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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Because DPO has met a sudden and quick end, we decided to share the server files with everyone. I've received some help from a friend of mine, yagura, and since he's no more around us, I will assume that he eventually would've wanted to have these shared to help other people too. He fixed a lot of problems in them - not all, mind you, a lot of bugs still popped up - but I do suppose it would've made him happy to know that maybe some people will be helped by the fixes that are here. MEGA.NZ Link: https://mega.nz/file/pB5CzAwZ#p87jyRR17H1xiT6pIVCwgaDd1vcqZoiFr4qox2J3WIE Note: Some parts of the website were coded hastily. All queries are parameterized, but double-checking everything against SQL injections (provided you want to use that crappy website) is something I'd strongly suggest to do. The client has some features removed: Removed all new guild functionality (bank, name, stats, quests) Removed mount & cloak slots from inventory The features that the client has added: Level near character name Apparel hats now are displayed even if you are not wearing any helmet SP bar under character Character waves at you in Character Select (another thing that yagura was playing with and we just thought it would be funny if they waved) Server files features: [There are fixes such as random dc, item switch flood which I've noticed a lot of people got fixed but none of them wanted to share.]
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