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About Shinriyou

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. I want to know how to inject custom attributes for a summoned monster. As an example I used Sand Bag Lv5 as reference and and I'am trying to understand @Angelix post to inject the attributes but I have no luck. Can someone give me clarification on how to successfully inject custom attributes to a summoned monster, thank you. function ItemUse_ShaBao5(role, Item) local Cha_Boat = 0 Cha_Boat = GetCtrlBoat(role) if Cha_Boat ~= nil then SystemNotice(role, "Cannot use while sailing") UseItemFailed(role) return end local reg = 0 reg =IsChaInRegion(role, 2) if reg == 1 then SystemNotice(role, "Training in Safe Zone? Dream on!") UseItemFailed(role) return end local x, y = GetChaPos(role) local x_move=5 local y_move=5 x=x_move+x y=y_move+y local MonsterID = 941 local Refresh = 1900000 local life = 1800000 local new = CreateChaX(MonsterID, x, y, 145, Refresh,role) SetChaLifeTime(new, life) -- Attempting to insert MIN/MAX Dmg attribute local MINDMG = BSMnatk(new) + 100 local MAXDMG = BSMxatk(new) + 100 SetCharaAttr(MINDMG, new, ATTR_BMNATK) SetCharaAttr(MAXDMG, new, ATTR_BMXATK) end
  2. I appreciated to those who message me regarding on their offer and I already replied to them. If you have any fast phase server files that is available for selling let me know too.
  3. I want to buy server files to use as a base files. I know it may contain bugs or exploits but it is okay. I also know that there are some who is selling files in Paid & Services thread but I wantt to know who is actively selling their files. Give me a dm for: - Server Files Features - Price - Package Inclusion
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