kyleflow 36 Report post Posted December 4, 2022 Hi guys, previously these setting is working properly before I reinstall everything with the same files. But now, only tradedb working properly but the LuaSQL connection to change the database in tradedb seem to be not working. This are the list of my setting. -- *********************************** -- Sample Lua-SQL System -- Requires: SQL Server 2005 -- By Sultan | V3ct0r -- *********************************** local PLUGIN_NAME = '[[LUA-SQL System]]' local PLUGIN_VERSION = '0.2' local PLUGIN_AUTHOR = 'Sultan | V3ct0r' --[[ ****************** ** Version: 0.2 ** ****************** [*] Slightly faster and less lag on execution [*] Edited LuaSQL.LG function to generate new files instead of editing Query.txt [*] Added LuaSQL.LG for every sample function to trace players inside new file Logs.txt [*] Removed/Edited few unneccessary stuffs from V0.1 ****************** ** Version: 0.1 ** ****************** [*] Use SQL Query directly using your scripts! [*] Built in the extension, there are few sample SQL Queries: AddMallPoints, AddCreditsPoints, ChangePlayerName, and more! [*] Requires GetPlayerByName if used by &lua command [*] Built in the extension the GetPlayerByName function, if it isn't exists in your files it will add it [*] You can freely add any SQL Query Execute function you wish for [*] This system will only generate UPDATES to SQL, you cannot "GET" any data from SQL [*] Requires SQL 2005 and above to use [*] For more information & details: ]]-- -- -------------------------- -- Display loading message on startup -- -------------------------- print(">> Loading extension: "..PLUGIN_NAME) print(" [Version: "..PLUGIN_VERSION.."] from "..PLUGIN_AUTHOR) -- ------------------------ -- LUA-SQL ::DO NOT TOUCH:: -- ------------------------ do LuaSQL = {} LuaSQL.Directory = GetResPath('script\\extension\\Lua-SQL\\'); LuaSQL.Host = "(local)"; --asal (local) LuaSQL.User = "sa"; LuaSQL.Pass = "Y87dc#$98"; LuaSQL.LG = function(file_name,text) local file = LuaSQL.Directory..file_name..'.txt' LogFile =,'a') LogFile:write("[""]\t"..text.."\n") LogFile:close() end LuaSQL.Execute = function(query) LuaSQL.LG('Query','Executed Query: ['..query..']'); os.execute("sqlcmd -S "..LuaSQL.Host.." -U "..LuaSQL.User.." -P "..LuaSQL.Pass.." -Q \""..query.."\" 1>NUL 2>NUL"); end -- if GetPlayerByName is nil, it will generate if(GetPlayerByName == nil)then Roles = {} Timer = cha_timer cha_timer = function(r,f,t) if(IsPlayer(r) == 1)then local characterName = GetChaDefaultName(r) if(Roles[characterName] == nil)then Roles[characterName] = r end end Timer(r,f,t) end GetPlayerByName = function(name) if(Roles[name] ~= nil)then return Roles[name] end return nil end end end -- ------------------------ -- LUA-SQL Functions -- ------------------------ --[[ ***************************** ** Sample Custom Functions ** ***************************** [*]: AddMallPoints(cha,points) => Requires Userdata to grant Mall Points [*]: AddCreditsPoints(cha,points) => Requires Userdata to grant Credits [*]: ChangePlayerName(cha,newName) => Requires Userdata to change players name [*]: ChangeGuildName(guildID,newName) => Requires Guild ID to change guild name [*]: Ban(cha) => Will ban character by Userdata [*]: UnBan(account Name) => Will unban character by account P/S: You can add yours, just use one of samples below and create your own. @FAQ [How To Use]: Example: &lua AddMallPoints("Astral",1000) &lua ChangeGuildName(1,"New Guild Name") &lua Ban("Account Name") ]]-- function AddMallPoints(cha,points) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local accountName = GetActName(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE tradedb.dbo.AccountInfo SET Money = Money + "..points.." WHERE accName = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[AddMallPoints] = Account name['..accountName..'] successfully added '..points..' mall points'); end end function AddCreditsPoints(cha,points) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local accountName = GetActName(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE GameDB.dbo.account SET credits = credits + "..points.." WHERE act_name = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[AddCreditsPoints] = Account name['..accountName..'] successfully added '..points..' credits'); end end function ChangePlayerName(cha,newName) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local characterName,characterID = GetChaDefaultName(cha),GetCharID(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE GameDB.dbo.character SET cha_name = '"..newName.."' WHERE cha_id = '"..characterID.