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Adjusting Skill Damage [Request]

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Hi can anyone do this please?

Illusion Slash:

- Damage will be based on how much HP is lost

A random damage base on HP of the defender

- If HP >5K then damage will be around 1-3K if HP <5K then damage will be 800-1,3K


Dual Shot:

- (Same as Illusion Slash)


Spiritual Bolt, Thunder Bolt, Conch Ray:

- Damage will be based on monsters HP

- damage multiplier is based on HP lost of the monster, (idk what is good value per hp lost 0.2% maybe per HP lost?)


Hope someone can make me this, willing to pay thank you.

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Things to consider:

  • Illusion Slash originally has its damaged increased by skill level and by attack speed of user.
    • How will you put that into play?
    • What do you mean by "damage will be based on how much HP is lost"? Since normally HP is lost after the damage.
    • Will you be trying to work with percentages or something like?
  • Dual Shot, same issues as above, except for that fact that it doesn't take into consideration the attack speed.
  • Spiritual Bolt initially depends on the spirit attribute from both (attacker and defender).
    • You're going to try an ignore defender's spirit and deal damage (maybe percentages as well?) based on monster's HP?


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@Angelix the problem on illusion slash and dual shot is that they can 1 shot 1 kill other players, idk if how that happen. So im thinking with damage limitation depends on the opponent's HP will not let them to kill other people instantly.


About the spiritual bolt i just want it to get applied on monsters only, like the 3x magic damage on monsters, but on mine damage multiplier will depends on the monster HP lost, like Full HP = normal bolt damage, and when the HP is getting low the damage of the bolt increases every 0.01 or 0.02%? Maybe with this they can farm better, do a bossing better too.


Hope i explain it well, sorry for my bad english xD

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So basically you want something like this?

function SkillSp_Xlcz(SkillLevel)
	return (30 + SkillLevel * 2)
function SkillCooldown_Xlcz(SkillLevel)
	return (6000 - SkillLevel * 300)
function Skill_Xlcz_Begin(role, SkillLevel)
	if Sp(role) - SkillSp_Xlcz(SkillLevel) < 0 then
	Sp_Red(role, SkillSp_Xlcz(SkillLevel))
function Skill_Xlcz_End(ATKER, DEFER, SkillLevel)
	if ValidCha(ATKER) == 0 or ValidCha(DEFER) == 0 then
	local LV_DIF = math.max((-1) * 10, math.min(10, Lv(TurnToCha(ATKER)) - Lv(TurnToCha(DEFER))))
	local Damage = math.floor((10 + Sta(ATKER) * 2) * (1 + SkillLevel * 0.25) * (1 + LV_DIF * 0.025)) * 1.1
	if (GetChaMapName(ATKER) == "garner2" or GetChaMapName(DEFER) == "garner2") and Is_NormalMonster(DEFER) == 0 then	
		Damage = math.floor((MAGIC_Atk_Dmg(ATKER, DEFER)) * (1 + SkillLevel * 0.1))
	Damage = Cuihua_Mofa(Damage, GetChaStateLv(ATKER, STATE_MLCH))
	Damage = Damage + ElfSkill_MagicAtk(Damage, ATKER)
	if GetChaAttr(ATKER, ATTR_CSAILEXP) > 0 and GetChaAttr(ATKER, ATTR_CSAILEXP) < 100 then
		Damage = Damage * 1.055
	if GetChaAttr(ATKER, ATTR_CSAILEXP) >= 100 and GetChaAttr(ATKER, ATTR_CSAILEXP) < 12100 then
		Damage = Damage * (1.05 + math.floor(math.pow((GetChaAttr(ATKER, ATTR_CSAILEXP) / 100), 0.5)) * 0.005)
	if IsPlayer(DEFER) == 0 then
		local Percentage = GetChaAttr(DEFER, ATTR_HP) / GetChaAttr(DEFER, ATTR_MXHP)
		Percentage = (1 - Percentage) * 0.5
		Damage = Damage * (1 + Percentage)
	Hp_Endure_Dmg(DEFER, Damage)
	if IsPlayer(ATKER) == 1 and IsPlayer(DEFER) == 1 then
		LG("Skill Log", GetChaDefaultName(ATKER), GetChaDefaultName(DEFER), GetChaMapName(ATKER), "Spiritual Bolt", SkillLevel, Damage)
	Check_Ys_Rem(ATKER, DEFER)
	CheckAttackState(ATKER, DEFER)
	GivePetState(ATKER, DEFER)

An example would be:

  • Monster has 45,000 HP out of 50,000 max HP.
  • That means the monster has lost a 10% of their total HP.
  • We then multiply that percentage by 0.5 (otherwise known as dividing by 2).
  • We add a 1 to the above result, so it would be 1 + 0.05.
  • Then we multiply that by the damage already calculated from Spiritual Bolt.
  • An example would be that the user is dealing damage of 2,000, then multiplied by the above result, we now get 2,100.
  • This means, for every 10% of total HP that the monster has lost, the attacker's spiritual bolt damage is increased by 5%.

That's what you meant? If so, then that's the script.

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