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Good afternoon, a while ago I read and learned to create missions with the forum guide of @Angelix, after several tests and errors, it seems that it appears in the NPC But now I have other errors / problems, I hope you can help me

1. The name of the search shows "Unknown search name".
2. When you get the item "4319" It always shows "0/5" on the screen but when you go to the NPC of the quest you can complete it even though "0/5" is displayed
3. In the QUEST2 (KillMonster) If it shows "1/1" on the screen but when you go to the NPC of the quest you can not "Complete it"

3. I receive the following errors on the screen

-TriggerProc: incorrect function notification or trigger does not have any action notice! ID = 54465

-CCharMission :: Killware: the mission management function [TriggerProcc] could not return!

>>> Here is the code inside MissionScript07 // NpcScript08.lua

PSD: Help pls @Joah

>>> NpcScript08.lua <<<<<<

function AtrapandoCaracoles()


	DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 )
	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el  Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" )
	MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001)
	MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_GETITEM, 4319, 5 )
	MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4319, 5, 10, 5)
	MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.")
	MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4319, 5)
    MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4319, 5 )
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 )
	MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 )
	MisResultAction(GiveItem, 262, 1, 1)
	MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 )	
	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4319)	
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5)

AtrapandoCaracoles() --定义任务后结束时必须调用该函数	

function AtrapandoCaracolesP2()
    DefineMission( 2024, "Rebirth Stone", 2024 )
    MisBeginTalk( "Hola quiero Que vallas a matar a sPIRIT dragon." ) 
    MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 2024)  
    MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2024)    
    MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2024, 1)
    MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20241, TE_KILL, 103, 1 )
    MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2024)
    MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 103, 1, 10, 1)
 --   MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_ITEM, 262, 1, 1)
 --   MisPrizeSelAll()
    MisResultTalk("Grasias por aver matado a <rBlack dragon> toma tu premio.")
    MisHelpTalk("No as terminado tu mision ve a matar a <rBlack dragon>.")
 --   MisResultCondition(NoRecord, 2024)
    MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2024)
    MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2024, 14)
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 )
	MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 )
    MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2024)
    TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 103)   
    TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2024, 10, 1)
AtrapandoCaracolesP2() --


>>>>NpcScript07 <<<<<<


function Barba_roja()
    Talk( 1, "BarbaRoja: Aaaaaahoooy! Marinero de agua  dulce, preparate para las aventuras que se acontecen, este mundo ah de cambiar pronto HO-Ho-ho.." )
    Text (1, "Aventuras y Botines?", JumpPage, 2)			
     Talk (2, "Grrrrr!,Asi que crees que estas listo     sabandija de tierra?")	
     Text (1, "Arrr! vuelve luego", CloseTalk)
 AddNpcMission (12000)
 AddNpcMission (2024)



Edited by ZidSliverr

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for the first problem

20 hours ago, ZidSliverr said:

Good afternoon, a while ago I read and learned to create missions with the forum guide of @Angelix, after several tests and errors, it seems that it appears in the NPC But now I have other errors / problems, I hope you can help me

1. The name of the search shows "Unknown search name".
2. When you get the item "4319" It always shows "0/5" on the screen but when you go to the NPC of the quest you can complete it even though "0/5" is displayed
3. In the QUEST2 (KillMonster) If it shows "1/1" on the screen but when you go to the NPC of the quest you can not "Complete it"

3. I receive the following errors on the screen

-TriggerProc: incorrect function notification or trigger does not have any action notice! ID = 54465

-CCharMission :: Killware: the mission management function [TriggerProcc] could not return!

