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Daily quest error

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It's The error: http://screenshot.sh/m1QsTif8T73Kv


Im making daily quest by this Guide: 

and It's my Function NpcState:

function NpcState( character, npcid, id )
   PRINT( "NpcState:character, npcid, NpcMissionList", character, npcid, id )
	if NpcInfoList[id] == nil or NpcInfoList[id].missionlist == nil then
		PRINT( "unable to obtain NPC script notice!ID = ",  id )
		LG( "npc_error", "unable to obtain NPC script notice!ID = ",  id )
		return LUA_FALSE

   return MissionState( character, npcid, NpcInfoList[id].missionlist )


Edited by blazi10

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Would you mind posting everything related to that quest? The NPC function, the quest itself, the modifications made to the SDK and your variables. 

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12 minutes ago, Angelix said:

Would you mind posting everything related to that quest? The NPC function, the quest itself, the modifications made to the SDK and your variables. 

Sure, but tommorow :/ what have variables for Daily quest? :o in a guide you didnt said Nothing about variable... I did all by guide step by step, Other quests are working, Just Daily got This error

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1 hour ago, blazi10 said:

Sure, but tommorow :/ what have variables for Daily quest? :o in a guide you didnt said Nothing about variable... I did all by guide step by step, Other quests are working, Just Daily got This error

There's a part inside a function that uses variables to store player data. Just go ahead an post everything you did. 

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I didnt nothing more than is in Ur guide... I found Resident Evil Quest script (was daily on winter) it may works?:

 DefineMission (6709, "Resident Evil", 1901) 
 MisBeginTalk ( "<t> I think the last fort in the thunder of the ocean outside the hall when those zombies, I shudder a bit, so I do not now how to get to the mainland of Ghana, alas! However, it seems as if the spread of those viruses even in winter the island is somewhat affected, and how to do? I have four students were outside, I am worried that they, first of all, help me to see islands in the snow pulling <j Explorer Westphalia (472,531 )> it! ") 
 MisBeginCondition (NoRecord, 1901) 
 MisBeginCondition (NoMission, 1901) 
 MisBeginCondition (LvCheck, ">", 89) 
 MisBeginCondition (Get_Day_Mission2) 
 MisBeginAction (AddMission, 1901) 
 MisCancelAction (ClearMission, 1901) 

 MisNeed (MIS_NEED_DESP, "to several other archaeologists on the island to see the students, talk about playing the way on the news of the last zombie. First of all, looking for snow <j???·???(472,531)> i.") 
 MisHelpTalk ( "<t> hope that last winter the island nothing ~ ah ~ those zombies really terrible, and Oh Yes, I do not know Rebecca has not escaped it?") 
 MisResultCondition (AlwaysFailure) 
 ------------------------------------ ----------------------------( The end of Resident Evil) 
 DefineMission (6710, "Resident Evil", 1901, COMPLETE_SHOW) 
 MisBeginCondition (AlwaysFailure) 
 MisResultTalk ( "<t> a teacher allows you to do? Ah, I think he must have been worried about the problem of the last zombie, right?") 
 MisResultCondition (HasMission, 1901) 
 MisResultCondition (NoRecord, 1901) 
 MisResultAction (ClearMission, 1901) 
 MisResultAction (SetRecord, 1901) 
 MisResultAction (AddExp, 100000, 100000) 
 MisResultAction (AddMoney, 150000) 
 MisResultAction (GiveNpcMission, 6711, "Explorers Westphalia", 4) 

just modificate it a bit? will work? :P


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Go ahead and do that, since I will not help you with errors produced from my guide if you're not willing to provide what I asked for in order to help fix it. 


Oh, by the way, if you use the exact scripts from that quest (just modify rewards and level condition), it might result in players only being able to complete that quest or the original quest from winter island due to the variables used. Only one of the quests on a daily basis, not both. 

