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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi folks, I have promised a tutorial the other day on how to create a game updater but unfortunately I have been quite busy and to be completely honest it's easier and quicker for me to write something rather than create a high quality guide. The advantage of using this patcher is that you do not need to keep track of your patches or create any sort of zips, simply commit your changes to your repository containing your client and the updater will automatically sort everything out for you This patcher requires only one configuration file which is called appsettings.json. In there you need to set up a few things for the patcher to work correctly, those are: RepositoryName - set this to the name of your public repository containing your game client. ApiKey - you need to generate an api key and store it inside appsettings.json file, to create your api key, go to this link. This api key requires only repo:status priveleges (access to read commits from public repositories), you can set other privileges at your own risk. Please ensure you set no this token expiration date to "No expiration". Owner - GitHub username of account that is the owner of the repository. In other words, if I created a repository called kopClient, then I would change my appsettings RepositoryName to kopClient and change Owner to champ. This solution is written in C#, which consists of two projects: PkodevUpdater project - WPF application with the GUI of the updater. UpdaterLibrary - .NET core library which contains the main functionality of the updater. This updater is free to use and was released for PkoDev.net specifically, therefore I kindly ask to not post this updater outside of PkoDev.net community. To compile this project you need Visual Studio 2019 and above, as well as .NET 5.0 framework. Please bear in mind there are a few things that could be improved and those were marked with TODO comments. For instance: The method that updates client hash accepts a hash string param but the code does not check if that string is a valid hash. When a file is deleted and the directory where this file was deleted from is empty, the launcher does not delete that directory or the corresponding parent directory. Please let me know if you come across any issues or bugs. If you would like to contribute, then please fork the repository and create a PR. The image used in the updater is a placeholder only and I strongly suggest that you do not use anything that belongs to King of Pirates without my consent. Link to the repository: click me
  2. 1 point
    Сайт : http://lhpiratia.ru/ Форум : http://lhpiratia.ru/forum/ Discord : https://discord.gg/JUyvqtA9wy Рейты Сервера: Опыт: Качер и свитки на уровень Голдер Фея-х910 Дроп-х30 Максимальный уровень персонажа: 1000 Максимальный уровень феи: 500 Фея: Умная 1 Ген 2 Ген 3 Ген 4 Ген 5 Ген 6 Ген 7 Ген Максимальные статы персонажа: Сила: 1000 Ловкость: 1000 Телосложение: 1000 Точность: 1000 Дух: 1200 Данжы: Серебренный хаос (ХС) Мир демонов (ДВ) Аббадоны 1-4 Затеряный Город (ФС) Темная топь (ДС) Аврора 1-2 Тьма 1-2 Логово БД Дракона Остров Скелетов И многие другое! Самоцветы: +25 +30 +45 +60 +80 Сеты по уровням: Сет Нублана (Начальный) Сет Познания (200 лвл) Сет Принятия (300 лвл) Сет Олицетворения (400 лвл) Сет Страха (500 лвл) Сет Мести (600 лвл) Сет Заключения (700 лвл) Сет Милосердия (800 лвл) Сет Атараксии (900 лвл) Сет Ойкумена (1000 лвл) Клиент: Новый дизайн Собственный лаунчер Защита файлов от замены Защита клиента от запуска под другие сервера Защита от WPE/RPE Особенности: Переработанный дизайн Уникальная система прокачки уровней Новый баланс классов Новые самоцветы Регулярные обновления Добавлены свитки бафа 5 видов Перерождения (рб) И много нового вас ждет! Участвуйте в нашем проекте! С уважением администрация пиратия LastHope!
  3. 0 points
    sqlua for 136 is bug. it doesnt work . the ones for 138 its okey.
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