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DefineMission( 2020, "Money Mission", 2020)

	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Want to get money for your growth?.<n><t>Then go outside do some monster killing.<n><t>I will give you the money needed.")
	MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, ">", 41 )
	--MisBeginCondition(HasItem, 0844, 1)
	MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 2020)
	MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2020)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20201, TE_KILL, 695, 30 )
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20202, TE_KILL, 697, 30 )
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20203, TE_KILL, 696, 5 )
	MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2020)

	--MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "Kill 30 Swamp Bog")	
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 695, 30, 10, 30)--asal semua 10
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 697, 30, 20, 30)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 696, 5, 30, 5)
	MisHelpTalk("<t>Go now! For the money!")	
	MisResultTalk("<t>You are quite fast!")
	MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2020)
	MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2020, 39 )--kt sini
	MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2020, 49 )
	MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2020, 34 )
	--MisResultAction(TakeItem, 0844,1)
	MisResultAction(GiveItem, 854, 1, 4)
	TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 695 )	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2020, 10, 10 )
	TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 697 )	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2020, 20, 30 )
	TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 696 )	
	TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2020, 5,  )

The Mission Work, since I add some info inside missioninfo.lua


AddMisData( 2020	,	"Money Mission",1)


I'm not sure if this step necessary but it let my quest appear properly like a new quest. The only issue is that, the quest finish after killing some mobs. not meeting the exact amount I decide in the quest. Do anyone know why?

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On 12/7/2016 at 4:44 PM, SoundX said:

This is great guide very useful!


This maybe helpful, I had asked about random quests in the past I think in serverdv forum and this is how I think it work: (though I didn't finally do it, so some things I still don't know what is)


Random mob to kill:

AddRandKillInfo(    level    ,    monsterid,    randvalue,    randscope,    exp    ,    money    )
AddRandKillInfo(    10    ,    206    ,    3    ,    2    ,    4028    ,    4000    )

10 = Char level
206=  id of mob to hunt (mini bee in this one)
3 = minimum number of mobs to hunt
2 = variation: minimun number + 2, quest can ask kill 3, 4, or 5 (3+2) mobs
4028: Quest gives 201g money reward at round 1 (roughly 4028/20) and each round increases by 40 (2 first digits)
4000: Quest give 200exp first round (4000/20) and increase 40 each round


Random item to collect:

AddRandGetItem( level, itemid, randvalue, randscope, exp, money )
AddRandGetItem(	10	,	4485	,	3	,	2	,	4028	,	4000	)

Same as above:
10 = Char level
4485=  id of item to collect (Bee Wing)
3 = min number of items
2 = variation
4028 and 4000: money and exp as above


Random give item to other NPC:

AddRandSendInfo( level, npcid, exp, money )
AddRandSendInfo(	80	,	41	,	727500	,	86569	)

AddRandSendItem( level, item )
AddRandSendItem(	80	,	1850	)

80 = level
41 = npc ID
727500 and 86569 money and exp

1850 is parcel


Price (randomised)

SetRandPrizeItem( level )
SetRandPrizeItem(	10	)

AddRandPrizeItem( level, item1, itemdata1, item2, itemdata2, item3, itemdata3, item4, itemdata4 )				
AddRandPrizeItem(	10	,	290	,	810	)

level 10, item reward 290 (husk armor) and itemdata 810 I am not sure what means


Cycling quests (quest complete every 10 rounds)

SetRandPrizeOdds( loopnum, odds, completenum )
SetRandPrizeOdds( 1, 100, 10 )

completenum (10) is the number of quests to complete a cycle. I don't know how the other two are cacluleted

Does this mean that an entry has to be added to each possible character level? Can't a variable be set to get the character's level, then use math.random to pick the mobs to kill instead?

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