Edited by Angelix

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DefineMission( 2003, "Daily Quest 1", 2003 )

MisBeginTalk( "Do you have a time? Can you get items from list For me? please. I will pay you" )
MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, ">", 1)
MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 20)
MisBeginCondition(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Check")
MisBeginCondition(NoRecord, 2003)
MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2003)
MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2003, 1)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20031, TE_GETITEM, 4404, 15)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20032, TE_GETITEM, 3116, 20)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20033, TE_GETITEM, 1577, 20)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20034, TE_GETITEM, 1653, 15)
MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2003)

MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "Get Items from list")
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4404, 15, 10, 15 )
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 3116, 20, 20, 20 )
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1577, 20, 30, 20 )
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1653, 15, 40, 15 )

MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_Money, 10000 )

MisResultTalk("Thank you, come back tommorow.")
MisHelpTalk("Are you waiting for? Go Get the items.")

MisResultAction(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Completed")
MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2003)
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 24 )
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 39 )
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 49 )
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 54 )
MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1847, 30 )
MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1722, 99 )
MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1000, 55 )
MisResultAction(AddExp, 300, 300 )
MisResultAction(SetRecord, 2003 )
MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2003 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 4404)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 10, 15 )
RegCurTrigger( 20031 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 3116)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 20, 20 )
RegCurTrigger( 20032 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 1577)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 30, 20 )
RegCurTrigger( 20033 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 1653)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 40, 15 )
RegCurTrigger( 20034 )

its quest script

npc script:

function Daily_Quest()

	Talk( 1, "Hello I have many Quest's for you!")

	AddNpcMission	(2003)

The change's in missionSdk was made by ur guide so i think no need share it.

Variable: its all what i found with "quest" and "mission":

NPC_SALE				=	0	--npcÂňÂô
QUEST_AWARD_1		=	3	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ1
QUEST_AWARD_2		=	4	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ2
QUEST_AWARD_3		=	5	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ3
QUEST_AWARD_4		=	6	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ4
QUEST_AWARD_5		=	7	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ5
QUEST_AWARD_6		=	8	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ6
QUEST_AWARD_7		=	9	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ7
QUEST_AWARD_8		=	10	--ČÎÎń»ńȡ8

PLAYER_ZSITEM			=	22	--×Ďɫװ±¸

QUEST_AWARD_GODBOX	=	94	--ЧąűµČͬÉĚłÇĎä×Óµ«żŞłöÎďĆ·ÎŢ˛Ű                                                  --------------kokora
QUEST_AWARD_SDJ		=	96	--ĘĄµ®»»ČˇŔńĆ·
QUEST_AWARD_WZX		=	98	--ְҵČÎÎń±¦Ďä


ITEMSERIES_DRAGON		=  1							--ľŢÁúĚ××°Ł¨Á¦ÁżŁ©
ITEMSERIES_TAITAN       =  2							--Ě©ĚąĚ××°Ł¨ĚĺÖĘŁ©
ITEMSERIES_HUNTER      =  3							--ÁÔĘÖĚ××°Ł¨×¨×˘Ł©
ITEMSERIES_DELIVER      =  4							--ĐĹĘąĚ××°Ł¨Ăô˝ÝŁ©
ITEMSERIES_HOLY   =  5							--ÉńĘĄĚ××°Ł¨ľ«ÉńŁ©


Itemattr_Baoliao  =  { }


Item_Baoliao = { }									--ąÖÎﱩÁĎ --´Ó×î¸ßĽ¶Ć·ÖĘżŞĘĽËć»úŁ¬¸ßĽ¶ÎďĆ·ÓĹĎČŁ¬ĎŕÁڵȼ¶µÄĘýÖµ˛îֵΪʵĽĘ¸ĹÂĘ
Item_Baoliao [0]		=		0						--
Item_Baoliao [1]		=		0						--
Item_Baoliao [2]		=		0						--
Item_Baoliao [3]		=		0						--
Item_Baoliao [4]		=		0						--
Item_Baoliao [5]		=		1						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...
Item_Baoliao [6]		=		5						--ÍőŐßÖ®...	
Item_Baoliao [7]		=		10						--ͳ˧֮...
Item_Baoliao [8]		=		40						--׿Խ֮...
Item_Baoliao [9]		=		80						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...

