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Posts posted by deguix

  1. (sry I don't speak spanish) Error happens because line.find(":") is trying to access "line", which is empty when the file is empty, because there are 0 lines in the file. You can try this:

    while(getline(inAccounts, line)) {

    "While" will work until getline doesn't return anything (when there are no lines left).

    • Like 1

  2. Is there a git repository for this somewhere?


    Another thing, was this forked from a certain top-recode commit? Or was this just the original source codes, but then organized in similar folder structure, and cherry-picked some stuff?


    (Not judging anything, just wondering if there is a way to git patch this to that)

  3. I put up a git repository for those with issues getting the Corsairs Online source codes running. Feel free to fork it if you wish to make more of your own fixes. I applied all the fixes from the following topics except for the bank pin because I think that is annoying:



    But those are not all the fixes needed, as mentioned in the following comment:


    Besides that I made a couple of folder adjusted, added some sql scripts, and little bits here and there to make it easier to work with. I'm not going to fix the bugs mentioned - I just did this to make porting to top-recode easier.

    The repository is located there: https://gitlab.com/deguix/corsairs-online-public. Instructions on how to use it are there as well.

    If you have any issues on how to use i and on how to fork it and fix it yourself, you can also comment here: https://discord.gg/uu9TDUGq2v. I might be able to help you. Just don't expect me to fix anything.

    • Like 3

  4. That change doesn't work because you would have to change the source code of gameserver and client. Luckily, if you know how to compile the c++ source code, you can simply change ROLE_MAXNUM_FUNCITEM define in RoleCommon.h in Common project source, and rebuild both gameserver and client, and it should work (besides the edit to the lua server script as what you're already doing).

    • Thanks 1

  5. Hmm... I wonder how all the people before me knew about this, even though these files don't come with a GateServer.cfg and it's not a standard GateServer feature. Anyways, I'm gonna try that later when I get home.


    EDIT: Thank you. Actually there was more to that. To make it work, more lines need to be added. After everything, the following lines need to be added to GateServer.cfg's [ToClient] section (careful, those key names are case sensitive - also check if WpeVersion is different - check ruubi's post):

    WpeProtection    = 1
    WpeVersion        = 0x8D1C
    DDoSProtection    = 1


    • Like 1

  6. At first the project revolved around trying to get some "better" lua code going, but ended up being at attempts at winging the 2.x C++ source code to work successfully, ofc with the great help from @Snre3nfrom the C++ side of things. The instructions on how to build and more info on it are in https://gitlab.com/deguix/top-recode. Sry for not making a thread earlier, I'm not really good at publishing stuff, and also a bit afraid of going all out on it too because of my limited time that I can dedicate to it.


    Also have a discord: https://discord.gg/uwcR74E. It's a bit of a mess, but I guess you can bug me there too if you like. Just don't bug me too much, as in, please have some previous experience in development.


    I definitely want to hear about the success of compiling it, because that's something most people struggle with with any C++ project on Windows. Anyways, most of the notifications I get are from people not being able to compile it. Just run build.bat as admin please and tell me the errors that pop up.


    Oh yes, this project built by default will only work on Windows 10 and above. You can install the Windows 7 SDK and retarget all projects to use that, not sure if errors will pop up though. I won't support it.


    I use currently MSQL 2017. Once MSQL 2019 gets released, use it, and you can have free UTF-8 support. On Windows 10, there's a feature to force all older apps to use UTF-8. Remember, it only works with MSQL 2019! Older MSQL won't run!

    • Like 6

  7. Quote

    Now, if you are not up for this (most of you), then try to get a copy of source code from @deguix repository and use those instead.

    @Snre3n has done a lot of coding on his own on the top-recode to get it to work on VS2019. For anyone that tries it now, it should work.

  8. On GroupServer.cfg, look at the [birth] section:

    Argent City                = garner
    Shaitan City            = magicsea
    Icicle Castle            = darkblue


    Player has 3 choices when creating a char. Those 3 refer to those entries above. garner/magicsea/darkblue are names of maps, and Argent City/Shaitan City/Icicle Castle (hardcoded) are the names of the spawn points in resource/script/birth/birth_conf.lua. If you change the map names, remember to have the spawn points named after those 3 spawn point names with the maps chosen in birth_conf.lua.


    For example, I have server files that set all their spawn points to garner. So GroupServer.cfg [birth] section looks like this:

    Argent City                = garner
    Shaitan City            = garner
    Icicle Castle            = garner


    On birth_conf.lua, there are entries like these (I posted 1 of each, which is the bare minimum):

    AddBirthPoint("Argent City", "garner",  2232, 2787)
    AddBirthPoint("Shaitan City", "garner",  2245,  2703)
    AddBirthPoint("Icicle Castle", "garner",  2245,  2703)
    • Thanks 1

  9. hmm, you're right, I forgot the download link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=22661


    well, I'm used to Arch Linux - the instructions should basically be the same in others, except you would use a different package system. I made the guide more neutral, mentioned that wine and winetricks need to be installed first, and mentioned the MS SQL 2000 download link.

  10. No, the fix for the music is downloading the defopenal32.dll from 4 of may of 2009. The one that comes with every server files come with 18 of august of 2008, and is bugged! Any version newer than that will crash game. Even the latest top2 client came with old dll!


    EDIT: Then again, old versions were all deleted from the main website. Might as well post it here.




    EDIT #2: As far as I can remember, it belongs to a higher minor revision. Basically the past got deleted.

  11. No, it's not possible. You should use the workaround someone else suggested. The best that is possible is this:



    SetChaAttrMax( ATTR_GD        ,    2000000000    )    -- ½ðÇ®


    change that to:

    SetChaAttrMax( ATTR_GD, (2^31)-1)


    The true maximum is 2147483647.

  12. well I did release the src code with top-recode at https://gitlab.com/deguix/top-recode/. Its based on the modified src from top2 files. I just didn't bother to make a post yet, or even to update after that ;/. It includes source for both client and server (except trade server).


    The reason that I didn't mention it yet is because I didn't fix a major bug that prevents showing of some effects (like the intense magic).

    • Like 4

  13. From wikipedia:



    In general, software engineering focuses more on techniques for the application of software development in industry,[48][49] while computer science focuses more on algorithms and theory.[50]


    It's theory (or an art) vs practical (what companies really want).

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