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Everything posted by bigbigplay

  1. Hello Danny, I’m interested, I send you a request on discord, my discord is Andrea C#2604
  2. Hello When I start game server I have some error message (see picture) of limit Id Index overflow for skillinfo and iteminfo https://ibb.co/dGpJyPQ how can incresce the max Id? thanks
  3. Hello everyone For example I have a server files of Rainbow bow server but not client I made all the configuration on sever( account server.cfg etc..) I create a new folder Client with CLEAN top file And now I need to put the sever file on client but wich one all of them ? And in wich directory? There is a method to for do this without search every single file/folder destination? Thanks
  4. Hello I try to make this server working But i have some problem, when i try to to the login it say "Your account is already online" or "Discovered exceptional line error on Gate Server" But before i was able to login Can someone help me ? This is the accountserver cfg [net] listen_port = 1978 listen_ip = // [db] dbserver = LATITUDE_E6410 //TNW db = AccountServer userid = sa //TOP2 passwd = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw== //cmAUMgfuqYLtlN01kmIdUw== [bill] enable_bill = 0 enable_passport = 0 enable_kickuser = 0 bill_server1 = // bill_server2 = // [tom] enable_tom = 0 [gs] GroupServer1 = GroupServer1 GroupServerAndor = GroupServerAndor GroupServerAndor1 = GroupServerAndor1 GroupServerAndor2 = GroupServerAndor2 GroupServerAndor3 = GroupServerAndor3 GroupServerAndor4 = GroupServerAndor4 GroupServerAndor5 = GroupServerAndor5 GroupServerAndor6 = GroupServerAndor6 enable_ping = 1 This is Gate server CFG ;GateServer Initial information file [Main] Name = System Version = 110 [GroupServer] IP = // Port = 1975 EnablePing = 180 [ToClient] IP = Port = 1973 CommEncrypt = 0 EnablePing = 60 MaxConnection = 1000 CheckSpan = 2 CheckWaring = 20 CheckError = 40 [ToGameServer] IP = // Port = 1971 EnablePing = 180 [ShowRange] ShowMin = 500 ShowMax = 800 IsUse = 1 This is Group server cfg ;海盗王在线游戏服务器组GroupServer配置文件 [Main] Name = GroupServerAndor1 Listen_Port = 1975 Listen_IP = // KeepAlive = 600 Version = 103 [AccountServer] AcctEnable = 1 Password = GroupServerAndor1 IP = // Port = 1978 [Database] IP = DB = GameDB Login = Password = MaxVal = 2000000000 [character] MaxCharacterNum = 3 MaxValue = 30 MaxPerson = 3000 [friend] MaxInvitedNum = 5 InvitedTime = 30 MaxFriendNum = 50 FriendGroupNum = 10 [team] MaxInvitedNum = 5 InvitedTime = 30 MaxPersonNum = 5 [chat] MaxChatNumPerPlayer = 30 maxPlayerPerChat = 50 WorldInterval = 60 TradeInterval = 300 ToYouInterval = 2 WorldFee = 1000 WorldFeeInterval = 1000 SpeakerInterval = 500 //[birthplace] Argent City = Argent Shaitan City = Shaitan Icicle City = iceville My discord Andrea C#2604
  5. Hello everyone, i want to know how can i start pko in debug mode and set some breakpoint for see what function does etc... Because i want to know what "GiveItem" does, i imagine that do at the end insert in one table, i want to know wich table etc... Thanks Regards
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