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    In iteminfo find the fruit u want to increase the pet level while using the fruit and find the itemuse_blahblah near at the end of the iteminfo line for that pet fruit then go to itemeffect.lua of that itemuse_blahblah and look for something like: ItemUse_LS_longguo then go to function.lua and find ItemUse_LS_longguo and scroll until you see if Item_type == 58 and Item_Traget_Type == 59 then Check_Exp = CheckElf_EXP ( role , Item_Traget ) --¾«ÁéexpÊÇ·ñÂú×ãÉý¼¶Ìõ¼þ if Check_Exp == 0 then SystemNotice(role , "Growth rate is not full. Unable to feed pet with Snow Dragon Fruit" ) UseItemFailed ( role ) else Lvup_Str ( role , Item_Num , Item_Traget ) --¸ù¾Ý¾ßÌåµÀ¾ßÑ¡Ôñ²»Í¬ÊôÐԵijɳ¤º¯Êý ( ÀýÖÐΪstr ) end end then find Lvup_Str ( role , Item_Num , Item_Traget ) and u will see something like: function Lvup_Str ( role , Item_Num ,Item_Traget ) local attr_type = ITEMATTR_VAL_STR --SystemNotice(role ,attr_type ) Elf_LvUp ( role , Item_Num , Item_Traget , attr_type ) end Then find Elf_LvUp ( role , Item_Num , Item_Traget , attr_type ) and u will see something like this: function Elf_LvUp ( role , Item_Num , Item_Traget , attr_type ) -- local str = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_VAL_STR ) --Á¦Á¿ local con = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_VAL_CON ) --ÌåÖÊ local agi = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_VAL_AGI ) --רע local dex = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_VAL_DEX ) --Ãô½Ý local sta = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_VAL_STA ) --¾«Éñ local Elf_MaxEXP = GetItemAttr(Item_Traget,ITEMATTR_MAXENERGY) local Elf_MaxURE = GetItemAttr(Item_Traget,ITEMATTR_MAXURE) local Lv = str + agi + dex + con + sta local attr_type_num = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,attr_type ) local a = 1 / ( math.floor ( ( 1 + ( math.pow ( ( Lv / 10 ) , 3 ) ) ) * 10 ) / 10 * math.max ( 0.01 ,( 1 - attr_type_num * 0.05 ) ) ) if Lv >= 40 then ***Max pet level, if pet level is higher than 40 then it can no longer be feed this fruit until you got a fruit that has this 40 to something like 100 then u can use the fruit that is 100 to continue your feeding But do know that there is a math for the pet leveling system which can fail too. See the a = 1 / ( math.floor ( ( 1 + ( math.pow ( ( Lv / 10 ) , 3 ) ) ) * 10 ) / 10 ) * math.max ( 0.01 ,( 1 - attr_type_num * 0.05 ) ) --This is a math for the pet, if u want to feed 100% then just do a = 1 and remove the / blablahblah from it end local b = Percentage_Random ( a ) local item_energe = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_ENERGY ) --È¡¾«Áé³É³¤¶È --local item_maxenerge = GetItemAttr( Item_Traget ,ITEMATTR_MAXENERGY ) --È¡¾«Áé³É³¤¶È×î´óÖµ if b == 1 then --³É³¤ÔòÔö¼ÓÊôÐÔ£¬¿Û³ýËùÓгɳ¤Öµ -- ITEMATTR_ENERGY AddItemEffect(role , Item_Traget , 0 ) item_energe = 0 SystemNotice (role , "Pet level up successfully! Growth rate is depleted") attr_type_num = attr_type_num + 1 SetItemAttr ( Item_Traget , attr_type , attr_type_num ) local Item_MAXENERGY = 240 * ( Lv + 1 ) if Item_MAXENERGY > 6480 then Item_MAXENERGY = 6480 end If you want to be able to feed to 100 then change the 40 to 100 but do note that if people feed to 99 and use a fruit +2(if u enable the +2 fruit to be able to feed to 100 too then they can feed that +2) fruit on to the pet that is lv99 and make it pet lv101.
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