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Found 11 results

  1. [News] Tales of Pirates development project on the Unity3D engine ("Top Mobile") Hello friends! In this news, I want to tell you about the project of porting Tales of Pirates to the Unity3D game engine - Top Mobile. According to the owner of this project, @UnityDev, the work is almost completed: all the main game systems have been implemented and tested, but now there is a difficult task of recreating game locations left. Actually, @UnityDev reached out to our community in order to find people who will help him with the task. Therefore, if you are interested in the project and have some experience with the Unity3D engine, then contact (in English language) @UnityDev on Discord: MiniMan#9579 The project has a YouTube channel with videos demonstrating how the client works on the new engine: In the first video you can see familiar locations - Argent and Arena Island. PvP is demonstrated between the Sharpshooter and the Crusader. You can notice the elements of the graphical user interface (character characteristics, inventory, controls for the touch screen). At the end of the video, the chat is shown. The second video shows the process of completing the quest in the Silver Mines location, the purpose of which is to hunt for local inhabitants - Moles, Bats and Mud Monsters. New GUI elements also appear here - an avatar with HP and MP of the player's character and a minimap. Judging by the characteristic glow, gems are inserted into the player's weapons. At the end of the video we see the Icicle Castle fountain. A short interview with @UnityDev: V3ct0r: Hello and welcome to our forum! If you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions. UnityDev: Hi, V3ct0r. V3ct0r: Are you working on the project alone or do you have a team? UnityDev: I mostly work alone, but I hired many professional developers to help me with the project. I'm also the only owner of the project. V3ct0r: How long did it take to work on the project? UnityDev: Actually, this is already my second Tales of Pirates project on the Unity3D engine. For the first one, I hired someone from the ToP community, but we had some problems and I decided to close the project. It was two years ago. I have since started this project. As they say, we learn from mistakes, so this new project should be better. V3ct0r: What programs did you use to extract the assets from the original game client? UnityDev: We used 3D max and Blender. V3ct0r: As far as I understand you have server side and client support multiplayer. Is your Unity3D client compatible with the original server files or is your server a separate development? UnityDev: Yes, at first I thought about making the client compatible with the original server files, but then I decided to abandon this idea, since the original server files have a bunch of exploits and unknown backdoors [vulnerabilities]. So I decided to make my own server side. V3ct0r: Are you a professional game developer or is it just your hobby? UnityDev: I can't say that I am a professional developer, but I have worked a lot with the Unity3D engine and I have very good knowledge on it. Sometimes I have to hire people to do some work that I get stuck with. V3ct0r: Will it be a private development or will you release your work to the public? Do you plan to launch your own server based on this development? UnityDev: I will release my work to the public. Of course, I will launch the server. V3ct0r: How long do you think it will take to release the project? UnityDev: About how long it will take, well, actually, I can already release the beta. Game systems are finished and tested. We have already done a lot of tests and everything works perfectly. All that's left to do is maps [game locations]. As you know, in Unity3D you need to create locations from scratch, and this takes some time. V3ct0r: BTW, my friend and I also once tried to port the game to the Unity3D engine UnityDev: Yes, I have seen your project for a long time ago. You did a great job, but I wonder why you didn't kept working on it. V3ct0r: Thanks a lot for your answers! I will create a news about your project so that the whole community can see it, if you don't mind. UnityDev: Ooh yea that would be cool thank you. Thank you for your attention, I hope you enjoyed it! In my turn, I am glad to support this project in this way and wish it development and good luck!
  2. PkoDEV.NET Discord! "All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that’s free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone. Stop paying for TeamSpeak servers and hassling with Skype. Simplify your life." - discordapp.com Hello friends! Our community have two Discord servers: PkoDev by @Home - "This is a public chat where we can talk about everything." TOP/PKO/KOP by @Blanquitoh - "I have seen that the other channel is being used mostly for devs so.... i wanted to create one for both. Players and Admins because since i have notice the other discord channel does not have an admin or moderator, it is hard to set up new configurations like new channels for server advertizing, etc... Help this channel growth!" We will be glad to see you in Discord!
