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Hello, sorry again for posting this, well I've been trying to log into the client developed by deguix for a week and unfortunately I don't know how to solve it, I know there are bugs among other things but I just wanted to start the client and I don't have the CO broker exes, some people even answered me but unfortunately they disappear, Wolfen was rude to me among others here who denied help, Mothanna was very rude to me on discord, I'm having difficulties, I didn't ask anyone to edit the files I just asked if someone could please send me the exes that start the server in version 1.38 of deguix version 1.3x, I've already sent messages to many people who unfortunately are off here, please if anyone has the exe executables that correctly enter argent the rest I'll manage to learn, please.


all the links that start the server are broken due to the time they were posted, if there was a file available I wouldn't be here asking for help, the exes I have don't start the server so please help me get it and enter until argent, I've tried all the Ocean clients including clean but it doesn't enter, help me out. I've tried the deguix client, I've tried the clean client, I've tried the client they posted there by the way very good, but I know that my problem is in the exes that's why the client crashes on the gateserver as in the picture, I've tried with a filter, I've tried without a filter, my head hurts.

Edited by mcjc

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First of all, the clean ones have always worked since the community has been around, so you're lying, second, there are a lot of guides made by people who know there, it's obvious that you don't read or you're stupid, third, I've been around for many years and if I don't help you it's because I'm not interested in the co or I simply don't waste my time on people who come out of nowhere asking for everything ready lol, don't mention me again, I'm not interested in helping you and even less for free so you can profit.

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He doesn't even take the time to search the forum for this bug. These guides do work because I posted them, and 2.7 does work because I put it together for a client.





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