>>> Here is the code inside MissionScript07 // NpcScript08.lua

PSD: Help pls @Joah

>>> NpcScript08.lua <<<<<<

function AtrapandoCaracoles()


	DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 )
	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el  Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" )
	MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001)
	MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_GETITEM, 4319, 5 )
	MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4319, 5, 10, 5)
	MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.")
	MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4319, 5)
    MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4319, 5 )
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 )
	MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 )
	MisResultAction(GiveItem, 262, 1, 1)
	MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 )	
	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4319)	
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5)

AtrapandoCaracoles() --定义任务后结束时必须调用该函数	

function AtrapandoCaracolesP2()
    DefineMission( 2024, "Rebirth Stone", 2024 )
    MisBeginTalk( "Hola quiero Que vallas a matar a sPIRIT dragon." ) 
    MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 2024)  
    MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2024)    
    MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2024, 1)
    MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20241, TE_KILL, 103, 1 )
    MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2024)
    MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 103, 1, 10, 1)
 --   MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_ITEM, 262, 1, 1)
 --   MisPrizeSelAll()
    MisResultTalk("Grasias por aver matado a <rBlack dragon> toma tu premio.")
    MisHelpTalk("No as terminado tu mision ve a matar a <rBlack dragon>.")
 --   MisResultCondition(NoRecord, 2024)
    MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2024)
    MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2024, 14)
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 )
	MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 )
    MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2024)
    TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 103)   
    TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2024, 10, 1)
AtrapandoCaracolesP2() --


>>>>NpcScript07 <<<<<<


function Barba_roja()
    Talk( 1, "BarbaRoja: Aaaaaahoooy! Marinero de agua  dulce, preparate para las aventuras que se acontecen, este mundo ah de cambiar pronto HO-Ho-ho.." )
    Text (1, "Aventuras y Botines?", JumpPage, 2)			
     Talk (2, "Grrrrr!,Asi que crees que estas listo     sabandija de tierra?")	
     Text (1, "Arrr! vuelve luego", CloseTalk)
 AddNpcMission (12000)
 AddNpcMission (2024)




my friend explore in client files





for the second problem I think that will help try it and let me know if It didn't =)

function AtrapandoCaracoles()


	DefineMission( 12000, "Atrapando Caracoles", 12001 )
	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Ahooy Pirata!, Esos moluscos an sobrepoblado las bordes de Argent City nesesitamos reducir su numero, aunque el  Cocinero quiere sus capazones! en fin tu solo matalos!" )
	MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 12001)
	MisBeginAction(AddMission, 12001)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 120011, TE_GETITEM, 4319, 5 )
	MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 12001)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4319, 5, 10, 5)
	MisResultTalk( "<t>Menos mal que pudiste con eso sabandija, ahora te dare tu recompenza, ... no tendras algo de Ron?")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Estan en las puertas, te digo un secreto? El Gran rey Almeja(Great King Clam) anda cerca Grrrrrrr!.")
	MisResultCondition(HasMission, 12001)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4319, 14)
    MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4319, 5 )
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 )
	MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 )
	MisResultAction(GiveItem, 262, 1, 1)
	MisResultAction(ClearMission, 12001 )	
	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4319)	
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 12001, 10, 5)

AtrapandoCaracoles() --定义任务后结束时必须调用该函数	

function AtrapandoCaracolesP2()
    DefineMission( 2024, "Rebirth Stone", 2024 )
    MisBeginTalk( "Hola quiero Que vallas a matar a sPIRIT dragon." ) 
    MisBeginCondition(NoMission, 2024)  
    MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2024)    
    MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2024, 1)
    MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20241, TE_KILL, 103, 1 )
    MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2024)
    MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 103, 1, 10, 1)
 --   MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_ITEM, 262, 1, 1)
 --   MisPrizeSelAll()
    MisResultTalk("Grasias por aver matado a <rBlack dragon> toma tu premio.")
    MisHelpTalk("No as terminado tu mision ve a matar a <rBlack dragon>.")
 --   MisResultCondition(NoRecord, 2024)
    MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2024)
    MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2024, 10)
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 50, 50 )
	MisResultAction(AddMoney, 500, 500 )
    MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2024)
    TriggerCondition(1, IsMonster, 103)   
    TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2024, 10, 1)
AtrapandoCaracolesP2() --


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