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User groups

User group system does operate on our forum. For a better recognition of users in different user groups, users' aliases are colored into a certain color.

So far there are only 5 user groups:


  1. Administrator;
  2. Community;
  3. Moderator;
  4. Server administrator;
  5. Advanced user;
  6. User.




To enter this group you should simply register on our forum and follow the rules.


There are restrictions for the "User" group:
1) You cannot send private messages;
2) You can not write posts in the profile (status updates);
3) You cannot edit posts;
4) You cannot attach attachments.
5) Only 10 reactions per day can be given.



Advanced user

This group has no restrictions of the "User" group.


To get into the "Advanced user" group, you must fulfill two conditions:
1) At least 10 days must pass from the moment of registration on the forum;
2) The user must have at least 10 posts.



Server administrator

This group is intended for private servers' administrators.  Applications to enter the group should be sent to any of the forum administration.

Requirements to enter the group:

1) Amount of messages on forum should be 50 and above;

2) Reputation equals 10 and above;

3) User should exist at least 15 days after the registration on forum;

4) A running server;

5) Administration's approval.




Group users have access to the Moderation section.

Applications to enter the group should be sent to any administrator. Administrator decides whether to accept the application or not; determines himself what reception form to use.

Administrator is free to accept or to deny the application. Administrator has the right to beforehand discuss the application with other team members of group "Moderators".

Requirements to enter the group:

1) User should exist at least 30 days after the registration on forum;

2) Reputation equals 15 and above;

3) The absence of forum's rules violation;

4) Administration's approval.




This group is intended for users who have made a great contribution to the development of the forum or somehow affect the development of the community.

Administrators decide on their own who they should and should not add to this group.




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The user group system has been updated. The "Advanced user" group was introduced, which has the same access rights to the forum and its functionality as the "Users" group until recently.


To get into the "Advanced user" group, you must fulfill several conditions:

0) Register on the forum;
1) Confirm email address after registration;
2) At least 10 days must pass from the moment of registration on the forum;
3) The user must have at least 10 posts.


If these conditions are met, the user is automatically transferred from the "User" group to the "Advanced user" group. For the changes to take effect for already registered users, you need to re-enter the forum.


Restrictions are introduced for the "User" group:
1) You cannot send private messages;
2) You can not write posts in the profile (status updates);
3) You cannot edit posts;
4) You cannot attach attachments;
5) Only 10 reactions per day can be given.


Thank you for your attention!

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Hey V3ct0r, thanks for your vote for me in the Community group 😃

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thx @V3ct0r for placing me on the comunity group

Even tho i am not that active anymore this game was my childhood, and starting with tweaking the game and later looking into server files made me passioned about what i do for a living today.


  • Thanks 1

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