Since I really have no interest in TOP anymore, I will be releasing my method of making the glow that Pirates Online released before. This requires no source, it's fairly simple.
Amongst my experience with recoloring/doing apps and such I sat for a bit and thought of how it was possible that Pirates Online did their glows, as I dug around decompiling; with little experience with source and unable to decode the structure from Pirates Onlines Game.exe and some encrypted files.
I was able to pull one of the glow they had which is the red glow from one of the ring effects, if anyone had the old client it contained the eff/par you can see in; also was able to pull their floating logos with effects as you can see in the video here:
Credits to Pirates Online for envisioning the possibility of creating a new glow such as white and purple.
Anyways enjoy, I hope dedicated users/coders continue TOP.
Download Link:
PO's White Glow:
PO's Purple Glow: