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Question regards stats calculations & formulas

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I have been working in a project recently using UE4, and I was wondering if someone can help me with the stats calculations.


There are five primary attributes in our lovely game, which are "Strength, Accuracy, Spirit, Agility, and Constitution". 


in which,

-Strength increases the attack of melee classes.

-Agility increases Attack Speed and Dodge

-Spirit increases SP, SP Recovery Rate and healing/damage dealt from Magic Skills.
-Constitution increases HP, HP Recovery Rate and Defense.

-Accuracy increases Hit Rate and the attack of ranged classes.



The questions are,

-how much max/min attack does a single strength point add? whats the formula behind it? 

-how much attack speed & dodge do we get from adding a single point in agility? 

-etc.. you get the idea! 



Thank you! 



Edited by seemsq8

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in case your wondering at what state i am at right now, 


Stats are implemented & replicated for multiplayer usages, but calculations are not accurate by all means. 


I just need the formulas to tweak em up real quick~ 




Edited by seemsq8

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I haven't touched this in a bit, but the calculated stats (max atk, hp) have different scaling per class. You can find the scalings and the final attribute calculation in AttrCalculate.lua, code like this -

Mxhp_con_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxhp_con_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxhp_lv_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	3	,	2	,	15							--���hp������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ�����ȼ�ϵ����������
		Mxsp_sta_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxsp_sta_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxsp_lv_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1	,	0	,	3 						--���sp������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��������ϵ�����ȼ�ϵ��
		Mnatk_str_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mnatk_str_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mnatk_dex_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mnatk_dex_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1.5	,	0.4	,	0	,	0						--��С������������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��
		Mxatk_str_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxatk_str_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxatk_dex_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxatk_dex_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1.5	,	0.4	,	0	,	0						--��󹥻�������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��
		Def_con_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Def_con_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1		,	0.1 											--����������Ӱ��ϵ����רעϵ��
		Hit_dex_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Hit_dex_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.6		,	0 										--���е�����Ӱ��ϵ����רעϵ�����ȼ�ϵ������С������
		Flee_agi_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Flee_agi_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.6		,	0									--���ܵ�����Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ�����ȼ�ϵ������С������
		Mf_luk_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		= 0.39 															--�����ʵ�����Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��
		Crt_luk_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		= 0.31														--����������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ������С�����ʡ���󱩻���
		Hrec_bsmxhp_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Hrec_con_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1/200	,	1/8									--hp�ظ�������Ӱ��ϵ�������hpϵ�����ȼ�ϵ����hp��С�ظ��ٶ�
		Srec_bsmxsp_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Srec_sta_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1/100	,	1/12									--sp�ظ�������Ӱ��ϵ�������spϵ�����ȼ�ϵ����sp��С�ظ��ٶ�
		Aspd_agi_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1.1    															--����Ƶ�ʵ�����Ӱ��ϵ������������������ϵ������С����Ƶ��				--
		Str_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.2 
		Dex_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	0.1 
		Con_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	0.6 
		Agi_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1 
		Sta_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1 
		Luk_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1

shows the scaling for that job and you can see the final calculations in the `ExAttrCheck` function -


local mxhp	= math.floor(Con(role)*3 * Mxhp_con_rad1[job] + Mxhp_con_rad2[job] * math.pow( math.floor(Con(role)*3/20 ),  2) +Lv(role) * Mxhp_lv_rad[job] + 40)	--[[�������mxhp]]--
	local mxsp	= math.floor(Sta(role)*3 * Mxsp_sta_rad1[job] + Mxsp_sta_rad2[job] * math.pow( math.floor(Sta(role)*3/20), 2) +Lv(role) * Mxsp_lv_rad[job] + 5)			--[[�������mxsp]]--
	local mnatk	 = math.floor( 0+ Str(role) * Mnatk_str_rad1[job] + Dex(role) * Mnatk_dex_rad1[job] + Mnatk_str_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Str(role)*4/20), 2 ) + Mnatk_dex_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Dex(role)*4/20), 2 ) )											--[[�������mnatk]]--
	local mxatk	= math.floor( 0+ Str(role) * Mxatk_str_rad1[job] + Dex(role) * Mxatk_dex_rad1[job] + Mxatk_str_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Str(role)*4/20), 2 ) + Mxatk_dex_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Dex(role)*4/20), 2 ) )											--[[�������mxatk]]--
	local def = math.floor( Con(role)* 5 * Def_con_rad1[job]	+ Def_con_rad2[job] * math.floor( math.pow( Con(role) * 3 /20, 2) ) )											--[[�������def]]--
	local hit = math.floor( Dex(role) * Hit_dex_rad1[job])	+ Lv(role) * 2 + 5		--[[�������hit]]--
	local flee = math.floor( Agi(role) * Flee_agi_rad1[job] ) + Lv(role) * 2 + 5			--[[�������flee]]--
	local mf = 100 +  math.floor( Luk(role)*3 * Mf_luk_rad[job] )														--[[�������mf]]--
	local crt =11 +  math.floor( Luk(role)*3 * Crt_luk_rad[job] )														--[[�������crt]]--
	local hrec = math.max(math.max ( 2 * mxhp * Hrec_bsmxhp_rad[job] + Con(role)*3 * Hrec_con_rad[job] , 1) ,0) 						--[[�������hrec]]--
	local srec = math.max((mxsp * Srec_bsmxsp_rad[job] + Sta(role)*3 * Srec_sta_rad[job])/2 , 1 )						--[[�������srec]]--
	local aspd = math.floor ( 100000/ (math.min ( math.floor( 65 +  Agi(role) * Aspd_agi_rad[job] ) , 300 ) ) )											--[[�������aspd]]--


