusive; 2) The player can only use English letters and numbers, without spaces; 3) The new name must be unique, that is not to be already used by another character. The case of letters does not matter, i.e. pKoDeV and PkOdEv are the same name; 4) The player can rename his character no more than N times a day; 5) Optional: To rename his character, the player have to bring certain items, gold, reputation points, complete the quest, and so on; If all the requirements are met, then after clicking the "Change name" button, the player's character will immediately get a new name without rejoining the game: Otherwise, the player will see an error: Some features: After renaming the character, a new record will be created in the logs, where you can find out the old name of the character; The system is protected from SQL injections, i.e. from hacking; In order to protect against flooding, the player can rename his character no more than N times a day; The player can not select an existing name, i.e. characters with the same name will not be; The modification does not use LuaSQL extension and the work of other users. 2) Program for setting up and running the game client Using this program, the player can easily change the settings of interest to him, select the game interface (GUI) and start the game.
  4. 1 point
    2) Game Account Registration Script With this PHP-script, players will be able to create game accounts on your server. The script is compatible with the latest versions of PHP and uses the PDO interface to access the account database. 3) The NPC list editor With this program, you can conveniently edit the NPCs that have to be present on the map.
  5. 1 point
    1) Capture the Flag (CTF) Players are divided into two teams - Green and Red. The goal of each team is to capture the flag, which is in the center of the map. The team that captured the flag have to bring it to its own or enemy base, not allowing it to be taken away by the enemy team. The other team have to do all it can to prevent it and take away the flag. Map and scheme of the Capture the Flag The battle begins with the fact that on a certain map, in my case in Argent, there is a portal that leads the players to Capture the flag. Portal, leading to the Capture the Flag, in the Argent city After entrance into the portal, the player randomly gets into the Red team or the Green team. If one of the teams has fewer players, then the player goes to fight for a team with fewer players. The player can't enter to the map being in a party: before he enter the portal, the player must be out of the party. Then the player appears on the corresponding base. Base of the Green team Base of the Red team On the bases of each of the teams, there are 3 spawning points on which players will appear after entering the map or reborn after death. Also on the bases there are special NPCs - the Commander of the green team and the Commander of the red team, respectively. With their help, the player can: Completely and free to restore the health and mana of his character; View current scores (how many points each team has earned); Exit the map. Dialog with NPC It should be noted that the player can not communicate with the Commander of the enemy team. Instead, the NPC will try to demotivate the player. Thus, to restore health and mana, or to escape from the battlefield on the enemy base will not work. The last key elements that are present on the team bases are the places for the flag, which represent a square area marked with the color of the corresponding command. Places for flags on team bases After the player brought the flag to the base, in order for his team to get score points, he have to stand on this place. In the center of the map is the flag, which is a Magic Shrub, marked by a special effect. Shrub with the flag in the center of the map To get the flag, player have to kill the Shrub, after which the flag passes to the player who killed the Shrub, which will now be highlighted by a special effect. Player Test1024 has captured the flag If a player with the flag is killed by a player from an enemy team, the flag will pass to the player of the enemy team. If, for any reason, the player with the flag leaves the map, then his team loses the flag, and in the center of the map the Shrub with the flag again appears. Then the player who captured the flag, have to bring it to his or enemy base. If a player brings a flag to his base, then his team gets +1 point. If the player brings the flag to the enemy base, his team gets +2 points. Thus, it is more profitable to bring flags to the enemy base, but on the other hand it is more difficult to do. The player from the Green Team brought the flag to the base of the Red team, and the Green team got +2 points The battle continues until one of the teams gets N points, or until the time comes. If left time, the winner is the team that scored the most points. All players from the winning team receive an award.
  6. 1 point
    1) Stall Server (Offline Stall) Update Character remain trading in set stall when player leaves the game. 1) Fixed IP addresses of players in the database, now their real IP addresses are saved in the database, not; 2) Fixed random disconnection of players; 3) When player try to login an account that is in an offline stall, the player will not see the message "Your account is already in the game"; 4) Fixed offline stall auto closing when it becomes empty. Now offline stalls nearby will not be disabled. 2) Names for Navy guilds (Navy Division) Now it's possible to create navy guilds with names. 3) Swings Works with Rebirth Wings. 4) Specify GameServer.exe the name of the game database By default, GameServer works with a database named GameDB and this name can not be changed, since it is stored in GameServer.exe. There is a new setting is added in GameServer.cfg that allows you to specify GameServer.exe with which database to work. db_name = HelloWorld 5) A tool to cut off maps with objects Download samples 6) Add IGS Crystals function (In-Game Shop) Now you can add IGS crystals to player's account from GameServer Lua scripts. AddCrystals("Account", amount) 7) Web for TOP/PKO Server
  7. 1 point
    function GetChaMapRealName ( role ) local map_role = GetChaMapName ( role ) for line in io.lines(GetResPath("mapinfo.txt")) do local row = split(line, " ") if map_role == row[1] then return row[2] end end return "Unknown" end function split(str, seperator) local pos, i, arr = 0, 0, {} for st, sp in function() return string.find(str, seperator, pos, true) end do table.insert(arr, i, trim(string.sub(str, pos, st-1))) pos = sp + 1 i = i + 1 end table.insert(arr, i, trim(string.sub(str, pos))) return arr end or you can load mapinfo.txt into array i.e. in AddHelpNPC.lua and in GetChaMapRealName function obtain value of GetChaMapName ( role ) key
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