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[ChangePlayerName] = Character name['..characterName..'] with ID['..characterID..'] successfully changed name to ['..newName..']'); end end function ChangeGuildName(guildID,newName) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE GameDB.dbo.guild SET guild_name = '"..newName.."' WHERE guild_id = '"..guildID.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[ChangeGuildName] = Guild Name['..GetGuildName(guildID)..'] with ID['..guildID..'] successfully changed name to ['..newName..']'); end function Ban(cha) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local accountName = GetActName(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE AccountServer.dbo.account_login SET ban = 'True' WHERE name = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[Ban] = Account name['..accountName..'] was successfully banned'); -- kick cha local pkt = GetPacket() WriteCmd(pkt,1505) SendPacket(cha,pkt) end end function UnBan(accountName) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE AccountServer.dbo.account_login SET ban = 'False' WHERE name = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[UnBan] = Account name['..accountName..'] was successfully banned'); end The corresponding itemeffect function for the item function ImpsPointCard10 ( role , Item ) local points = AddMallPoints(role,10) if points == 1 then SystemNotice(role ,"You just got 100 points !") end end The corresponding iteminfo script. 7317 10IMP in a Bottle q0078 10130005 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 99 0 1000 -1,-2,-2,-2 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImpsPointCard10 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 IMP in a bottle 0 Normally if I use the item mentioned above, they will be an update in the log mentioning a success of adding the IMP but the actual conditions in the IGS shop or database itself is not updating through item usage. Weirdly its not working as previously when I do it before clean setup, working properly as desired. Can anyone give any input on what should I do to troubleshoot this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyleflow 36 Report post Posted December 8, 2022 On 12/4/2022 at 11:11 AM, kyleflow said: Hi guys, previously these setting is working properly before I reinstall everything with the same files. But now, only tradedb working properly but the LuaSQL connection to change the database in tradedb seem to be not working. This are the list of my setting. -- *********************************** -- Sample Lua-SQL System -- Requires: SQL Server 2005 -- By Sultan | V3ct0r -- *********************************** local PLUGIN_NAME = '[[LUA-SQL System]]' local PLUGIN_VERSION = '0.2' local PLUGIN_AUTHOR = 'Sultan | V3ct0r' --[[ ****************** ** Version: 0.2 ** ****************** [*] Slightly faster and less lag on execution [*] Edited LuaSQL.LG function to generate new files instead of editing Query.txt [*] Added LuaSQL.LG for every sample function to trace players inside new file Logs.txt [*] Removed/Edited few unneccessary stuffs from V0.1 ****************** ** Version: 0.1 ** ****************** [*] Use SQL Query directly using your scripts! [*] Built in the extension, there are few sample SQL Queries: AddMallPoints, AddCreditsPoints, ChangePlayerName, and more! [*] Requires GetPlayerByName if used by &lua command [*] Built in the extension the GetPlayerByName function, if it isn't exists in your files it will add it [*] You can freely add any SQL Query Execute function you wish for [*] This system will only generate UPDATES to SQL, you cannot "GET" any data from SQL [*] Requires SQL 2005 and above to use [*] For more information & details: ]]-- -- -------------------------- -- Display loading message on startup -- -------------------------- print(">> Loading extension: "..PLUGIN_NAME) print(" [Version: "..PLUGIN_VERSION.."] from "..PLUGIN_AUTHOR) -- ------------------------ -- LUA-SQL ::DO NOT TOUCH:: -- ------------------------ do LuaSQL = {} LuaSQL.Directory = GetResPath('script\\extension\\Lua-SQL\\'); LuaSQL.Host = "(local)"; --asal (local) LuaSQL.User = "sa"; LuaSQL.Pass = "Y87dc#$98"; LuaSQL.LG = function(file_name,text) local file = LuaSQL.Directory..file_name..'.txt' LogFile =,'a') LogFile:write("[""]\t"..text.."\n") LogFile:close() end LuaSQL.Execute = function(query) LuaSQL.LG('Query','Executed Query: ['..query..']'); os.execute("sqlcmd -S "..LuaSQL.Host.." -U "..LuaSQL.User.." -P "..LuaSQL.Pass.." -Q \""..query.."