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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    U use zend or xampp? either way, just extract a website template into your htdocs folder in zend or xampp. Then open includes folder > inc.config and find the database connection stuff. Ex: $config['db']['game'] = array( 'host' => '(local)', 'db' => 'gamedb', 'user' => 'sa', 'pass' => '' ); $config['db']['account'] = array( 'host' => '(local)', 'db' => 'accountserver', 'user' => 'sa', 'pass' => '' ); Configure host (local) to your hamachi ip so it will be => 'yourHamachiIP' db = your database name for gamedb (usually gamedb unless you called it something else) user = the user you attach the database as. pass = the pass that you made or assigned to the user (most people use passgen.exe to generate a custom password) That should be all. Try and see if it works.
  2. 1 point
    Gyoza = {} function ItemUse_SSSJ ( role , Item ) local CharacterName = GetChaDefaultName(role) if Gyoza[CharacterName] == nil then Gyoza[CharacterName] = { UsedTime = os.time() } end local cooldown = Gyoza[CharacterName].UsedTime - os.time() if cooldown > 0 then BickerNotice(role,"Gyoza cooldown on effect wait "..cooldown.." second(s) to use again!") UseItemFailed(role) return end local hp = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_HP) local mxhp = GetChaAttr(role,ATTR_MXHP) hp_resume = mxhp * 0.3 hp = hp + hp_resume if hp > mxhp then hp = mxhp end Gyoza[CharacterName] = { UsedTime = (os.time()+30) } SetCharaAttr(hp, role, ATTR_HP) end
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