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Hey folks, As a follow-up to my previous lab parser tool, I am working on a general-purpose client assets tool for all of TOP/PKO assets so that you can convert game client assets to standard formats (like glTF) and then convert those back into client assets and be able to import or edit all of the game's assets. As part of my initial *alpha* release, the tool is capable of converting *CHARACTER* models to .glTF, and convert .glTF files back to character models (.lab + .lgo + texture .bmp) files. There are many edge cases for me to still work out, and the tool should be able to export ANY monster to glTF, but importing only works for basic monsters at the moment (basic - single mesh file, for eg. it does not work for black dragon as it has multiple mesh files). I am working on supporting this and expect to have it working within a week or two. I'd appreciate help testing the tool, as I cannot go through every single character model and figure out if there are issues while rendering the model in the game, especially with certain unique parts of the mesh like bounding models (which decide what part of the monster you can "click" on) etc. I'm attaching the setup for the tool, the directions on how to use it, the limitations and the roadmap as I see it. Feel free to post any bugs or questions you have here, and I'll respond to them and fix them as quickly as I can. Usage Guide On opening the application, it will ask you for a client folder. This is the folder where your game client is, so that it can look through all the asset files and show you a list of the data it can access. You will need a decompiled CharacterInfo.txt file in your scripts/table folder. I have NOT added the capability to parse .bin files into this, and will likely not do that in the future. Once done, you should see a UI as follows - On the right side, you should be able to search for any character present in your CharacterInfo.txt, look at its model and play it's animations. Exporting to glTF The "export to glTF" button will create a .glTF file containing the character's mesh, animations and texture data. This file can be imported into common 3d art tools like Blender, and edited there. This will be present in the exports/gltf folder next to where you've installed the app. Once you've made your changes, you can export this data from Blender as a .glTF or .glb file. IMPORTANT While exporting from Blender, make sure to change these settings in the export window - 1. Turn "Sampling animations" OFF in the "Animation" dropdown 2. Turn "Remove Armature Object" ON in Data > Armature 3. Turn "Custom Properties" ON in Include > Data This will give you a .glTF/.glb file with all the character data. Importing from glTF Once you have a glTF file, you can import it to create all the required character assets to render it in the game (.lgo for the mesh, .lab for the animations and a .bmp file with the texture). Click the "import from glTF" button, pick the glTF file, and a "model" ID. This will be the ID that you put in your CharacterInfo, for the character to pick up the model files that you've just exported. Once done, this data will be available in the imports/character/ folder next to your app installation. You can take it, and put it in your client, and boot it up, and the character should render in the game. Limitations - Importing complex models does not currently work (models with multiple mesh files, models with multiple "subsequences" (different parts of the mesh having different texture mapping etc.). Exporting them DOES work. - There might be some alignment issues in complex models like the Black Dragon (there is a wing scaling issue in that one specifically that I've yet to invest time into figuring out). - "Clickable" areas on the characters MIGHT be slightly off. I've made them configurable by adding bones like "Bounding Spheres" and custom properties in those bones which allow you to specify the radius for these spheres, and these will reflect in the game. But default values might be a little off. - There might be monsters that this does not work for. I have not tested every single one in the game. Please send in a bug report if you find specific mobs that this does not work for, and I will figure out why and fix it. Roadmap - I intend to make importing characters (even non-TOP/PKO characters) possible. There might be some edge cases that I cannot map at all, but I will try my best to make it work. - After characters, I will work on items/apparels so that we are able to introduce new weapon models etc. in the game - After that, I will work on buildings (.lmo) - And finally, I intend to at least check out how "effect" files (.par/.eff) work and see if it is possible to export them into a standard format as with all these other things I cannot guarantee any timeline on the above, but I am actively working on this and intend to make this tool capable of dealing with all asset-related work that we need to do in the game client. Open to feedback and bug reports. PS: I also plan to link the repository and make the code open-source, but am holding off on that until I tidy it up a little bit, it is very messy right now as I was figuring out how to decode all this data. PPS: You might see an "untrusted" screen when trying to install this application, this is only because I have not gotten it signed by Windows, and nothing else. I will do that in due course. Thanks! Download Link -
Hi, I've been working on a tool that can be used to convert .lab animation files to a format that can be used by all modern 3d animation software like Blender. At the moment, the conversion from .lab to .dae (the format I chose, collada) is functional, and I am working on the reverse conversion so your changes to the animation keyframes and joints can be reflected in the game. I've hit a small snag due to my limited understanding of 3d animation and dummy objects which would take some time for me to research and resolve, so if you are versed with these things and would like to contribute, please leave a message here or send me a DM. The tool can be downloaded here: The source code (if you're interested) and usage instructions can be found here: Converted file example:
Greetings. I was a member with nickname Gamemaker, you may know me as developer of one of model viewers for pko/top resources. Time to time i receive questions about game resources, how to fix them or how to use them. I can't do many for you, but some hints. But even that may be helpful. Once person ask about making glow for custom weapon apparels, show what he had, and i found there are no any public converter for game files. You have php one, but it require webserver and it can't make glowable weapon. Well... I can't beleave you guys can't share so simple scripts... So i did it again. Here is small update for model viever, it allow to import obj files to static lgo with save submaterials correctly. Due obj file format limitation, you can't get 100% correctly weapons version, but somehow you managed with limited tools you had before and i really impressed with that. So i leave here binnaries and link to source code Lgo works fine Lab works fine Lmo works fine Export/Import are under view. For use export - first add item to export list from rightclick model on tree of objects. For use import - just select file and click import I not guarantee it should work as you want, but get a try! Also you always can to polish tool yourself, if you have enough skills. Link to binnaries: Link to sources: Be nice, respect people