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Everything posted by XXD

  1. I updated the editor and the link.
  2. I am making this free available, but I do not intend to update it or give support as I am developing top on unity and this already consumes all my time. Download
  3. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    I had to slow down and I'm doing freelance work to raise funds since I didn't have much financial help on the project, so if I have more solid news I'll post here =).
  4. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    http://www.battleofkingdoms.online/Battle_of_kingdoms.exe try this link discord https://discord.gg/Gy2XHR2
  5. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    Now Bk Have A demo online, come test, and tell us, your opinion is what you think should be different. https://we.tl/t-HPjVXScPpe
  6. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    I agree that the top / pko has no maps to support the flight, anyway the flight will only be (if it is) in dungeons where you need to fly to get places, with maybe a procedural map
  7. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    I put the option to be able to choose the camera. with higher angle and higher height, almost a camera tweak and the original camera of tales of pirates, which comes by default.
  8. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    you have a completely opposite view of mine, i don't want the mine to be mysterious, i want new maps to be, i'm creating with unity and so enlarging the maps and creating new maps is no problem, i agree about the camera being too high , but this is for development it makes it easier for me to have a better view, but still being able to see the argent mine is a good thing, I hate the top limited camera system, it only existed to make the game lighter because at that time it was need. but thank you for your opinion and of course it matters to me. voce tem uma visao completamente oposta a minha, eu nao quero que a mina seja misteriosa, quero que novos mapas sejam, estou criando com unity e por isso aumentar os mapas e criar mapas nóvos nao seram problema, eu concordo sobre a camera estar muito alta, mas isso é pro desenvolvimento me facilita ter uma melhor visao, mas ainda assim poder ver a mina de argent é algo bom, eu odeio o sistema de camera tao limitada do top, isso só existia pra tornar o jogo mais leve porque ná época era preciso. mas agradeço sua opiniao e claro que ela importa pra mim.
  9. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    Tell me why you think that.
  10. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    What would it be like to fly the same top in sword art online?
  11. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    this is the miners troop haha.
  12. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    I'm creating a demo of the game, it's coming next week, the demo will come with the achievement system to guide players through the demo, achievements can be something like walking, equip any item,move camera, talking to any npc, getting a quest , completing a quest, etc, this will guide you to explore everything the demo has to offer. the game already supports portuguese and english, others will still be implemented estou criando uma demo do jogo, ficara ponta semana que vem, a demo ja vai vir com o sistema de conquistas para guiar os jogadores pela demo, as conquistas podem ser algo como caminhar, mover a camera, equipar um item, falar com npc, pegar uma quest, completar uma quest, etc, isso ira guilos para explorarem tudo que a demo tiver a oferecer. o jogo já suporta portugues e ingles, outras ainda vao ser implementadas.
  13. XXD