Item_Attr_0 = { }					
Item_Attr_0 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_0 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_0 [2]		=		1						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_0 [3]		=		4						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_0 [4]		=		50						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_1 = { }					
Item_Mission_1 [0]		=		0						--
Item_Mission_1 [1]		=		0						--
Item_Mission_1 [2]		=		0						--
Item_Mission_1 [3]		=		0						--
Item_Mission_1 [4]		=		0						-- 
Item_Mission_1 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®... 
Item_Mission_1 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®... 
Item_Mission_1 [7]		=		1						--ͳ˧֮... 
Item_Mission_1 [8]		=		10						--׿Խ֮... 
Item_Mission_1 [9]		=		50						--ĆŐͨĐÍ... 

Item_Attr_1 = { }					
Item_Attr_1 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_1 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_1 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_1 [3]		=		0						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_1 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      

Item_Mission_2 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_2 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_2 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_2 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_2 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_2 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_2 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_2 [6]		=		1						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_2 [7]		=		5						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_2 [8]		=		20						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_2 [9]		=		80						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_2 = { }							
Item_Attr_2 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_2 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_2 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_2 [3]		=		10						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_2 [4]		=		30						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      

Item_Mission_3 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_3 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_3 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_3 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_3 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_3 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_3 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_3 [6]		=		1						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_3 [7]		=		5						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_3 [8]		=		50						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_3 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_3 = { }									
Item_Attr_3 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 
Item_Attr_3 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 
Item_Attr_3 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 
Item_Attr_3 [3]		=		10						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 
Item_Attr_3 [4]		=		60						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 

Item_Mission_4 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_4 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_4 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_4 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_4 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_4 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_4 [5]		=		1						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_4 [6]		=		5						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_4 [7]		=		15						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_4 [8]		=		90						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_4 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_4 = { }					
Item_Attr_4 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_4 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_4 [2]		=		1						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_4 [3]		=		20						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_4 [4]		=		100						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      

Item_Mission_5 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_5 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_5 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_5 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_5 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_5 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_5 [5]		=		1						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_5 [6]		=		15						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_5 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_5 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_5 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_5 = { }					
Item_Attr_5 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_5 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_5 [2]		=		1						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_5 [3]		=		5						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_5 [4]		=		100						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_94 = { }					                                                                -----------------kokora   
Item_Mission_94 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_94 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_94 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_94 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_94 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_94 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_94 [6]		=		1						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_94 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_94 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_94 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_94 = { }					
Item_Attr_94 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_94 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_94 [2]		=		1						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_94 [3]		=		20						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_94 [4]		=		90						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_95 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_95 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_95 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_95 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_95 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_95 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_95 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_95 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_95 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_95 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_95 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_95 = { }					
Item_Attr_95 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_95 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_95 [2]		=		1						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_95 [3]		=		4						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_95 [4]		=		50						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_96 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_96 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_96 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_96 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_96 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_96 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_96 [5]		=		10						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_96 [6]		=		20						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_96 [7]		=		50						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_96 [8]		=		90						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_96 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_96 = { }					
Item_Attr_96 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_96 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_96 [2]		=		2						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_96 [3]		=		20						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_96 [4]		=		100						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 

Item_Mission_97 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_97 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_97 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_97 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_97 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_97 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_97 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_97 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_97 [7]		=		0						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_97 [8]		=		0						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_97 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_97 = { }					
Item_Attr_97 [0]		=		100						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_97 [1]		=		100						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_97 [2]		=		100						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_97 [3]		=		100						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_97 [4]		=		100						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 

Item_Mission_98 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_98 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_98 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_98 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_98 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_98 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_98 [5]		=		10						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_98 [6]		=		20						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_98 [7]		=		50						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_98 [8]		=		90						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_98 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_98 = { }					
Item_Attr_98 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_98 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_98 [2]		=		2						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_98 [3]		=		20						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_98 [4]		=		100						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ 

