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Everything posted by flamyman1412

  1. I do not understand Forge rates. Can anyone help? Detailed Description How do I do it?
  2. How do I change the name of a item from red to purple?
  3. local MID = GetChaID(dead) if(MID == 1)then local fame = GetChaAttr( atk , ATTR_FAME ) local famebonus = 100 fame = fame + famebonus SetCharaAttr( fame, atk , ATTR_FAME ) elseif(MID == 2) then BickerNotice(atk,'Find a refining gem!') GiveItem(atk, 885 , 1, 4 ) end I will adjust to a monster. All in game? What is the function?
  4. I want to know a map like Argent = garner Where can I find these comparisons?
  5. How do I change my quest name? How do I change my quest Type ?
  6. Sorry for not speaking clearly I do not mean to change the status, but to change the description of the item (the word added).
  7. Sorry for not speaking clearly I do not mean to change the status, but to change the description of the item (the word added).
  8. I try to edit the file and can not edit it. stringset.bin
  9. How to change name? Game.exe Try to follow the teachings on the web can not do.
  10. How to change the details of an item? Help me teach Thank You How do I write a message in the red box?
  11. I work solo Not all translations are possible. Can you help me teach the game? patch game?
  12. I can fix it by myself. Thanks to everyone who helped. Thank you very much Cr.Knight Cr.Aleksandr Cr.PKODEV.NET Cr.Everyone
  13. Sorry, the language I want to translate into Thai but the server is not Thai. I want to fix Since my game already supports the language.
  14. Why is this? what should I do? New NPC Job
  15. How do I work in 2.0 on gateserver? Client Version 2.0 ? version?
  16. help me @V3ct0r game.exe Version T_T
  17. Thank you for your advice And teaching me
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