\" 1>NUL 2>NUL"); end -- if GetPlayerByName is nil, it will generate if(GetPlayerByName == nil)then Roles = {} Timer = cha_timer cha_timer = function(r,f,t) if(IsPlayer(r) == 1)then local characterName = GetChaDefaultName(r) if(Roles[characterName] == nil)then Roles[characterName] = r end end Timer(r,f,t) end GetPlayerByName = function(name) if(Roles[name] ~= nil)then return Roles[name] end return nil end end end -- ------------------------ -- LUA-SQL Functions -- ------------------------ --[[ ***************************** ** Sample Custom Functions ** ***************************** [*]: AddMallPoints(cha,points) => Requires Userdata to grant Mall Points [*]: AddCreditsPoints(cha,points) => Requires Userdata to grant Credits [*]: ChangePlayerName(cha,newName) => Requires Userdata to change players name [*]: ChangeGuildName(guildID,newName) => Requires Guild ID to change guild name [*]: Ban(cha) => Will ban character by Userdata [*]: UnBan(account Name) => Will unban character by account P/S: You can add yours, just use one of samples below and create your own. @FAQ [How To Use]: Example: &lua AddMallPoints("Astral",1000) &lua ChangeGuildName(1,"New Guild Name") &lua Ban("Account Name") ]]-- function AddMallPoints(cha,points) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local accountName = GetActName(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE tradedb.dbo.AccountInfo SET Money = Money + "..points.." WHERE accName = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[AddMallPoints] = Account name['..accountName..'] successfully added '..points..' mall points'); end end function AddCreditsPoints(cha,points) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local accountName = GetActName(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE GameDB.dbo.account SET credits = credits + "..points.." WHERE act_name = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[AddCreditsPoints] = Account name['..accountName..'] successfully added '..points..' credits'); end end function ChangePlayerName(cha,newName) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local characterName,characterID = GetChaDefaultName(cha),GetCharID(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE GameDB.dbo.character SET cha_name = '"..newName.."' WHERE cha_id = '"..characterID.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[ChangePlayerName] = Character name['..characterName..'] with ID['..characterID..'] successfully changed name to ['..newName..']'); end end function ChangeGuildName(guildID,newName) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE GameDB.dbo.guild SET guild_name = '"..newName.."' WHERE guild_id = '"..guildID.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[ChangeGuildName] = Guild Name['..GetGuildName(guildID)..'] with ID['..guildID..'] successfully changed name to ['..newName..']'); end function Ban(cha) if(type(cha) ~= 'userdata')then cha = GetPlayerByName(cha) end if(cha ~= nil)then local accountName = GetActName(cha) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE AccountServer.dbo.account_login SET ban = 'True' WHERE name = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[Ban] = Account name['..accountName..'] was successfully banned'); -- kick cha local pkt = GetPacket() WriteCmd(pkt,1505) SendPacket(cha,pkt) end end function UnBan(accountName) LuaSQL.Execute("UPDATE AccountServer.dbo.account_login SET ban = 'False' WHERE name = '"..accountName.."'") LuaSQL.LG('Logs','[UnBan] = Account name['..accountName..'] was successfully banned'); end The corresponding itemeffect function for the item function ImpsPointCard10 ( role , Item ) local points = AddMallPoints(role,10) if points == 1 then SystemNotice(role ,"You just got 100 points !") end end The corresponding iteminfo script. 7317 10IMP in a Bottle q0078 10130005 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 99 0 1000 -1,-2,-2,-2 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImpsPointCard10 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 IMP in a bottle 0 Normally if I use the item mentioned above, they will be an update in the log mentioning a success of adding the IMP but the actual conditions in the IGS shop or database itself is not updating through item usage. Weirdly its not working as previously when I do it before clean setup, working properly as desired. Can anyone give any input on what should I do to troubleshoot this. UP. Can anyone answer me why this is not working as previously, its working properly before i reset my laptop. Is there any setting in MySQL that I miss or any required files that I miss somehow after resetting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