Item_Mission_99 = { }					                                                          
Item_Mission_99 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_99 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_99 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_99 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_99 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_99 [5]		=		1						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_99 [6]		=		5						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_99 [7]		=		20						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_99 [8]		=		50						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_99 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_99 = { }					
Item_Attr_99 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_99 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_99 [2]		=		2						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_99 [3]		=		20						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      
Item_Attr_99 [4]		=		100						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ      

Item_Mission_11 = { }
Item_Mission_11 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_11 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_11 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_11 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_11 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_11 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_11 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_11 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_11 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_11 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_11 = { }					
Item_Attr_11 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_11 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_11 [2]		=		1						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_11 [3]		=		4						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_11 [4]		=		50						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ    

Item_Mission_12 = { }
Item_Mission_12 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_12 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_12 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_12 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_12 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_12 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_12 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_12 [7]		=		0						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_12 [8]		=		0						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_12 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_12 = { }					
Item_Attr_12 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_12 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_12 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_12 [3]		=		0						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_12 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ    

Item_Mission_13 = { }
Item_Mission_13 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_13 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_13 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_13 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_13 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_13 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_13 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_13 [7]		=		0						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_13 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_13 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_13 = { }					
Item_Attr_13 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_13 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_13 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_13 [3]		=		0						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_13 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ   

Item_Mission_14 = { }
Item_Mission_14 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_14 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_14 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_14 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_14 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_14 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_14 [6]		=		0						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_14 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_14 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_14 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_14 = { }					
Item_Attr_14 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_14 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_14 [2]		=		0							--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_14 [3]		=		0							--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_14 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ   

Item_Mission_15 = { }
Item_Mission_15 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_15 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_15 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_15 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_15 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_15 [5]		=		0						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_15 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_15 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_15 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_15 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_15 = { }					
Item_Attr_15 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_15 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_15 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_15 [3]		=		0						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_15 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ  

Item_Mission_16 = { }
Item_Mission_16 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_16 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_16 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_16 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_16 [4]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_16 [5]		=		100						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_16 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_16 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_16 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_16 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    

Item_Attr_16 = { }					
Item_Attr_16 [0]		=		0					--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_16 [1]		=		0					--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_16 [2]		=		0					--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_16 [3]		=		0					--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_16 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ  

Item_Mission_17 = { }
Item_Mission_17 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_17 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_17 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_17 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_17 [4]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_17 [5]		=		100						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_17 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_17 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_17 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_17 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_17 = { }					
Item_Attr_17 [0]		=		0					--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_17 [1]		=		0					--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_17 [2]		=		0					--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_17 [3]		=		0					--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_17 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ  

Item_Mission_18 = { }
Item_Mission_18 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_18 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_18 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_18 [3]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_18 [4]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_18 [5]		=		100						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_18 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_18 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_18 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_18 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_18 = { }					
Item_Attr_18 [0]		=		0					--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_18 [1]		=		0					--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_18 [2]		=		0					--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_18 [3]		=		0					--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_18 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ  

Item_Mission_19 = { }
Item_Mission_19 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_19 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_19 [2]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_19 [3]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_19 [4]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_19 [5]		=		100						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_19 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_19 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_19 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_19 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_19 = { }					
Item_Attr_19 [0]		=		0					--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_19 [1]		=		0					--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_19 [2]		=		0					--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_19 [3]		=		0					--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_19 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ  

Item_Mission_20 = { }
Item_Mission_20 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_20 [1]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_20 [2]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_20 [3]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_20 [4]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_20 [5]		=		100						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_20 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_20 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_20 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_20 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_20 = { }					
Item_Attr_20 [0]		=		0						--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_20 [1]		=		0						--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_20 [2]		=		0						--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_20 [3]		=		0						--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_20 [4]		=		0						--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_22 = { }
Item_Mission_22 [0]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_22 [1]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_22 [2]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_22 [3]		=		0						--                
Item_Mission_22 [4]		=		100						--                
Item_Mission_22 [5]		=		100						--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_22 [6]		=		100						--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_22 [7]		=		100						--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_22 [8]		=		100						--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_22 [9]		=		100						--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_22 = { }					
Item_Attr_22 [0]		=		0							--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_22 [1]		=		0							--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_22 [2]		=		1							--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_22 [3]		=		4							--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_22 [4]		=		50							--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_23 = { }
Item_Mission_23 [0]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_23 [1]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_23 [2]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_23 [3]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_23 [4]		=		3							--                
Item_Mission_23 [5]		=		6							--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_23 [6]		=		25							--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_23 [7]		=		50							--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_23 [8]		=		70							--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_23 [9]		=		100							--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_23 = { }					
Item_Attr_23 [0]		=		0							--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_23 [1]		=		0							--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_23 [2]		=		1							--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_23 [3]		=		5							--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_23 [4]		=		60							--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ

Item_Mission_24 = { }
Item_Mission_24 [0]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_24 [1]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_24 [2]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_24 [3]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_24 [4]		=		0							--                
Item_Mission_24 [5]		=		1							--ÉńÓ÷Ö®...    
Item_Mission_24 [6]		=		5							--ÍőŐßÖ®...    
Item_Mission_24 [7]		=		20							--ͳ˧֮...    
Item_Mission_24 [8]		=		65							--׿Խ֮...    
Item_Mission_24 [9]		=		99							--ĆŐͨĐÍ...    
Item_Attr_24 = { }					
Item_Attr_24 [0]		=		0							--5¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_24 [1]		=		0							--4¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_24 [2]		=		1							--3¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_24 [3]		=		4							--2¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ
Item_Attr_24 [4]		=		50							--1¸ö¸˝ĽÓĘôĐÔ


Item_HoleNum_Monster = { }
Item_HoleNum_Monster [0]		=		75						--0¸ö¶´
Item_HoleNum_Monster [1]		=		99						--1¸ö¶´
Item_HoleNum_Monster [2]		=		100				--2¸ö¶´						
Item_HoleNum_Monster [3]		=		100						--3¸ö¶´

Item_HoleNum_Hecheng = { }
Item_HoleNum_Hecheng [0]		=		25						--0¸ö¶´
Item_HoleNum_Hecheng [1]		=		75						--1¸ö¶´
Item_HoleNum_Hecheng [2]		=		100						--2¸ö¶´						
Item_HoleNum_Hecheng [3]		=		100						--3¸ö¶´

Item_HoleNum_Mission_1 = { }
Item_HoleNum_Mission_1 [0]		=		25						--0¸ö¶´
Item_HoleNum_Mission_1 [1]		=		75						--1¸ö¶´
Item_HoleNum_Mission_1 [2]		=		100						--2¸ö¶´						
Item_HoleNum_Mission_1 [3]		=		100						--3¸ö¶´


Edited by blazi10

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25 minutes ago, blazi10 said:




18 minutes ago, blazi10 said:

DefineMission( 2003, "Daily Quest 1", 2003 )

MisBeginTalk( "Do you have a time? Can you get items from list For me? please. I will pay you" )
MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, ">", 1)
MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 20)
MisBeginCondition(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Check")
MisBeginCondition(NoRecord, 2003)
MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2003)
MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2003, 1)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20031, TE_GETITEM, 4404, 15)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20032, TE_GETITEM, 3116, 20)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20033, TE_GETITEM, 1577, 20)
MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20034, TE_GETITEM, 1653, 15)
MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2003)

MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "Get Items from list")
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4404, 15, 10, 15 )
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 3116, 20, 20, 20 )
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1577, 20, 30, 20 )
MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1653, 15, 40, 15 )

MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_Money, 10000 )

MisResultTalk("Thank you, come back tommorow.")
MisHelpTalk("Are you waiting for? Go Get the items.")

MisResultAction(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Completed")
MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2003)
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 24 )
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 39 )
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 49 )
MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 54 )
MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1847, 30 )
MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1722, 99 )
MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1000, 55 )
MisResultAction(AddExp, 300, 300 )
MisResultAction(SetRecord, 2003 )
MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2003 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 4404)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 10, 15 )
RegCurTrigger( 20031 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 3116)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 20, 20 )
RegCurTrigger( 20032 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 1577)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 30, 20 )
RegCurTrigger( 20033 )

TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 1653)
TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 40, 15 )
RegCurTrigger( 20034 )

its quest script

npc script:

function Daily_Quest()

	Talk( 1, "Hello I have many Quest's for you!")

