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Everything posted by Bysen

  1. I really feel bad for those players that have malled
  2. https://prnt.sc/BUed3YMubcyy Some stuff never change , this has happend on this current version of his server.
  3. @champ As a player on this server I can tell you the whole truth as the reason behind the closing of this server. It was after the second week of the server that the owner decided to make an alt named Agressive and forcibly join the strongest guild, because one guild dominated PK and farming azz (5-8) with bosses dropping azz gems. After he gave his alt aka Agressive some edited boots, he forgot that his server had inspect option and we noticed this and called him out, he immediately removed those boots, but we already had screenshots. He refused to explain how Agressive got those edited boots.Days later he decided it was a good idea to push the players more . When the server was mostly empty ( only me and a few brs players), he logged in using his GM account and gave brs players free mall gear and gems. This Owner was also from Br. Due to him giving mall items and gems to his friends, we decided that we would not play on his server anymore as a guild. Even after the relaunch he still had an alt on the br guild that he used to pk aginst the poor souls that decided to trust him and join his server after the wipe. Ps He already wiped his server over 5 times already and this version now is his 6th.
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