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Posts posted by Unknown

  1. On 4/27/2023 at 7:57 AM, DangThao said:

    Do you still happen to have this? or anyone?...

    I've managed to download 2 files. And now one more which is 969977

    1287939 is not revelant to kop




    开发工具:Visual C++
    上传日期:2009-11-14 04:28:04
    上 传 者:MyName
    说明:  Tales of Pirates 1.33 ORIGINAL Server Files


    上传日期:2009-11-24 17:41:15
    上 传 者:jgreever
    说明:  pirate king online 1.38-2.0 EN built from the CN version.


    上传日期:2008-09-24 21:59:54
    上 传 者:原来的我
    说明:  海盗王1.38游戏服务端,完整可架设,客户端用官方1.38版本
    (Pirate King 1.38 game client services, integrity can be set up, the client used the official 1.38 version)


    Not revelant:
    开发工具:Visual C++
    上传日期:2010-09-04 00:56:52
    上 传 者:msddos
    说明:  Full source code server TRAVIA

  2. 10 minutes ago, Mdrst said:

    Attach a debugger and see where the exception occurs. FYI, though, I don't remember having to set up System Language as Chinese. Just change the .res file to en_US.

    I've just set it to Chinese in order to see comments properly without changing encoding of files for translating. (Also no need to do anything with .res or ui)


    Well, since starting game.exe without parameter "startgame" returns 0 so debug auto stops, i commented that return 0

    		//return 0;


    After that it takes me to


    	const char* shader_file[] = 
    	for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
    		_snprintf_s(path,DR_MAX_PATH, _TRUNCATE, "%s%s", path_info->GetPath( PATH_TYPE_SHADER ), shader_file[i] );
    		if( DR_FAILED( shader_mgr->RegisterVertexShader( shader_type[i], path, 0, decl_tab[i], decl_size[i],1 )))
    			return false;
    		if(i< 4)
    			_vecVShader[_iVShaderNum - 1] = 0;
    			shader_mgr->QueryVertexShader(&_vecVShader[_iVShaderNum - 1],shader_type[i]);



    So i got message box popped up says:




    I have no idea why this would happen, shader folder is there with all these files. Also tried getting similar/different shaders from other installer/patch. Same thing happens


    Do you have any idea why this would happen? lol

  3. I have some problems with 2.x source. Game.exe does not run. Do not know how to trace the problem here. Can you help me?


    PC -> Control Panel\Clock and Region -> Change system locale > Select Chinisese (Simplified, China) - So there won't be no problems with UI in chinese letters (it wont run otherwise)



    LightEngine compiles fine from folder Client\Engine\sdk

    1>Embedding manifest...
    1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\PKO 2.4\Client\Engine\sdk\temp\release\BuildLog.htm"
    1>LightEngine - 0 error(s), 45 warning(s)
    ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

    Game does not compile from folder client\client

    Renamed all MP to LE (unidentified identifiers)

    (No more errors of unidentified identifiers in Game Output log at this point)


    So what left is now:

    Error	6	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	Scene.obj
    Error	7	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	ChaScript.obj
    Error	8	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	UIScript.obj
    Error	9	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	GameAppFrameMove.obj
    Error	10	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	GameAppInit.obj
    Error	11	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	GameAppInterface.obj
    Error	12	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETexSet * LETexSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETexSet@@1PAV1@A)	UIRender.obj
    Error	13	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class CEff_ParamSet * CEff_ParamSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@CEff_ParamSet@@1PAV1@A)	GameAppMsg.obj
    Error	14	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class CGroup_ParamSet * CGroup_ParamSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@CGroup_ParamSet@@1PAV1@A)	GameAppMsg.obj
    Error	15	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class CGroup_ParamSet * CGroup_ParamSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@CGroup_ParamSet@@1PAV1@A)	EffectObj.obj
    Error	16	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class ui::UIClip * ui::UIClip::m_pClip" (?m_pClip@UIClip@ui@@0PAV12@A)	UINumAnswer.obj
    Error	17	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class ui::UIClip * ui::UIClip::m_pClip" (?m_pClip@UIClip@ui@@0PAV12@A)	UIRender.obj
    Error	18	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETerrainSet * LETerrainSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETerrainSet@@1PAV1@A)	Scene.obj
    Error	19	error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class LETerrainSet * LETerrainSet::_Instance" (?_Instance@LETerrainSet@@1PAV1@A)	UIScript.obj
    Error	20	fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals	C:\TOP Project\Client\Client\bin\system\Game.exe


    So I added these lines of code to because of errors above

    Scene.cpp - added this after headers

    LETexSet*	LETexSet::_Instance			= NULL	;
    LETerrainSet*	LETerrainSet::_Instance	= NULL	;

    EffectObj.cpp - after headers

    CEff_ParamSet* CEff_ParamSet::_Instance = NULL;


    GameAppMsg.cpp - after headers

    ui::UIClip* ui::UIClip::m_pClip = NULL;
    CGroup_ParamSet* CGroup_ParamSet::_Instance = NULL;


    Now everything compiles with no errors.

