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howi get free points like gm in my website

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I see you've been quite active on this forum lately, and that's great. You're starting and you have a lot of questions, and it's cool that you don't hesitate to ask for help.

That's great, but most of your threads are lacking of information. You're just making questions without giving enough information about it, so is really difficult for us to understand what are you trying to ask.


So, take this as a suggestion: Give as much information as you can about your problem/question, and at the same time, try to stay with one thread untill you get the answer you need before starting another one.


For example, in this case, what is the query that you have tried?


Ps. To tag someone on your posts you need to write user's name right after an "@". for example: @yosf

Edited by iZae
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igot editing my server and my website server but igot problem idonot know how i getting free points in my website server to test my website can help me  @iZae

Edited by yosf

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You really seem to be quite anxious about everything.

You still didn't answer me what query have you tried to use.

My suggestions were in your general activity in this forum, in this case in particular, I have no clue 'cause I never set a website mall, I just have fun doing serverside scripting.




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Nice to see you trying to help @iZae ... Maybe he have a lot of difficulty to write in english language . 


He did the question : '' howi get free points like gm in my website ''


Maybe he want to setup his account to GM in website ( using the sql ) and give points for himself...

Edited by Heitor
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1 minute ago, Heitor said:

Nice to see you trying to help @iZae ... Maybe he have a lot of difficulty to write in english language . 


He did the question : '' howi get free points like gm in my website ''


Maybe he want to setup his account to GM in website ( using the sql ) and give points for himself...

I realize he doesn't and I've understood (at last) what he ment. I was just trying to guide him about forum activity. I just quit haha

Can somebody tell him what table to edit into DB to give IMPS to an account? I'd do it but I know nothing about ToP DBs

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U Fixed my language and then igot still need for help ido not want for resolve my language ineed resolve my problem 

@iZae @Heitor

Edited by yosf

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Did I fix your language? LOL.

Just to let you know, help here is a contribution, is not our duty. So be grateful and ask things kindly.

Wait until someone reply with what you need, and if you're in a hurry with this, then drink a Linden Flower tea.


Use translator for further posts.

Good luck on your learning (even tho doesn't look that you're trying to learn, it seems that you want others to do it for you).

Edited by iZae

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LOL, I'm starting to love you and this has gone way offtopic.

Then just take a deep breath and wait until someone reply the answer you need.

Btw: How old are you? haha

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Zae, chill. He might be mature enough despite his problems with English. 

yosf, if you're looking for a query to update records in SQL, then you might want to google "UPDATE SET" if you know table names /or if you use default pkosite and Auction database, which is most likely, then you can do the following:

USE [GameDB];
UPDATE account SET mall_points=X AND credits=Y WHERE act_name='Z';

To notice: you have to edit X and Y to the desired amounts; Z is your account name.

Also, here is a very-very basic list of SQL functions, operators and whatnot. I did it when I was checking SQL syntax, hope that will be of any use to you:


CREATE TABLE creates a new table.
INSERT INTO adds a new row to a table.
SELECT queries data from a table.
UPDATE edits a row in a table.
ALTER TABLE changes an existing table.
DELETE FROM deletes rows from a table.
SELECT DISTINCT specifies that the statement is going to be a query that returns unique values in the specified column(s).

= equals.
!= not equals.
> greater than.
< less than.
>= greater than or equal to.
<= less than or equal to.

LIKE is a special operator used with the WHERE clause to search for a specific pattern in a column.
% is a wildcard character that matches zero or more missing letters in the pattern.
A% matches all movies with names that begin with "A".
%a matches all movies that end with "a".

The BETWEEN operator is used to filter the result set within a certain range. The values can be numbers, text or dates.
The OR operator evaluates each condition separately and if any of the conditions are true then the row is added to the result set.
ORDER BY is a clause that indicates you want to sort the result set by a particular column either alphabetically or numerically.

DESC is a keyword in SQL that is used with ORDER BY to sort the results in descending order (high to low or Z-A). 

It is also possible to sort the results in ascending order. 
ASC is a keyword in SQL that is used with ORDER BY to sort the results in ascending order (low to high or A-Z).

LIMIT is a clause that lets you specify the maximum number of rows the result set will have. 

COUNT() is a function that takes the name of a column as an argument and counts the number of rows where the column is not NULL. 

GROUP BY is a clause in SQL that is only used with aggregate functions. It is used in collaboration with the SELECT statement to arrange identical data into groups.

SUM() is a function that takes the name of a column as an argument and returns the sum of all the values in that column. 
MAX() is a function that takes the name of a column as an argument and returns the largest value in that column.
MIN() is a function that takes the name of a column as an argument and returns the smallest value in that column.
AVG() function to quickly calculate the average value of a particular column.

ROUND() is a function that takes a column name and an integer as an argument. It rounds the values in the column to the number of decimal places specified by the integer.

A primary key serves as a unique identifier for each row or record in a given table. The primary key is literally an id value for a record.
By specifying that the id column is the PRIMARY KEY, SQL makes sure that:
- None of the values in this column are NULL
- Each value in this column is unique
- A table can not have more than one PRIMARY KEY column.

When querying more than one table, column names need to be specified by table_name.column_name. 


Edited by wowo

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