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Ship Logic/Attributes

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1. How are the boat attributes calculated with each level up?

2. Can a person increase specific boat stats at any time with stat points? 

3. Where is the logic that is associated with boat attributes and how they increase? 

4. When a person is on a ship, only the ship gains EXP and not the character, or both of them do?

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1. refer code related to ship attribute

function Ship_ExAttrCheck ( cha_role , ship_role ) 

	if ship_role == nil then 
		LG("luascript_err" , "Ship_ExAttrCheck ship index as null" ) 
		return 0 
	if cha_role == nil then 
		LG ( "luascript_err" , " function Ship_ExAttrCheck :cha_role as null " ) 
--		ship_mnatk_final	=	Ship_BSMnatk ( ship_role )						--船只基本最小攻击
--		ship_mxatk_final	=	Ship_BSMxatk ( ship_role )						--船只基本最大攻击
--		ship_adis_final		=	Ship_BSAdis ( ship_role )						--船只基本攻击距离
--		ship_cspd_final		=	Ship_BSCspd ( ship_role )						--炮弹基本飞行速度
--		ship_aspd_final		=	Ship_BSAspd ( ship_role )						--炮弹基本攻击间隔
--		ship_crange_final	=	Ship_BSCrange ( ship_role ) 						--炮弹基本爆炸范围
--		ship_def_final		=	Ship_BSDef ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本防御
--		ship_resist_final	=	Ship_BSResist ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本抵抗
--		ship_mxhp_final		=	Ship_BSMxhp ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本最大耐久
--		ship_hrec_final		=	Ship_BSHrec ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本耐久回复速度
--		ship_srec_final		=	Ship_BSSrec ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本补给消耗速度
--		ship_mspd_final		=	Ship_BSMspd ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本移动速度
--		ship_mxsp_final		=	Ship_BSMxsp ( ship_role ) 						--船只基本最大补给值
		lv = GetChaAttr ( ship_role , ATTR_LV ) 
		job = GetChaAttr ( cha_role , ATTR_JOB ) 
		sta = GetChaAttr ( cha_role , ATTR_STA ) 
		ship_mnatk_final	=	Boat_plus_MNATk ( lv , Ship_Mnatk_final ( cha_role , ship_role ) )			--船只最终最小攻击
		ship_mxatk_final	=	Boat_plus_MXATk ( lv , Ship_Mxatk_final ( cha_role , ship_role ) )			--船只最终最大攻击
		ship_adis_final		=	Ship_Adis_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--船只最终攻击距离
		ship_cspd_final		=	Ship_Cspd_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--炮弹最终飞行速度
		ship_aspd_final		=	math.floor ( 100000 / Ship_Aspd_final ( cha_role , ship_role ) ) 			--炮弹最终攻击间隔
		ship_crange_final	=	Ship_Crange_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--炮弹最终爆炸范围
		ship_def_final		=	Boat_plus_def ( lv , Ship_Def_final ( cha_role , ship_role )	) 			--船只最终防御
		ship_resist_final	=	Ship_Resist_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--船只最终抵抗
		ship_mxhp_final		=	Boat_plus_Mxhp ( lv , Ship_Mxhp_final ( cha_role , ship_role ) ) 			--船只最终最大耐久
		ship_hrec_final		=	Ship_Hrec_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--船只最终耐久回复速度
		ship_srec_final		=	Ship_Srec_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--船只最终补给消耗速度
		ship_mspd_final		=	Boat_plus_Mspd ( lv , Ship_Mspd_final ( cha_role , ship_role ) )  			--船只最终移动速度
		ship_mxsp_final		=	Ship_Mxsp_final ( cha_role , ship_role )						--船只最终最大补给值
	--SystemNotice( cha_role , "Min Attack"..ship_mnatk_final)
	--ship_mnatk_final		=	Boat_plus_MNATk ( lv , ship_mnatk_final)
	--ship_mxatk_final		=	Boat_plus_MXATk ( lv , ship_mxatk_final)
	--ship_def_fina			=	Boat_plus_DEF ( lv , ship_def_final)
	--ship_mxhp_final		=	Boat_plus_Mxhp ( lv , ship_mxhp_final)
	--ship_mspd_final		=	Boat_plus_Mspd ( lv , ship_mspd_final)
--	SetCharaAttr(lv, ship_role, ATTR_LV )											--[[赋值船只lv]]--
	SetCharaAttr(job, ship_role, ATTR_JOB )											--[[赋值船只职业]]--
	SetCharaAttr(sta, ship_role, ATTR_STA )											--[[赋值船只精神]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_mnatk_final, ship_role, ATTR_MNATK )									--[[赋值最终mnatk]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_mxatk_final, ship_role, ATTR_MXATK )									--[[赋值最终mxatk]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_adis_final, ship_role, ATTR_ADIS )									--[[赋值最终adis]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_cspd_final, ship_role, ATTR_BOAT_CSPD )								--[[赋值最终船只炮弹飞行速度]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_aspd_final, ship_role, ATTR_ASPD )									--[[赋值最终船只攻击速度]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_crange_final, ship_role, ATTR_BOAT_CRANGE )								--[[赋值最终船只炮弹爆炸范围]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_def_final, ship_role, ATTR_DEF )									--[[赋值最终船只防御]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_resist_final, ship_role, ATTR_PDEF )									--[[赋值最终船只抵抗]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_mxhp_final, ship_role, ATTR_MXHP )									--[[赋值最终船只最大耐久]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_hrec_final, ship_role, ATTR_HREC )									--[[赋值最终船只耐久回复速度]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_srec_final, ship_role, ATTR_SREC )									--[[赋值最终船只补给消耗速度]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_mspd_final, ship_role, ATTR_MSPD )									--[[赋值最终船只移动速度]]--
	SetCharaAttr(ship_mxsp_final, ship_role, ATTR_MXSP )									--[[赋值最终船只最大补给值]]--