    1>------ Build started: Project: kop, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
    1>cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
    1>cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/GR-' with '/GR'
    1>cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/EHs' with '/EHa'
    1>LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:d3d8.dll ignored; no imports found from d3d8.dll
    1>LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:dinput8.dll ignored; no imports found from dinput8.dll
    1>Embedding manifest...
    1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\PKO 2.4\Client\client\client\temp\Release\BuildLog.htm"
    1>kop - 0 error(s), 5 warning(s)
    ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========




    Running table_bin



    Running start_game


    Access Violation
    Call Stack:
    0040c272 at 0040b8d0 WinMain
    Access Violation
       EIP=0x101d309a  EBP=0x0019f740  ESP=0x0019f738  EFL=0x00210202
       EAX=0x08cf9c80  EBX=0xddcbe0e1  ECX=0x0000001e  EDX=0x00000000
       ESI=0x08cf9c08  EDI=0xfa2c0580  CTF=0x0001007f
    80 05 2C FA 30 9A 9A 02 08 9C CF 08 82 5B 0B 10 ..,.0........[..
    80 05 2C FA 08 9C CF 08 78 00 00 00 BA 8D 46 11 ..,.....x.....F.
    8C 37 66 00 30 9A 9A 02 D8 F9 19 00 01 00 00 00 .7f.0...........
    D0 49 27 10 00 00 00 00 54 00 00 00 08 9C 9A 02 .I'.....T.......
    78 00 00 00 08 9C CF 08 D8 F9 19 00 1C 6A 0B 10 x............j..
    C4 F8 19 00 FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF D8 B8 21 10 ..............!.
    8C 37 66 00 CC F9 19 00 88 BF 20 10 FF FF FF FF .7f....... .....
    31 6A 0B 10 78 00 00 00 3A 83 46 11 48 95 9A 02 1j..x...:.F.H...
    Unknown Windwos VerUnknown Windows NT
    DirectX Ver:90000
    DeviceType 1
    AdapterOrdinal 0
    Caps 20000
    Caps2 200A0000
    Caps3 A0
    PresentationIntervals 8000000F
    CursorCaps 1
    DevCaps 1BBEF0
    PrimitiveMiscCaps 3F8CF2
    RasterCaps C736193
    ZCmpCaps FF
    SrcBlendCaps 1FFF
    DestBlendCaps 1FFF
    AlphaCmpCaps FF
    ShadeCaps 84208
    TextureCaps 1EC45
    TextureFilterCaps 703073F
    CubeTextureFilterCaps 3030300
    VolumeTextureFilterCaps 7030700
    TextureAddressCaps 3F
    VolumeTextureAddressCaps 3F
    LineCaps 1F
    MaxTextureWidth 4000
    MaxTextureHeight 4000
    MaxVolumeExtent 2000
    MaxTextureRepeat 2000
    MaxTextureAspectRatio 2000
    MaxAnisotropy 10
    MaxVertexW 10000000000.000000
    GuardBandLeft -32768.000000
    GuardBandTop -32768.000000
    GuardBandRight 32768.000000
    GuardBandBottom 32768.000000
    ExtentsAdjust 0.000000
    StencilCaps FF
    FVFCaps 100008
    TextureOpCaps 3FFFFFF
    MaxTextureBlendStages 8
    MaxSimultaneousTextures 8
    VertexProcessingCaps 7B
    MaxActiveLights A
    MaxUserClipPlanes 6
    MaxVertexBlendMatrices 4
    MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex 8
    MaxPointSize 256.000000
    MaxPrimitiveCount 555555
    MaxVertexIndex FFFFFF
    MaxStreams 10
    MaxStreamStride 1FC
    VS:FFFE0101 PS:FFFF0104
    MaxVertexShaderConst 60
    MaxPixelShaderValue 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000000



  4. On 12/4/2022 at 5:16 PM, fhandror said:

    The Great V3ct0r itself comments on my post! I'm honored for having you here V3ct0r, i have both 1.36 and 2.4, the 2.4 was the first one to get ready to be uploaded, next i'm gonna upload the 1.36...and i like 2.4 more than 1.36, so 2.4 was chosen to be the first hahahahaha xD 

    Wow. Really nice files. It can be used to open public server or just local/offline for testing purposes?

    • Confused 1

  5. 2 hours ago, Jonathan said:

    If you are just trying to determine the parameter so that you can use a startgame batch file...

    Open the game using whatever launcher, then open a command line prompt. Enter “WMIC /OUTPUT:ProcessList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid”. View command line options used to open each open program inside ProcessList.txt - specifically, look for the command line options used to open Game.exe. Then write your batch file using those command line options instead of startgame.

    Thank you very much!

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