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Posts posted by Mr.LiM

  1. 10 hours ago, DangThao said:

    Some website required additional database for the website item mall while some have addons for it.

    can you at least direct me to a simple and manageable item mall website? I have downloaded and tested alot and none have the mall panel.


    thanks again!

  2. 20 hours ago, DangThao said:

    those 3 main map u cant put them all together, the map are way too big. there is a gs that i remembered allows u to do it but i do not have it in my keep.
    Yes that's how u open closed map.

    which map is this? just thought to check a new sheep skin scroll and this showed up.




    can not enter the map?




    SOLVED! just added the same thing on the gameserver.cfg that is needed to be opened.


    TOP006.jpgfree photo hosting



    map = darkswamp
    map = jialebi
    map = magicsea
    map = puzzleworld
    map = puzzleworld2
    map = prisonisland





  3. 28 minutes ago, DangThao said:

    those 3 main map u cant put them all together, the map are way too big. there is a gs that i remembered allows u to do it but i do not have it in my keep.
    Yes that's how u open closed map.

    but it managed to load up the map that i needed?!...




    I haven't checked the DreamIsland yet,..



  4. so sorry, but where is the link to the topcms?


    is it this one?


    [1.0.0] topCMS - Web - PKODev.NET - Community of Developers & Administrators




    thank you!

  5. 28 minutes ago, DangThao said:

    hover over the white heart on the post; bottom right corner of a post to react to a post =D

    that is weird?! i don't have that option?!...




    and about the adding/opening a closed map, it should look like this right?




    gameserver's started normally.


    is it possible that all map's can be started in just one gameserver? like, gameserver in one?



    map = DreamIsland
    map = darkblue

    map = eastgoaf

    map = garner

    map = magicsea




    thanks! your a life saver! :)  :)  :) 

  6. 2 minutes ago, DangThao said:

    Haha, people are active but they just likely to ignored questions of others (new developer).  Have fun!

    that sucks,.. :(


    still you responded! and I am eternally grateful! :) 


    so sorry, but how can I give you a rep? or like? here.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DangThao said:

    to addmap, or add new map, u need mapinfo line, scriptdefine line, addbirth line and the map folder then add map = mapname to any of the gameserver.cfg u are running.
    to open map that are closed, add map = mapname (eastgoaf, garner2, leiting2) to ur gameserver.cfg or any gs.cfg u r running;
    map = garner2
    map = eastgoaf
    map = leiting2

    to cancel running map, u can remove it or do //map = mapname in the assigned gs.cfg

    OMG!!! i never thought somebody is still active here... thanks a bunch!!!!


    thank you! thank you! thank you!

  8. need some help about a little configuration on how to play locally with another computer on the network?



    [net] listen_port = 1978 listen_ip = [db] dbserver = DESKTOP-AII37I7 db = AccountServer userid = top passwd = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw== [bill] enable_bill = 0 enable_passport = 0 enable_kickuser = 0 bill_server1 = bill_server2 = [tom] enable_tom = 0 [gs] GroupServerAndor = GroupServerAndor GroupServerAndor1 = GroupServerAndor1 GroupServerAndor2 = GroupServerAndor2 GroupServerAndor5 = GroupServerAndor5 GroupServerAndor6 = GroupServerAndor6 enable_ping = 1



    [ID] name = GameServer00 equment = system [Gate] gate =, 1971 [Map] map = garner [DB] db_ip = DESKTOP-AII37I7 db_usr = top db_pass = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw== [Socket] keep_alive = 120 [BaseID] BaseID = 0x50000000 [Entity] max_ply = 500 max_cha = 15000 max_item = 30000 max_tnpc = 300 [Guild] guild_num = 80 guild_try_num = 80 [Item] item_show_time = 60 item_prot_time = 30 [Interval] say_interval = 3 [LOG] log_cha = 0 log_cal = 0 log_ai = 0 log_mission = 0 [Debug] supercmd = 1 [Res] res_dir = ./resource log_dir = log\\log db_mapmask = 1