  3. Problems with the forum 05/08/2023 - 11/11/2023 Hello friends! Unfortunately, the PKOdev.NET forum was unavailable for several months between August 05 and November 11, 2023. The cause for the forum's malfunction was a DDoS attack that began a few days before the forum failure. Perhaps someone remembers the errors 504 Gateway Timeout, 508 Resource Limit Is Reached and 500 Internal Server Error the day before. The attack affected server software, which took some time to recover. Protection against DDoS attacks was also installed. The forum is currently online and continues to operate as normal. On behalf of the forum team, I want to thank all the people who were interested in the fate of our forum and waited for its restoration. Thank you very much! We apologize for any inconvenience caused! We wish you a good day and pleasant work with the forum! P.S. Once again, I would like to especially thank our technical administrator @Panda, who was involved in solving this problem and successfully returned the forum to working state.
  4. [News] New forum section: Portuguese section Hello friends! As a result of the recent vote, a Portuguese Section was created to communicate in Portuguese language. At the moment, the section contains only one subsection - Dúvidas & Ajuda (Questions & Help). I also want to introduce the new moderator @Mdrst to you, who will keep order in the new section. Thanks a lot for attention!
  5. [News] Mod source codes have been moved to GitHub The source codes of all mods I authored from the section "Mods for client and server (PKOdev.NET mod loader)" can now be found in their corresponding repositories on GitHub. There you can also download the latest binary releases of mods in the form of .dll libraries, as well as all the necessary resources for their work: .cfg settings files, scripts, textures and other ones. Previously, mods were stored in Google Drive cloud storage, which is not very convenient for this kind of projects.
  6. Changing the structure of the forum sections Hello friends! Our forum has undergone some changes in the structure of sections in order to optimize and improve the usability of the forum. 1. The section on developing Tales of Pirates using Unity3D game engine has been removed Due to low activity, it was decided to delete this section. All topics have been moved to sections Development, Offtopiс, Пиратия: Разработка and Оффтопик. 2. Added a new section "Recycle bin" When reading the forum, the user may encounter a situation where there are no images in a particular topic, or links to materials and files are no longer valid. This situation is due to the fact that the materials are mostly stored on external resources on the Internet, which at some points in time may be unavailable or even deleted forever. Topics with such defects should be moved to the "Recycle bin" section for correction. Thus, the new section is an archive of topics that have lost their original meaning and do not represent informational value. 3. Added a new section "Mods for client and server (PKOdev.NET mod loader)" Due to the high interest of our community members in the topic of mods for the official builds of the client and server versions 1.3x, as well as due to the large number of mods created, it was decided to create a separate section for mods. In the section, only mods for the PKOdev.NET mod loader system are published and discussed. Thank you for attention!
  7. New administrator on the forum Hello friends! Today I want to introduce you to the new administrator of the PKOdev.NET forum - @patrick13! @patrick13 has been an active participant in the forum since its inception and since then he has made a great contribution to the development of our community. So, he helped and continues to help translate materials from Russian language into English for publication in the English-language section of the forum, provides technical support on the server- and client-sides of the game to the rest of the community, takes initiative and proposes new ideas, keeps order on the forum, until now acting as a moderator. In addition, @patrick13 has programming skills in the field of applied and web development, fluent in English and Russian languages. In view of the foregoing, I made the decision to invite @patrick13 to become the second administrator, to which he responded positively. I consider his candidacy worthy and beneficial to the further development of the project and the community as a whole. Congratulations to @patrick13 and I would like to thank him for his contributions to the community!
  8. PKODev.NET needs moderators! Hello friends! Due to the recent increase in cases of spam attacks on our forum we are looking for people who want to help the PKODev.NET community and become Moderators. Moderator's tasks: 1) Keep order on the forum: move topics that were created in inappropriate sections; rename topics whose names are in UPPERCASE or do not reflect the topic's content; delete topics and posts that do not make any logical sense; 2) Fight against spam and flooding in all their forms: delete topics that are not related to the subject of the forum; remove topics with advertising of other web resources; preventing, together with the administration, spam attacks on the forum. 3) Provide a friendly atmosphere on the forum and suppress conflicts between users, keep the process of cultural communication. Wishes for the candidacy of the moderator: 0) Desire to help the forum; 1) Adequacy and culture. On our forum there are no clear rules for communication between users, but there are unspoken rules of cultural behavior in society and netiquette. The moderator should be able to enforce these rules and be an example for other forum users. 2) Ability to devote a little free time to the forum every day, to be an active user of the site; 3) It is advisable that you are a well-known member of our community who has contributed to it; 4) Knowledge of the technical side of the game. Communicate with me using the following ways if you are interested: 1) Write a message in this topic; 2) Send me a private message on the forum; 3) Send me a message on Discord (V3ct0r#0484) or Skype (vector.nesterov). Thank you for your attention! I will be glad to everyone who responded.
