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Posts posted by anexoticllama

  1. As far as I understand, it is good practice to run multiple instances of GameServer, each with their own set of maps, to allow for better utilization of multiple cpu threads. My question, then, is in what way would you suggest I divide maps up? I'm currently using base 1.38 files, so the list is:


    - Garner

    - Magic Sea

    - Deep Blue

    - FC (1/2/3)

    - DS

    - DW (1/2)

    - LT

    - CA

    - Abba

    - Treasure Gulf

    - Bar

    - Mirages

    - Others? (Church, xmas, guild war, others I'm forgetting)

  2. Not sure if you still come to this site/want to update this archive, but I have a collection of my own from serverdev. My list of server files (and some various junk, like a random accountserver exe): https://prnt.sc/kmotk7

    I also have a number of tools: Jojo's account tool, Gemini decompiler, Blanquitoh's app (various gm/server management functions)

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