    [ID] name = GameServer01 equment = system [Gate] gate =, 1971 [InfoServer] info =,1985,master,1 [Map] map = magicsea [DB] db_ip = DESKTOP-AII37I7 db_usr = top db_pass = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw== [Socket] keep_alive = 120 [BaseID] BaseID = 0x50000000 [Entity] max_ply = 500 max_cha = 15000 max_item = 30000 max_tnpc = 300 [Guild] guild_num = 80 guild_try_num = 80 [Item] item_show_time = 60 item_prot_time = 30 [Interval] say_interval = 3 [LOG] log_cha = 0 log_cal = 0 log_ai = 0 log_mission = 0 [Debug] supercmd = 1 [Res] res_dir = ./resource log_dir = log\\log1 db_mapmask = 1



    [ID] name = GameServer02 equment = system [Gate] gate =, 1971 [InfoServer] info =,1985,master,1 [Map] map = darkblue [DB] db_ip = DESKTOP-AII37I7 db_usr = top db_pass = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw== [Socket] keep_alive = 120 [BaseID] BaseID = 0x50000000 [Entity] max_ply = 500 max_cha = 15000 max_item = 30000 max_tnpc = 300 [Guild] guild_num = 80 guild_try_num = 80 [Item] item_show_time = 60 item_prot_time = 30 [Interval] say_interval = 3 [LOG] log_cha = 0 log_cal = 0 log_ai = 0 log_mission = 0 [Debug] supercmd = 1 [Res] res_dir = ./resource log_dir = log\\log2 db_mapmask = 1



    [Main] Name = GateServer Version = 136 [GroupServer] IP = Port = 1975 EnablePing = 180 [ToClient] IP = Port = 1973 CommEncrypt = 1 EnablePing = 60 MaxConnection = 1000 [ToGameServer] IP = Port = 1971 EnablePing = 180 [ShowRange] ShowMin = 500 ShowMax = 800 IsUse = 1



    [Main] Name = GroupServerAndor1 Listen_Port = 1975 Listen_IP = KeepAlive = 600 Version = 103 [AccountServer] AcctEnable = 1 Password = GroupServerAndor1 IP = Port = 1978 [Database] IP = DESKTOP-AII37I7 DB = GameDB Login = top Password = EZCpyYOZVofugqDFBZrLKw== MaxVal = 2000000000 [Character] MaxCharNumPerAct = 3 MaxCharMapIconValue = 30 MaxLoginPlayerNum = 3000 [Friend] MaxInvitationNum = 5 InvitationOverTime = 30 MaxFriendNumPerChar = 50 MaxOwnFriendListNumPerChar = 10 [Party] MaxInvitationNum = 5 InvitationOverTime = 30 MaxMemberNumPerParty = 5 [Chat] MaxChatNumPerPlayer = 30 MaxPlayerNumPerChat = 50 WorldChannelInterval = 60 TradeChannelInterval = 90 PrivateChannelInterval = 2 [BirthPlace] Argent City = garner Shaitan City = magicsea Icicle Castle = darkblue


    this would be the whole config file, just wondering which IP should I replace with a local or global IP with?


    god bless!

  9. On 2/10/2017 at 3:42 PM, Vasil said:

    The ROSO Copy guy is now speaking.Ewsie."Sky Under Online" "Shaun The Sheep Online" my ass.


    need little help with this one...



    assign('message', array( 'type' => 'error', 'messages' => 'Please login!' ) ); } else { require_once('./addon/class.StorageBox.php'); $StorageBox = new StorageBox('type'); $oSmarty->assign('items' , $StorageBox -> ShowBox()); $oSmarty->assign('characters' , $StorageBox -> GetCharacters()); } $breadcrumbs = array(); $breadcrumbs[] = array( 'caption' => 'Home', 'url' => $config['script_url'] ); $breadcrumbs[] = array( 'caption' => 'Storage Box', 'url' => '' ); $oSmarty->assign('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs); // Display Template if (!$error) $oSmarty->display('file:pages/commerce/storage_box.tpl'); ?>


    that's when i open my storage box...


    what to do?



  10. help?! i can't pass thru this step "php artisan serve" it keeps showing this ....



     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is D2BB-46ED

     Directory of C:\xampp\htdocs\TOP

    [.]              [..]             .env             .env.example
    .gitattributes   .gitignore       [app]            artisan
    [bootstrap]      composer.json    composer.lock    [config]
    [database]       gulpfile.js      package.json     phpunit.xml
    [public]         readme.md        readme1.md       [resources]
    [routes]         server.php       [storage]        [tests]
    [vendor]         yarn.lock
                  14 File(s)        319,733 bytes
                  12 Dir(s)  81,065,984,000 bytes free

    C:\xampp\htdocs\TOP>php artisan serve
    'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.