  9. New forum In-PKO "Welcome to the Pirate King Online family! The purpose of creating this community is the desire to unite the Eng & Ru audience, exchange experience and оf course communication, we want to unite Players, Administrators and Developers in one big family. Each of you is a big contribution to the family, and without each of you it's just a forum, we want to build warmth relations between all participants and joint work on your favorite game, development and transfer of experience. Each of your contributions to the community accelerates its development, in the near future we plan to gather an audience and fill out the forum if you are not indifferent to the life of the project - we encourage you to take part in it, to be part of it." Hello friends! I want to tell you about a new forum in our community of developers and administrators of Tales of Pirates (Pirate King Online) servers - in-pko.com, which was opened on June 2, 2020. Enter to the In-PKO The subject of the in-pko.com forum is similar to the subject of the PKODev.NET forum - it is about development and administration of Tales of Pirates (Pirate King Online) servers. The forum is represented by two main sections: Russian and English. Each section contains guides and articles on the technical side of the game, useful files for server and client (server files, websites, special programs), and discusses the problems that arise during the development and administration processes of game projects. The development and exploring of the source codes of the game is underway. On the new forum, you can also find people for your team to develop a project, or join an existing one. An opportunity is offered to make money on the provision of services or to quickly find a contractor. The latest news of the project is published in the corresponding section "News". In addition to sections for developers and administrators, sections for players are also being developed on the forum, in particular, advertising of Russian- and English-speaking game projects. The section with servers advertising has a convenient classification and is divided into the categories: "Stable", "Testing", "Opening soon", "In developing", "Server archive". Each category is divided into servers based on rates: "Low rates", "Average rates", "High rates". Through these sections, game server administrators can find an audience, and players can find a suitable server for the game. To clearly identify the roles of users when communicating, the forum has a system of user groups: 1. Administrators; 2. Moderators; 3. Gold members; 4. Servers owners; 5. Developers 6. Gamers; 7. Members. The general statistics of the In-PKO forum for 1.5 months of work allows us to estimate the pace of its growing. Of the negative aspects, unfortunately, it is worth highlighting the fact that the representatives of this project behave extremely aggressively and use unscrupulous methods to grow their forum. For example, during the last month you could repeatedly see the following picture on our forum: PKODev.NET was spammed with advertisement of the In-PKO forum. In your private messages, you could have received one of these messages. Obviously, this is aimed at luring PKODev.NET users away to the new forum. At the same time, the In-PKO forum does not hesitate to use materials from the PKODev.NET forum without the consent of the authors of the publications and without back links to the originals of the topics. For example, here you can find there the following materials from our forum: "Server Protection for TOP 1.3x", "IP Changer", "Model viewer (.lmo, .lgo, .lab)", ".txt Tables compiling", "In Game Shop 1.35 - 2.0", "Change Server Rate", "How to increase temporary bag capacity", "Create Account", "Change cost of the World / Trade message" and others. To be fair, we emphasize that the forum also contains original content. All these actions bring discomfort to PKODev.NET users and raise questions. One of our users, @Angelix, in his topic "Spamming pkoDev" asks an open question to the In-PKO administration after another attack. In-PKO administration, in turn, denies involvement in spam attacks on PKODev and does not take responsibility for them. I do not know what justifies this behavior and who is involved in this, perhaps the guys want to attract attention to themselves in this way, so I ask you to support the In-PKO forum and register there. There is also a content hiding system on the forum, which can be inconvenient. To view links, scripts, text, you are forced to register and enter the forum. Despite the noted negative points, the new forum is of some interest to the community and deserves attention. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!
  10. New forum section on developing Tales of Pirates using Unity3D game engine Hello friends! At the request of users, a new section was created on the forum to discuss and develop Tales of Pirates on the Unity3D game engine. Wikipedia
  11. Servers Monitoring Hello friends! Unfortunately, servers monitoring (servers.pkodev.net) has been closed. The reasons are the low popularity and relevance of the service. There were about 2-4 servers only. I want to say thanks to @Duduf for idea and development/implementation and @Jap for idea! Discussion is here.
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