    Battle of Kingdoms 🟠

    no problem, thankyou
  14. looking forward to seeing all you can do in unity. Go ahead.
  15. Esta chegando a hora de lançar o primeiro "servidor de tales of pirates" feito na unity, na verdade nao é só um servidor mas sim um jogo feito do zero e baseado em tales of pirates, oque pocibilitara um avanço extraordinário, um servidor mais robusto com codigos mais modernos, toda uma estrutura mais moderna, um cliente mais confiavel e totalmente modelavel/ajustavel conforme a nescecidade, criaçao de recurços totalmente fora dos padroes de tales of pirates, mas mantendo a nostalgia de entrar em portais pra chaos argent por exemplo, o desenvolvimento ja passou da metade, com menos de 2 meses para uma versão jogável, amenos que voce queira ser um apiador, nesse caso voce já podera testar o jogo(lembrando que ainda nao da pra voce sair jogando por certamente encontrara problemas, lacunas que faltam ser feitas) mas preciso de ajuda e gostaria de recompensar aqueles que acreditarem neste sonho. Veja essas informações sobre o jogo. Facebook page The time is coming to launch the first "tales of pirates server" made in unity, in fact it's not just a server but a game made from scratch and based on tales of pirates, which will make for an extraordinary breakthrough, a more robust server. with more modern codes, a whole more modern structure, a more reliable client and totally scalable / adjustable according to need, creating features completely out of the tales of pirates standards, but keeping the nostalgia of entering portals to chaos argent for example, The development has already gone from half, with less than 2 months to a playable version, unless you want to be a supporter, in this case you can already test the game (remembering that you can not go out playing for sure will find problems, gaps that left to be done) but I need help and would like to reward those who believe in this dream. see this information about the game. Facebook Page Now Bk Have A demo online, come test, and tell us, your opinion is what you think should be different. https://we.tl/t-HPjVXScPpe
  16. what do you mean by external libraries? in other languages not C #? because a .dll library in C # for example you can simply put your managed .dll in \Assets\Plugins and add "using yourLibraryNameSpace;" at the top of your scripts. I didn't understand either "difficulties working with multicomponent circuits" kk
  17. coloque esse script em uma câmera e essa câmera em um objeto, a câmera estará olhando para o objeto, se um colisor(con tags speficida em tagsCollider) ficar entre a câmera e o objeto, ele se aproximará do objeto até que não haja mais colisões entre elas,espesifique as tags na lista tagsCollider, mantenha o botão direito do mouse e mova o mouse para orbitar o objeto e use a rolagem para aumentar ou diminuir o zoom, defina os campos no inspetor para especificar as velocidades, mínimo e máximo de rolagem e órbita. place this script on a camera and this camera on an object, the camera will be looking at the object, if a collider (with tags defined in tagsCollider) gets between the camera and the object, it will approach the object until there are no more collisions between them, specify the tags in the tagsCollider list, hold the right mouse button and move the mouse to orbit the object and use scrolling to zoom in or out, set the fields in the inspector to specify the minimum and maximum scroll speeds. and orbit. using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; public class camera : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Rotate te player speed")] [SerializeField] float speed = 5f; [SerializeField] float scrollSpeed = 2f; [Tooltip("min distance of target")] [SerializeField] float minDistance = 4f; [Tooltip("Max distance of target")] [SerializeField] float maxDistance = 20f; float distance = 10f; [Tooltip("Min camera's viewing angle")] [SerializeField] float minAlgle = 10f; [Tooltip("Max camera's viewing angle")] [SerializeField] float maxAlgle = 90f; Transform target; [Tooltip("if the target is behind (out of sight) of a collider, the camera approaches the target at this speed")] [SerializeField] float smooth =3; [Tooltip("add here any tags that can't be between object and camera")] [SerializeField] List<string> tagsCollider; private Vector3 input; bool overGui; private void Start() { target = transform.parent; input = new Vector3(0f, 50f, 0f); } void LateUpdate() { float Camspeed = smooth; { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) overGui = true; if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) overGui = false; if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)&&!overGui) { Camspeed = 8f; input += new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * speed, (Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * -1) * speed, Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * speed); } if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0 && !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { distance -= scrollSpeed; } else if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0 && !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { distance += speed; } distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance, minDistance, maxDistance); input.y = Mathf.Clamp(input.y, minAlgle, maxAlgle); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(input.y, input.x, 0); Vector3 position = target.position - (rotation * Vector3.forward * distance); position.z += 0.2f; position.y += 2f; RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(target.position + Vector3.up, (transform.position - Vector3.up*2 - target.position).normalized * distance, out hit)) { if (tagsCollider.Contains(hit.collider.tag)) { distance = Vector3.Distance(target.position, hit.point) - 3f; Camspeed = 5; transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, position, Time.deltaTime * Camspeed); transform.rotation = rotation; return; } } transform.position = position; transform.rotation = rotation; } } }
  18. NETWORK SYSTEM <== Este é o inicio a base de um servidor em unity, é bem simples e obvio que deve ser melhorado, mas é uma base solida, tora simples a comunicaçao em rede especialmente feita pra suportar um mmorpg, a forma de usar é simples(tem exemplos neste arquivo) mas basicamente voce escreve um methodo no arquivo This is the beginning of a unity server, it is quite simple and of course it should be improved, but it is a solid base, but simple network communication specially made to support a mmorpg, the use is simple (there are examples) in this file) but basically you write a method to the file client -> Commands public void sChat(string text) { string[] msg = { "rChat", text }; con.SendToServer(msg); } other in servidor -> serverCommands (receive message from client) public void rChat(string[] msg, ServerClient client) { string message = msg[1]; string clientName = client.clientName; sChat(message, clientName); } and in serv -> servercommands (send message to clients) **** use serv.sendToClient(msg, specific cline ServerClient) to spesific client kk private void sChat(string message, string clientName) { string[] msg = { "rChat", message, clientName }; serv.SendToClient(msg); } again in clinet -> commands (client recie command and parameters) public void rChat(string[] msg) { Debug.Log("rChat"); string text = msg[2] + " Say: " + msg[1]; Chat.instance.ReadNewMsg(text); } e pronto todos os clientes vao receber este ultimo metodo, eu uso "chat.instance.ReadNewMsg(text)" para colocar a mensagem no chat and all customers will receive this last method, I use "chat.instance.ReadNewMsg(text)" to put the message in the chat. client.rar and serv.rar is a demo
  19. I created a network, I'm waiting for someone to create a community topic of unity for me to post there kk
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