	SetCharaAttr( 1 , ship_role , ATTR_FLEE )										--船只不具备闪避属性,始终初始化为1 


function	Ship_ExAttrSet ( cha_role , ship_role ) 

function Lifelv_Up ( cha_role )								--生活等级提升
	local life_ap = GetChaAttr ( cha_role , ATTR_LIFETP ) 
	life_ap = life_ap + 1 
	SetCharaAttr( life_ap , cha_role , ATTR_LIFETP ) 

function Saillv_Up ( cha_role )								--航海等级提升


function Resume ( role ) 
	local role_type = ChaIsBoat ( role ) 
	local srec = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_SREC ) 
	local sp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_SP ) 
	local mxsp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_MXSP ) 
	local hrec = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_HREC ) 
	if hrec < 0 then 
			LG ( "resume_err" , "role = " , GetChaName (role) , "HP recovery rate lower than 0" ) 
			LG ( "resume_err" , "role_hrec_statec = " , GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_STATEC_HREC) , "role_hrec_statev = ", GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_STATEV_HREC)  ) 
			LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: character HP recovery rate less than 0" ) 
	local hp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_HP ) 
	local mxhp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_MXHP ) 

	if role_type == 1 then									--船只resume
		--Rem_State_NOSEA ( role ) 
--	SystemNotice (role,"enter ship recover")
		if hp <= 0 then 
			LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: Character in dead status" ) 
		cha_role = GetMainCha ( role ) 
		if sp <= 0 then 
			BickerNotice ( role , "No more fuel! The ship is being damaged every moment! Get to the nearest Harbor now!" ) 
			hrec = hrec - 0.025 * mxhp 
			srec = 0 
		sp = math.max ( 0 , sp - srec ) 
		hp = math.min ( mxhp , hp + hrec ) 
		local ship_lv = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_LV ) 
		local ship_exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CEXP ) 
		local boatexpup_count = GetBoatCtrlTick ( role ) 
		if ( boatexpup_count - math.floor ( boatexpup_count / 5 ) * 5  )  ==  4 then 
			a = 1 
			a = 0 
		boatexpup_count = boatexpup_count + 1 
		if boatexpup_count >= 500 then 
			boatexpup_count = 0 
		SetBoatCtrlTick ( role , boatexpup_count ) 
--		SetAttrChangeFlag( role)

		if ship_lv <= 30 and ship_exp <= 1000  then 
--		if ship_lv <= 50 and ship_exp <= 1000  then 
--			SystemNotice (role,"enter ship expup")
			if a == 1 then 
	--			SystemNotice (role,"ship_expadd = " ..ship_expadd)
	--			SystemNotice (role,"ship_exp = " ..ship_exp)
				local ship_expadd = math.floor ( math.random ( 1, 3 )  + math.max ( 0 , ( 2 - ship_lv /10 ) )  ) 
	--			local ship_expadd = math.floor ( math.random ( 50, 150 ) ) 
				ship_exp = ship_exp + ship_expadd
	--			SystemNotice (role,"after resume ship_exp = " ..ship_exp)
				SystemNotice (role,"Ship EXP gained:" ..ship_expadd)
				SetCharaAttr (ship_exp ,role , ATTR_CEXP ) 
	--			ship_exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CEXP ) 
	--			SystemNotice (role,"1 after resume ship_exp = " ..ship_exp)
--		cha_hp = math.min ( Mxhp ( cha_role ) , Hp ( cha_role ) + Hrec ( cha_role ) ) 
		cha_sp = math.min ( Mxsp ( cha_role ) , Sp ( cha_role ) + Srec ( cha_role ) ) 
		SetCharaAttr ( sp , role , ATTR_SP ) 
		SetCharaAttr ( hp , role , ATTR_HP ) 
--		SetCharaAttr ( cha_hp , cha_role , ATTR_HP ) 
		SetCharaAttr ( cha_sp , cha_role , ATTR_SP ) 
--		SyncBoat ( role, 4 )
		if hp <= 0 then 
			LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: Character in dead status" ) 
		local Elf_SkillHpResume = 0
		local Elf_SkillSpResume = 0
		if mxhp ~= hp then
			Elf_SkillHpResume = ElfSkill_HpResume ( role )
		if mxsp ~= sp then
			Elf_SkillSpResume = ElfSkill_SpResume ( role )
		hrec = hrec + Elf_SkillHpResume
		srec = srec + Elf_SkillSpResume
		sp = math.min ( mxsp , sp + srec ) 
		hp = math.min ( mxhp , hp + hrec ) 
		SetCharaAttr ( hp , role , ATTR_HP ) 
		SetCharaAttr ( sp , role , ATTR_SP ) 



2. No. Ship only affected by buff item. speed buff, skill cast from ship, ship invisibility, ship repair and etc.


3. Also refer code.


4. Both fairy and char exp are not calculated.

  • Thanks 2

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