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3 minutes ago, Perseus said:

I haven't touched this in a bit, but the calculated stats (max atk, hp) have different scaling per class. You can find the scalings and the final attribute calculation in AttrCalculate.lua, code like this -

Mxhp_con_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxhp_con_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxhp_lv_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	3	,	2	,	15							--���hp������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ�����ȼ�ϵ����������
		Mxsp_sta_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxsp_sta_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxsp_lv_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1	,	0	,	3 						--���sp������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��������ϵ�����ȼ�ϵ��
		Mnatk_str_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mnatk_str_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mnatk_dex_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mnatk_dex_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1.5	,	0.4	,	0	,	0						--��С������������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��
		Mxatk_str_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxatk_str_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxatk_dex_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Mxatk_dex_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1.5	,	0.4	,	0	,	0						--��󹥻�������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��
		Def_con_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Def_con_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1		,	0.1 											--����������Ӱ��ϵ����רעϵ��
		Hit_dex_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Hit_dex_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.6		,	0 										--���е�����Ӱ��ϵ����רעϵ�����ȼ�ϵ������С������
		Flee_agi_rad1[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Flee_agi_rad2[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.6		,	0									--���ܵ�����Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ�����ȼ�ϵ������С������
		Mf_luk_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		= 0.39 															--�����ʵ�����Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ��
		Crt_luk_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		= 0.31														--����������Ӱ��ϵ��������ϵ������С�����ʡ���󱩻���
		Hrec_bsmxhp_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Hrec_con_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1/200	,	1/8									--hp�ظ�������Ӱ��ϵ�������hpϵ�����ȼ�ϵ����hp��С�ظ��ٶ�
		Srec_bsmxsp_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU], Srec_sta_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1/100	,	1/12									--sp�ظ�������Ӱ��ϵ�������spϵ�����ȼ�ϵ����sp��С�ظ��ٶ�
		Aspd_agi_rad[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	1.1    															--����Ƶ�ʵ�����Ӱ��ϵ������������������ϵ������С����Ƶ��				--
		Str_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.2 
		Dex_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	0.1 
		Con_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]	=	0.6 
		Agi_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1 
		Sta_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1 
		Luk_updata[JOB_TYPE_XINSHOU]		=	0.1

shows the scaling for that job and you can see the final calculations in the `ExAttrCheck` function -


local mxhp	= math.floor(Con(role)*3 * Mxhp_con_rad1[job] + Mxhp_con_rad2[job] * math.pow( math.floor(Con(role)*3/20 ),  2) +Lv(role) * Mxhp_lv_rad[job] + 40)	--[[�������mxhp]]--
	local mxsp	= math.floor(Sta(role)*3 * Mxsp_sta_rad1[job] + Mxsp_sta_rad2[job] * math.pow( math.floor(Sta(role)*3/20), 2) +Lv(role) * Mxsp_lv_rad[job] + 5)			--[[�������mxsp]]--
	local mnatk	 = math.floor( 0+ Str(role) * Mnatk_str_rad1[job] + Dex(role) * Mnatk_dex_rad1[job] + Mnatk_str_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Str(role)*4/20), 2 ) + Mnatk_dex_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Dex(role)*4/20), 2 ) )											--[[�������mnatk]]--
	local mxatk	= math.floor( 0+ Str(role) * Mxatk_str_rad1[job] + Dex(role) * Mxatk_dex_rad1[job] + Mxatk_str_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Str(role)*4/20), 2 ) + Mxatk_dex_rad2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( Dex(role)*4/20), 2 ) )											--[[�������mxatk]]--
	local def = math.floor( Con(role)* 5 * Def_con_rad1[job]	+ Def_con_rad2[job] * math.floor( math.pow( Con(role) * 3 /20, 2) ) )											--[[�������def]]--
	local hit = math.floor( Dex(role) * Hit_dex_rad1[job])	+ Lv(role) * 2 + 5		--[[�������hit]]--
	local flee = math.floor( Agi(role) * Flee_agi_rad1[job] ) + Lv(role) * 2 + 5			--[[�������flee]]--
	local mf = 100 +  math.floor( Luk(role)*3 * Mf_luk_rad[job] )														--[[�������mf]]--
	local crt =11 +  math.floor( Luk(role)*3 * Crt_luk_rad[job] )														--[[�������crt]]--
	local hrec = math.max(math.max ( 2 * mxhp * Hrec_bsmxhp_rad[job] + Con(role)*3 * Hrec_con_rad[job] , 1) ,0) 						--[[�������hrec]]--
	local srec = math.max((mxsp * Srec_bsmxsp_rad[job] + Sta(role)*3 * Srec_sta_rad[job])/2 , 1 )						--[[�������srec]]--
	local aspd = math.floor ( 100000/ (math.min ( math.floor( 65 +  Agi(role) * Aspd_agi_rad[job] ) , 300 ) ) )											--[[�������aspd]]--



Thank you!! 

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