V3ct0r 2,147 Report post Posted December 10, 2022 Hello @kyleflow, I am not sure that I am the co-author of the script. Perhaps I once gave advice on writing it, no more. I strongly don't recommend you use that script since it based on the os.execute() lua function. This function is synchronius, that means that your whole GameServer.exe will hang for the time of execution of the function which can cause lags. Quote Some useful links / Полезные ссылки Tips for making a topic in 'Questions & Help' / Рекомендации по созданию тем в разделе "Помощь" Server Advertising Section Rules / Правила раздела "Реклама серверов" Available e-mail domains for registration / Допустимые e-mail домены для регистрации User groups / Группы пользователей User ranks / Звания пользователей "Broken" pictures on the forum / "Битые" изображения на форуме Beware of scammers! / Осторожно, мошенники! My developments / Мои разработки Mods for client and server / Моды для клиента и сервера PKOdev.NET website for Tales of Pirates Server / PKOdev.NET веб-обвязка для сервера Пиратии I do not provide any help in private messages and outside the forum. Use 'Questions & Help' section please. Thank you for understanding! Я не оказываю какую-либо помощь в личных сообщениях и вне форума. Пожалуйста, используйте раздел "Пиратия: Помощь". Благодарю за понимание! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyleflow 36 Report post Posted December 11, 2022 20 hours ago, V3ct0r said: Hello @kyleflow, I am not sure that I am the co-author of the script. Perhaps I once gave advice on writing it, no more. I strongly don't recommend you use that script since it based on the os.execute() lua function. This function is synchronius, that means that your whole GameServer.exe will hang for the time of execution of the function which can cause lags. That being said, is there a simpler solution to resolve this issues. Do u have other script that can utilize the same script as the mentioned above. I think there is some error on my part where the new reset on my laptop cause me a crucial files for the script above to work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angelix 384 Report post Posted December 11, 2022 13 minutes ago, kyleflow said: That being said, is there a simpler solution to resolve this issues. Do u have other script that can utilize the same script as the mentioned above. I think there is some error on my part where the new reset on my laptop cause me a crucial files for the script above to work. Why not just use LuaSQL? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyleflow 36 Report post Posted December 11, 2022 3 hours ago, Angelix said: Why not just use LuaSQL? I'm using exactly that files of LuaSQL.dll to make it work. I did not know if the script would work without the LuaSQL. I use the iteration for 1.38 instead of 1.36. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angelix 384 Report post Posted December 11, 2022 5 hours ago, kyleflow said: I'm using exactly that files of LuaSQL.dll to make it work. I did not know if the script would work without the LuaSQL. I use the iteration for 1.38 instead of 1.36. Those functions you posted do not use LuaSQL. You can replace them for the ones in the other thread. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyleflow 36 Report post Posted December 12, 2022 11 hours ago, Angelix said: Those functions you posted do not use LuaSQL. You can replace them for the ones in the other thread. can you kindly pinpoint which script should i use. some of the script u put in the post u tagged does not return any values in my system. I do get confuse somehow about this. Thanks a lot @Angelix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angelix 384 Report post Posted December 12, 2022 5 minutes ago, kyleflow said: can you kindly pinpoint which script should i use. some of the script u put in the post u tagged does not return any values in my system. I do get confuse somehow about this. Thanks a lot @Angelix There's example on how to use. There's probably some more scripts lying around in the forum if you search for them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyleflow 36 Report post Posted December 12, 2022 11 hours ago, Angelix said: There's example on how to use. There's probably some more scripts lying around in the forum if you search for them. I'm not sure how to use anything on the forum on regards to this issues. I did ask on the post u tagged in march this year and still cant configure about it. haha. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites