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Posts posted by Danny

  1. Give me a bit to test, I'll get back to you in a couple of hours.



    3 hours ago, FapFap said:

    Exactly but in Item Mall Store, so people ex: can view attrs of necklace by hovering mouse into icon


    I was able to do it easily just by changing some little things. First of all you need to make a CSS box to hold your information when you hover.


    After that, you need to edit the function GetItemHintHttpHeader to the following:


    public function GetItemHintHttpHeader() 
    		$header = '<script src="'.BASE_URL.'js/jquery.cluetip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
    		$header.= '<script type="text/javascript">';
    		$header.= 	'$(document).ready(function() {';
    		$header.= 		'$("img").cluetip({tracking:true,showTitle:false,cluetipClass: "CSS BOX CLASS",dropShadow: false, sticky:false});';
    		$header.= 		'});';
    		$header.= '</script>';
    		$header.= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.BASE_URL.'css/itemHint.css" type="text/css" />';
    		return $header;


    ATTENTION: You have to edit inside cluetipClass: "" the css to match your box css so it is something like this -



    After that, modify your icon img source to something like this:

    <img src="BASE_URL/icons/icon.png" rel="BASE_URL/itemhint?id=ITEMID" title="" width="32px" height="32px" />


    And once you hover your icon, in theory it should work and give you the box. The only part I'm not actually giving you is the CSS code since I can't do all the work for you :P Its easy enough though. GL!

  2. When its a autoincrement field that behaviour is normal. If you have the column ID as auto increment, and the first record is 1 once you delete it it will automatically go to 2. So basically those IDS that are missing were deleted and since its auto incrementing you can't "get" them back.


    That is a normal behaviour.

  3. I would actually love to see something really custom made. Something for example that is quest based, not heavy but to get you started in Gear, a gear system like BLADE & SOUL that you get a weapon at start and upgrade it thru your journey , a masterwork system for better STATS, a PVE map like Instances to get gems or something if you're not into PVP, idk.. stuff like that but without like Azz , Gr8 gems cause those are just retarded gems to have in game. But some ideas like that would be actually a bomb server.

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  4. 10 hours ago, NOX said:

    Hi, @V3ct0r 

    Im gonna have a look on those 2 websites later to study then :) 


    This seems a lot of work to do.. xD


    One little question, i was trying to create a new one from the 0, using PDO, but fail miserably to connect to the database, the version of SQL Server interfers??(I'm not very familiar with SQLServer, I was using SQL Server 2000 btw)


    Hey, you need theese extensions, then add them to your php.ini and restart xampp. (theese dlls go to ext folder in php & use the 32 bit ones normally for xampp)
    https://github.com/Microsoft/msphpsql/releases download here, it should be windows 7.x , x beeing the version of php so lets say you use 7.2 it will be windows 72 zip. gl.

  5. 2 hours ago, Faller said:

    Hey guys! Firsly, I'd like to thank V3ct0r again :)
    And secondly, I'm having a small problem with the SQL connection:




    Any helps? Thanks!


    "The thing about collations is that although database have it's own collation, every table, and every column can have it's own collation. If not specified it takes the default of it's parent object, but can be different.


    When you change collation of database, it will be new default for all new tables and columns, but it doesn't change the collation of existing objects inside database. You have to go and change manually the collation of every table and column."


    Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17616620/cannot-resolve-the-collation-conflict-between check there for the solution if it works on your case not sure why your database has two different collations.



  6. 57 minutes ago, V3ct0r said:


    echo '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> alert("Hello Vasil!"); </script>';


    But I think it is better to separate PHP code from HTML/CSS/JS.


    Quite depends, if it's a big source of JS he should actually make a JS file for it, just the direct access would be an option if it was one or two lines JS codes. Or the echo in PHP also.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Vasil said:

    Since you're now talking about JavaScript,anybody has an idea how to run JavaScript into PHP? Me and my cousin are struggling to find it, still nothing found.


    You can put script tags and execute the Javascript inside the tags.


    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> alert("Hello Vasil!"); </script>

  8. I've worked and I am finishing one atm, and I'm just gonna say, only way you can pull off a secured website is with a vast knowledge on PHP, Security and how to use Frameworks because it is a hard job. Also people won't pay you much as you got pkosite with everything released now-a-days. Good luck though ! :)

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