	AddNpcMission	(2003)

The change's in missionSdk was made by ur guide so i think no need share it.


Can't check it right now nor properly test it. Here are a few things that I see from reading the script. 


* Try double checking that the quest/mission ID are not used already.

* "MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2003, 1)". I don't remember saying to put that.

* Your amounts to collect, have, gather and take items are not consistent.

* Your flags are wrong or not needed. If you followed my guide as you said, you would have read that flags work differently for collecting items and from killing monsters. 

* I don't know if this affects, but you're calling first a MisResultAction before a MisResultContidion. 


Dumb formatting due to being in mobile browser and can't erase a quoting. 

Edited by Angelix

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i did said this quest again and still same error :/ share me ur NpcState? maybe i just need change it...(if in ur serv daily quest is working) please :)


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Go ahead and try this script.


	DefineMission(2003, "Daily Quest 1", 2003)
	MisBeginTalk("Do you have a time? Can you get items from list For me? please. I will pay you")
	MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, ">", 1)
	MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 20)
	MisBeginCondition(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Check")
	MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2003)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20031, TE_GETITEM, 4404, 15)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20032, TE_GETITEM, 3116, 20)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20033, TE_GETITEM, 1577, 20)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20034, TE_GETITEM, 1653, 15)
	MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2003)

	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "Get Items from list")
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4404, 15, 10, 15)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 3116, 20, 20, 20)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1577, 20, 30, 20)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1653, 15, 40, 15)

	MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_Money, 10000)

	MisResultTalk("Thank you, come back tommorow.")
	MisHelpTalk("Are you waiting for? Go Get the items.")

	MisResultAction(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Completed")
	MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2003)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4404, 15)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 3116, 20)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 1577, 20)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 1653, 15)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4404, 15)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 3116, 20)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1577, 20)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1653, 15)
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 300, 300)
	MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2003)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4404)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 10, 15)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 3116)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 20, 20)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 1577)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 30, 20)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 1653)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 40, 15)

Also, I never modified that function. If you're having error, it can also be due to another mistype or something from other script, if so, please close your server completely, delete logs and then open again the server. If your issue persists, then go into the log folder and look for lua_err.txt and there should be an issue there.

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8 hours ago, Angelix said:

Go ahead and try this script.


	DefineMission(2003, "Daily Quest 1", 2003)
	MisBeginTalk("Do you have a time? Can you get items from list For me? please. I will pay you")
	MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, ">", 1)
	MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 20)
	MisBeginCondition(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Check")
	MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2003)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20031, TE_GETITEM, 4404, 15)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20032, TE_GETITEM, 3116, 20)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20033, TE_GETITEM, 1577, 20)
	MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 20034, TE_GETITEM, 1653, 15)
	MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2003)

	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "Get Items from list")
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 4404, 15, 10, 15)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 3116, 20, 20, 20)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1577, 20, 30, 20)
	MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 1653, 15, 40, 15)

	MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_Money, 10000)

	MisResultTalk("Thank you, come back tommorow.")
	MisHelpTalk("Are you waiting for? Go Get the items.")

	MisResultAction(QuestFunc, 2003, "Daily", "Completed")
	MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2003)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 4404, 15)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 3116, 20)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 1577, 20)
	MisResultCondition(HasItem, 1653, 15)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 4404, 15)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 3116, 20)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1577, 20)
	MisResultAction(TakeItem, 1653, 15)
	MisResultAction(AddExp, 300, 300)
	MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2003)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 4404)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 10, 15)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 3116)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 20, 20)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 1577)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 30, 20)

	TriggerCondition(1, IsItem, 1653)
	TriggerAction(1, AddNextFlag, 2003, 40, 15)

Also, I never modified that function. If you're having error, it can also be due to another mistype or something from other script, if so, please close your server completely, delete logs and then open again the server. If your issue persists, then go into the log folder and look for lua_err.txt and there should be an issue there.

still error :/ here i past text from lua_err.txt:

[02-06 17:22:47]./resource/script/MisSdk/MissionSdk.lua:5576: `date' format too long
[02-06 17:23:28]./resource/script/MisSdk/MissionSdk.lua:5576: `date' format too long

its 5576 line From MissionSdk.lua:

	local Week = (tonumber(os.date("%Y")) * 100) + (os.date( "%V"))


Edited by blazi10

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That's odd, I'm using the script in my files and no errors show up regarding that.