  11. 13 minutes ago, cpworkerz said:

    this doesn't need an account, you modify files to your desired username / password.


    thanks! found it!



    DEFINE('EDITOR_PASSWORD', '71c1u5');


    found it but got stuck in welcome screen its not loading the editor itself...

  12. 4 hours ago, Vasil said:

    Used this website in my latest server and ended up hacked by some kiddish moderator here.However,just a little hint,don't use this crap shit released by this cunt.By my very full respect.

    Guys, just need to know how to access the admin panel and how to put items on the mall? 👍🏼🙏


    Thanks for the advise and warnings but im just gonna use this for my own personal use... 😅



    god bless!

  13. On 8/13/2016 at 2:13 PM, TheSamurai said:


    I have made a copy of Eternal Pirates from Rage of Sage Files

    • Base Files (For people who like the server features)
    • Clean and Backdoor free guaranteed
    • 95% Copied Systems
    • Organized Scripts to let new developers understand the systems and functions of the scripts (example: Comments)
    • Organized Files (Removed unnecessary scripts/folders/files)
    • Anti Dupe installed
    • Dimension 125 Skills System included
    • Log System (Contains logs of Item used, player imprisonment, duper, cheater and etc.)


    For more info you can pm me here on the forum


    [Admin/Staff if you see that this is illegal just please remove my post as i am not intended to do something wrong]

    PS: I didn't hack the files i made it from Rage of Sage files



    Im really interested with your servers...


    So is this different from your vendetta files? If not could you atleast give me a comparison log file for both servers?



    god bless!

  14. On 9/19/2016 at 8:45 AM, TheSamurai said:

    I am selling another files which is our own work named Vendetta Pirates Online

    Price: $50 (Negotiable)

    Package: Server files + Free Service (Help)

    Contact: PkoDev  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ken.pisig

    Owners: @TheSamurai @Wrexor

    YouTube: Serve's video was taken on version 1 of the server. Some features are not yet included in the video

    Screenshot: None

    Server Features:

      Hide contents

    Server Rates:
    Solo Exp = 5
    Party Exp = 7
    Pet Exp = 648x
    Pet Lv = 62 (Improve fruits starts on Lv42)
    Drop Rate = 2x
    (drop rate from monster are edited/changed)

    Argent City - Main Map (Customize)
    Fairy Land - Map for Fairies/Pets
    Underwater tunnel - Farming Manu Packs
    Heaven - Rebirth (Need Goddess's Favor)
    Farming Land - Map for farming wooding, fishing, mining and killing mini boss
    Aurora & Dark Area I and II - Quest for Unseal 95 Set
    Newbie Hunter Map
    Shaitan Mirage

    Forsaken City
    Dark Swamp
    Demonic World
    Only Level 75 - 100 can enter this mazes
    Need to Kill Mini-Bosses to get to the next map
    Gives 5,000 gold each monster you killed
    Chests Drops: Refining Gem and some Gems
    Final Bosses gives: Azrael Gem Chest

    PK Maps:
    Chaos Argent
    Sacred War
    Pharaoh Hunter:
    - Pharao Hunter ( spawns novice-standard-expert Pharao Chests that drop Ugems, mobs drop Unique Gems, Powers, and BD gems, Winner of PH gets decent cash depending on the amount of people that entered, and a King Emblem )
    Equal Argent:
    - Equality City, the same map as Manu Wars, opening every 6 hours, portal stays open for 30 minute, map closes after 45 minutes, you'll have to check yourself for the rewards!, you cannot enter this map with any kind of Gear in your inventory, you will be given an Equipment Chest and fight with that equipment!
    Manu Wars:
    - Manu Wars, enter this map every 3 hours, the map portal lasts for 20 minutes and the map itself for 30, Upon entering Manu wars you will be given 99 Lv 5 Manu Items, Upon leaving those Items will be deleted. In Manu wars you can farm Hat Gem Pouches and Lv 3 Manu Items ( those will not get deleted ) , the Winner Obtains a Skill Hat Gem Pouch which contains one of eleven amazingly new Gems that will increase your abilities or decrease the enemies abilities.

    Money Ways:
    Woods - 500,000 gold per stack
    Ores - 500,000 gold per stack
    Sashimi - 500,000 gold per stack
    Fish Meat- 500,000 gold per stack
    Meteorite - 2,500 gold per stack
    Fc/Ds/Dw Mobs - 50,000 gold each monster
    Underwater Tunnel Mobs - 5,000 gold
    Newbie Hunter Monsters
    Newbie Quest

    Unseal 75 (FREE)
    Unseal 95 (Quest)

    Death Weapons (FREE)
    Unseal 85 (Quest)
    Unseal 95 (Quest)

    Normal Gems
    Broken Gems
    Cracked Gems
    Chipped Gems
    Unique Gems
    Jades Gems
    Rare Gems
    Rock Gems
    Black Dragon Gems
    Azrael Gems

    Gemming System:
    Gem NPC (Normal,Broken,Cracked and Chipped Gems)
    Black Dragon Gem Purging - When you get Black Dragon Gem you can't use it yet for forging but you need to get BD Gem Purger to make it able to forge on your item.
    Shards - Other gems needs its own shards to get them, collect the shards to exchange for the real gems.
    Max Gem Level will be up to Level 6 for now, will increase each monthly update so that newbies can still catch up.

    Customized Argent - Small Map of Argent.
    In Game Guide - There will be a simple guide/information when you type /help.
    PvP and MvM anywhere on the Argent City - You can Invite PvP or MvM anywhere inside the Argent City also when the fight is over you will re spawn back to the place where did you invite each other.
    Mailing System - Send and Receive messages. You can check your mail inbox if you got Messages and you can send message even the receiver is offline.
    Ranking NPC - Rank up players that have more Kill/Death in PK maps.
    Admiral Cloak - Admiral Cloak Lv1 - 3.
    Boss Information - Records Boss Death/Re spawn Time.
    Daily Quests - Gives you quest everyday.
    Party Drop - Kill a boss and all of your party have a chance to get the drops.
    Money by Killing Monster - Easy way to farm on monsters no need to loot the money it will go directly to your inventory.
    Guild Buffs - Gives an visual effect above the head. (Suggest if what bonus effect should we put for Pirate and Navy Buff)
    Anti Re-logger - If you re-log while inside PK maps you are unable to go inside again for 3 mins.
    Newbie Protection
    Protection means:
    -Other people deals no damage to this Newbies while Protection is on.
    -Monster still damage Newbies while Protection is on.
    -If the Newbie tries to attack a Player in the Maps he will lose his Protection.
    -If the Newbie gets Level 90 he/she will lose his Protection.
    -Newbie vs Newbie = Attacker one will lose Protection.
    -Will give you full buffs when you attack an monster.
    -Protection will expires after 2 days.





    Can you pm me your last price for the full package?


    does this comes with a site?




    god bless!

  15. On 12/4/2016 at 7:49 AM, Onioni said:

    Still up! pm me in facebook if you want to buy! with install all will pay more but 100 usd pack is cheap now (ofc you can buy some leeched version from wolfenx probally he dont even give right files or some of his backdoored files)




    If you looking 2.7 files in 1.38 pm me in fb! pack include IP block system and anti ddos guardian + monitoring and website monitoring and all custom scripts has it own logs, database page (website working only with zend and cloudflare set upped if you want use it as in full power) etc etc..



    pack is now 50 usd via paypal/Bitcoins/Skrill ofc you may ask it for cheaper :) FB:https://www.facebook.com/lari.mahonen



    Is this pack full?


    and is it still up for grabs till now?


    can u pm me the full log file of the full server files details?



    god bless!

  16. On 5/11/2016 at 6:23 PM, DangThao said:

    Here is my last free ripped website that i will be release for public. Enjoy =D

    Link: Trickster Online

    Currently no item mall, award center, vote and etc.

    There are some new CSS while styling as well and other stuff i did within the server.

    NOTE: There are some missing icons for the title (pages title and pages banner).

    Please dont delete the credit. Thank you for using =D

    Links to screenshot:
    Screenshot 01
    Screenshot 02
    Screenshot 03
    Screenshot 04


    re-upload files pls?!



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