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Hexa Problem

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I'm having a problem with Hexa Quest, when i complete all six tasks i cant re-take the quest from npc again.. whats the problem? heres my quest scripts:
Pko 1.36 by @Lucky

	DefineMission( 6114, "The First Task", 1000)

	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Could you do me one more favor? Please send this letter to Shaitan Chairman Guile at (873, 3545).Hurry up. A higher experience is waiting for you!")
	MisBeginCondition( CheckTime )
	MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 76 )
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1000)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1000)
	MisBeginAction( GiveItem, 3292, 1, 4)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1000)
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1000)
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Please send this letter to Chairman Guile in the Shaitan City")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Guile is at (873,3545) in the Shaitan City. Good Luck.")
	MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	DefineMission( 6115, "The First Task", 1000, COMPLETE_SHOW)

	MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	MisResultTalk( "<t>A letter for me? Thanks.")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1000)
	MisResultCondition( HasItem, 3292, 1)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1000)
	MisResultAction( TakeItem, 3292, 1)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1000)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1000)
	MisResultAction( AddExp_1)

	DefineMission( 6116, "The Second Task", 1001)

	MisBeginTalk( "<t>The Nurse Gina of Argent City wants a tail grass. Buy Gina a tail grass from Physician Ditto.")
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1000)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1001)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1001)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1001)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10011, TE_GETITEM, 3143, 1)
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1001)

	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Go and buy a tail grass from Physician Ditto for Nurse Gina")
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 3910, 1, 10, 1)

	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Physician Ditto sells the tail grass.")
	MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	DefineMission( 6117, "The Second Task", 1001, COMPLETE_SHOW)

	MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	MisResultTalk( "<t>Your tail grass comes at the right time. I need it right now!")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1001)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1001)
	MisResultCondition( HasItem, 3910, 1)
	MisResultAction( TakeItem, 3910, 1)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1001)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1001)
	MisResultAction( AddExp_1 )

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 3910)	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1001, 10, 1 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10011 )

	DefineMission( 6118, "The Third Task", 1002)
	MisBeginTalk( "<t> Recently, the grassland elks brought us a lot of trouble. Could you give them a lesson for us?")
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1001)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1002)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1002)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1003)
	MisBeginCondition( LvCheck, "<", 40)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1002)
	MisBeginAction( AddTrigger, 10021, TE_KILL, 299, 20 )
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1002)
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Kill 20 grassland elks at Garner (1360,2683) and come back .")
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_KILL, 299, 20, 10, 20)

	MisResultTalk( "<t>Well done. You completed it so quickly. I will reward you something.")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>You can find grassland elks around the Garner at (1360, 2683).")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1002)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1002)
	MisResultCondition( HasFlag, 1002, 29)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1002)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1003)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1002)
	MisResultAction( AddExp, 13000, 13000)

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 299)	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1002, 10, 20 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10021 )

	DefineMission( 6119, "The Third Task", 1004)
	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Recently, the pumpkin knights brought us a lot of trouble. Could you give them a lesson for us?")
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1001)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1004)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1002)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1003)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1004)
	MisBeginCondition( LvCheck, ">", 39)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1004)
	MisBeginAction( AddTrigger, 10041, TE_KILL, 37, 20 )
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1004)
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Kill 20 pumpkin knights at Silver Mine 2, Silver Mine 3 or Garner at (622, 3364)")
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_KILL, 37, 20, 10, 20)

	MisResultTalk( "<t>Wow~ Well done. You completed it so quickly. I will reward you something.")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>The pumpkin knights are around the Garner at (622, 3364).")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1004)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1004)
	MisResultCondition( HasFlag, 1004, 29)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1004)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1003)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1004)
	MisResultAction( AddExp_3)

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 37)	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1004, 10, 20 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10041 )

	DefineMission( 6120, "The Fourth Task", 1005)
	MisBeginTalk( "<t> Now you are qualified to the fourth task. Collect 3 Wood and 3 Iron Ore and give them to Greg at (1882, 2805) in Abandon Mine Haven.")
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1003)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1005)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1005)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1005)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10051, TE_GETITEM, 4543, 3 )
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10052, TE_GETITEM, 4545, 3 )
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10053, TE_GETITEM, 1478, 3 )
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1005)

	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Send 3 Wood, 3 Sashimi and 3 Iron Ore to Greg at (1882, 2805) in Abandon Mine Haven.")
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4543, 3, 10, 3)
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4545, 3, 20, 3)
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1478, 3, 20, 3)

	MisHelpTalk( "<t>You can get the Wood by cutting down trees, the Sashimi fishing and get the Iron Ore by mining.")

	MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	DefineMission( 6121, "The Fourth Task", 1005, COMPLETE_SHOW)
	MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	MisResultTalk( "<t>Your Wood and  Iron Ore come just at the right time. I need them right now.")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1005)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1005)
	MisResultCondition( HasItem, 4543, 3)
	MisResultCondition( HasItem, 4545, 3)
	MisResultCondition( HasItem, 1478, 3)
	MisResultAction( TakeItem, 4543, 3)
	MisResultAction( TakeItem, 4545, 3)
	MisResultAction( TakeItem, 1478, 3)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1005)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1005)
	MisResultAction( AddExp_4)

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 4543)	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1005, 10, 3 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10051 )

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 4545)		TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1005, 20, 3 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10052 )

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 1478)	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1005, 20, 3 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10053 )

	DefineMission( 6122, "The Fifth Task", 1006)
	MisBeginTalk( "<t> The next task is collecting two pink pearls and give them to Forbei at (2226,2726) in the Argent City.")
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1005)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1006)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1006)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1006)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 10061, TE_GETITEM, 2588, 5 )
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1006)

	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "Collect five Elven Signets and give them to Forbei at (2226,2726) in the Argent City")
	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_ITEM, 2588, 5, 10, 5)

	MisHelpTalk( "<t>It seems that you can only get the Elven Signets from your Pet.")
	MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	DefineMission( 6123, "The Fifth Task", 1006, COMPLETE_SHOW)
	MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure )
	MisResultTalk( "<t> You are so strong.The pearls are so beautiful. Now you have the chance to do the final task. I believe you can do it.")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1006)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1006)
	MisResultCondition( HasItem, 2588, 5)
	MisResultAction( TakeItem, 2588, 5)
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1006)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1006)
	MisResultAction( AddExp_5)

	TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 2588)	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 1006, 10, 5 )
	RegCurTrigger( 10061 )

	DefineMission( 6124, "The Sixth Task", 1007)
	MisBeginTalk( "<t>The final task is very simple. All you need to do is just finding another two people as you companions. And on you team, you must have one person whose level is from 20 to 30, another person whose level is from 31 to 40 and the other whose level is higher than 40.When you make it, you can go to find Swordsman Ray in the Lower Icicle Castle to get your award!")
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1006)
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1007)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1007)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1007)
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1007)

	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Go to find your companion")

	MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	DefineMission( 6125, "The Sixth Task", 1007, COMPLETE_SHOW)
	MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure )

	MisResultTalk( "<t>You are so great! congratulations! I will look forward to your performance next time.")
	MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1007)
	MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1007)
	MisResultCondition( CheckTeam )
	MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1007)
	MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1007)
	MisResultAction( AddExp_6)


function CheckTime ( role )
	local now_week= os.date("%w")		-------------星期几(十进制) 
	local now_hour= os.date("%H")		-------------时 
	now_week= tonumber(now_week)
	now_hour= tonumber(now_hour)
--	SystemNotice( role, "星期"..now_week.."时间"..now_hour)
	if now_week == 6 then
		if now_hour >= 9 and now_hour < 12 then
			return LUA_TRUE		
		elseif now_hour >= 18 and now_hour < 24 then
			return LUA_TRUE


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Hello @FapFap. It's probably because your six task has SetRecord action and condition on quest scripts.


MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1007)
MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1007)



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14 hours ago, Satan said:

Hello @FapFap. It's probably because your six task has SetRecord action and condition on quest scripts.


MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1007)
MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1007)


yea but if remove those I can take the first task as much as I want, without completing others

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12 minutes ago, FapFap said:

yea but if remove those I can take the first task as much as I want, without completing others

It's the point here, but u can take the first task only if Time is match and if you doesn't has the mission. What u said has no logic since First Task mission id different than the last one.


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6 hours ago, Satan said:

It's the point here, but u can take the first task only if Time is match and if you doesn't has the mission. What u said has no logic since First Task mission id different than the last one.

Look, I can complete Hexa but the npc won't show the first task if I want to do it the 2nd time, so when I complete all six tasks I can't re-take quest at Event NPC PAPPA

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21 minutes ago, FapFap said:

Look, I can complete Hexa but the npc won't show the first task if I want to do it the 2nd time, so when I complete all six tasks I can't re-take quest at Event NPC PAPPA

I've explained it on the first answer... you should read your scripts and fix by yourself since it's clear.


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1 hour ago, Satan said:

I've explained it on the first answer... you should read your scripts and fix by yourself since it's clear.

Like I said, removing the:


MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1007)
MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1007)

makes same quest repeat-able.. hmm When completing all six tasks the event npc pappa wont show first task again.. can't understand this, could you test it? using Lucky 1.36 base files clean

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