Look, in my MissionSdk.lua


function QuestFunc(Player, Mission, Type, Func)
	local Name = GetChaDefaultName(Player)
	local Day = (tonumber(os.date("%Y")) * 10000) + (tonumber(os.date("%m")) * 100) + (tonumber(os.date("%d")))
	local Week = (tonumber(os.date("%Y")) * 100) + (os.date("%V"))
	if QuestLog[Name] == nil then
		QuestLog[Name] = {}
	if QuestLog[Name][Mission] == nil then
		QuestLog[Name][Mission] = {}
	if Type == "Daily" then
		if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] == nil then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] = false
		if Func == "Check" then
			if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] == false then
				return LUA_TRUE
			elseif QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] == true then
				return LUA_FALSE
		elseif Func == "Completed" then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] = true
			return LUA_TRUE
	elseif Type == "Weekly" then
		if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] == nil then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] = false
		if Func == "Check" then
			if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] == false then
				return LUA_TRUE
			elseif QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] == true then
				return LUA_FALSE
		elseif Func == "Completed" then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] = true
			return LUA_TRUE


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8 hours ago, blazi10 said:

What files are you using? Can u share me it? 

i need Serialize.lua or something else to run daily quest?

No, I won't share my files. I don't use serialize nor other files for the daily things. 


Upload your MissionSdk, the script for the quest and any error log regarding those. 

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U didnt understood me... With ur files i mean Ur clean base files on what are you working... What you Think about share me ur missdk folder?  If i change my folder for your it May work?  Or tell me what files you using... 1.3x or 2+?

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Give this a try, place this:

function QuestFunc(Player, Mission, Type, Func)
	local Name = GetChaDefaultName(Player)
	local Day = (tonumber(os.date("%Y")) * 10000) + (tonumber(os.date("%m")) * 100) + (tonumber(os.date("%d")))
	local Week = (tonumber(os.date("%Y")) * 100) + (os.date("%V"))
	if QuestLog[Name] == nil then
		QuestLog[Name] = {}
	if QuestLog[Name][Mission] == nil then
		QuestLog[Name][Mission] = {}
	if Type == "Daily" then
		if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] == nil then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] = false
		if Func == "Check" then
			if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] == false then
				return LUA_TRUE
			elseif QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] == true then
				return LUA_FALSE
		elseif Func == "Completed" then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Day] = true
			return LUA_TRUE
	elseif Type == "Weekly" then
		if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] == nil then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] = false
		if Func == "Check" then
			if QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] == false then
				return LUA_TRUE
			elseif QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] == true then
				return LUA_FALSE
		elseif Func == "Completed" then
			QuestLog[Name][Mission][Week] = true
			return LUA_TRUE

Before this function:

function ConditionsTest( character, conditions, param1, param2, npc )


As for the other quests not working, that ain't up to me. You might have move something else.

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i did all right what u said and still same error

[02-09 13:59:55]./resource/script/MisSdk/MissionSdk.lua:2395: `date' format too long
[02-09 14:00:01]./resource/script/MisSdk/MissionSdk.lua:2395: `date' format too long


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I found something... 

when i delete this line from misscript then all quests working but are repeatable:

	MisBeginCondition(NoRecord, 7004)

and when i give it back then getting error :/

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So can't help me? :/ here is any other way for make daily quest?

On 8.02.2017 at 6:29 AM, Angelix said:

I'm using v2.X from public files. If you want help, please do what I told you. 


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