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About Chris

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. Hi, i was trying to add a followup to login something like logging so i used sql trigger (the same way as auto ban function from vector) but every time i activate the trigger on update when i try to login i keep loading infinity and then suddenly i get error "Account Server Encountered a malfunction" in the logs Auth_Excp kept infinite looping about an account logging in a multiple times at the same time everything works correctly if i disabled the trigger any idea whats going on?
  2. here they are group server //GroupServer Configuration [Main] Name =GroupServerAndor1 // ��GroupServer��¼AccountServer��Ψһ���� Listen_Port =1977 // The TCP Port Gateserver will connect to GroupServer Listen_IP = // The IP GateServer will connect to GroupServer KeepAlive =1800 // ���Socket�ܾ�û�����ݴ��䣬GroupServer��ΪSocket���ڻ״̬��ʱ�䣬������ʱ��û�����ݼ���ΪSocket���� Version =103 // ��������GateServer�汾�İ汾�ţ�ֻ�а汾�����ڴ����ֵ�GateServer.exe�������ӱ�GroupServer [AccountServer] AcctEnable =1 // 0: close the connection // 1: Open the connection Password =GroupServerAndor1 // AccountServer Password IP = // The IP GroupServer will connect to AccountServer Port =1656 // The TCP Port GroupServer will connect to AccountServer [Database] IP = // IP Address Of Server Database DB =GameDB // Database Name Login = sa // SQL Security Login Password =OTgB4cWSM3/hYDC=aosvQ // SQL Password = MaxVal =2000000000 // һ�����Գ��������Դ��ڴ˲�����ֵ�ᱻ��ֹ������Ϸ��ͼ����Ϊ�˹̶�ֵ [��ɫ] // Character System MaxCharactPerAcc =3 // Max Number of Characters that can be created per account ChaImgLogoMaxValue =30 // ���Ի�ͼ������ֵ������Ϸ�汾��������ֵ�Ƿ�����������������ʱ��ķ�Χ���ֵ MaxLognCount =1000 // Max Number of Logins [����] // Friend System MaxInvtation =5 // Max Possible Characters Invitation At Same Time InvitTimeOut =30 // Invitation Time Out (In Seconds) MaxFriendPerChar =50 // Max Number of Friends a Character Can Have EveryCharFrndListGroup =10 // (Max value = 10) [���] // Party System MaxInvtation =5 // Max Possible Characters Invitation At Same Time InvitTimeOut =30 // Invitation Time Out (In Seconds) PlayersInsdParty =5 // Max Players Inside A Party [����] // Chat System MaxMsngPerPlayer =30 // Max Number of Messenger a Player can Join (Max value = 30) MaxPlayerPerMsng =30 // Max Number of players Inside a Messenger (Max value = 100) WrldChanSayInter =20 // World Channel Say Interval (In Seconds) TrdeChanSayInter =20 // Trade Channel Say Interval (In Seconds) WhprChanSayInter =2 // Whisper Channel Say Interval (In Seconds) [������] // Birthplace Argent City =garner // Argent City Shaitan City =magicsea // Shaitan City Icicle Castle =darkblue // Icicle Castle game server the one that had the error [ID] name = GameServer03 equment = System3 [Gate] gate =,1971 [Map] map = dreamisland map = garner2 map = bountypk map = deathcircle //map = hellhome map = starena13 map = starena23 map = starena33 [DB] db_ip = db_usr = sa db_pass =OTgB4cWSM3/hYDC=aosvQ [Socket] keep_alive = 120 [BaseID] BaseID = 0x500000000 [Entity] max_ply = 1000 max_cha = 20000 max_item = 50000 max_tnpc = 500 [Guild] guild_num = 80 guild_try_num = 80 [Item] item_show_time = 60 item_prot_time = 30 [Interval] say_interval = 3 [LOG] log_cha = 0 log_cal = 0 log_ai = 0 log_mission = 0 log_dir = log\\log db_mapmask = 1 [Debug] supercmd = 1 [Res] res_dir = resource not sure if you will need this but .. gate server [Main] Name = GroupServerAndor1 Version = 136 [GroupServer] IP = Port = 1976 EnablePing = 180 [ToClient] IP = Port = 1973 CommEncrypt = 0 EnablePing = 60 MaxConection = 1000 [ToGameServer] IP = Port = 1971 EnablePing = 180 [ShowRange] ShowMin = 500 ShowMax = 800 IsUse = 0 hope you can tell me whats wrong
  3. I'm using vector gameserver and the clean groupserver from lucky's archive
  4. hi, unfortunately i pressed ok ill take a screen when if it happens again
  5. hello pkodev I'm Chris. so i want to test and try out making a private server, and i managed to setup everything and it worked. And when i was testing with some of my friends some maps got bugged and i found on the server error msg with "character saving data limit exceeded" what's is this? i followed up alot of guides here and mostly it works but idk what is this error did i make something wrong? hope someone can help me
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