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ShadowJr last won the day on August 3 2021

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About ShadowJr

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  1. Hello Friends, I'm having a problem with my source and I hope someone here can help me. i have any problem with SENDTOGROUP(WtPk) EXAMPLE, when use GMNotice: void CGameApp::GMNotice( const char * szString ) { if(!szString) return; WPACKET WtPk = GETWPACKET(); WRITE_CMD(WtPk, CMD_MP_GM1SAY); WRITE_STRING(WtPk, szString); SENDTOGROUP(WtPk); } from the moment you get here: case CMD_MP_GM1SAY: CP_GM1SAY( NULL, datasock, recvbuf); return; void GroupServerApp::CP_GM1SAY(Player *ply,DataSocket *datasock,RPacket &pk) { uShort l_len; cChar * l_content =pk.ReadString(&l_len); ...... l_content arrives as an empty string If anyone has any tips and shares them with me I would be grateful!
  2. ShadowJr

    UDIO: Piratia

    Will they create a section in English?
  3. Hello everyone, does anyone have this client with these features?
  4. Hello @V3ct0r it's been a while since the last update, gave up on making this system compatible with CO Src?
  5. Hello @V3ct0r, any news about this implementation?
  6. That could be the problem, HasFlag is for Kill and your mission has no kill MisResultCondition(HasItem, 2604, 20 )
  7. Check first if there are no other quests with this ID! DefineMission( 643, "hola", 644 ) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 644) MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 644, 1) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 6441, TE_GETITEM, 2604, 20) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 644) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 2604, 20, 10, 20 ) MisResultCondition(HasMission, 644) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 29 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 1000000, 1000000 ) --MisResultAction(SetRecord, 644 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 644 ) MisResultBagNeed(20) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 2604) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 644, 10, 20 ) RegCurTrigger( 6441 )
  8. Have you tried using smaller values? DefineMission( 6442, "hola", 6441 ) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 6441) MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 6441, 1) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 64411, TE_GETITEM, 2604, 20) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 6441) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_ITEM, 2604, 20, 10, 20 ) MisResultCondition(HasMission, 6441) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 29 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 1000000, 1000000 ) --MisResultAction(SetRecord, 6441 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 6441 ) MisResultBagNeed(20) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsItem, 2604) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6441, 10, 20 ) RegCurTrigger( 64411 )
  9. Hello, you need to create an item with glow effect even though it is +0 and add this equipament in characterinfo of NPC
  10. Thank God , I just removed the App slots!
  11. Hello @V3ct0r Did you add this to the DB? USE [gamedb]; ALTER TABLE gamedb.dbo.guild add bank varchar(8000); alter table gamedb.dbo.guild add gold bigint default(0) NOT NULL; alter table gamedb.dbo.character drop constraint DF_character_guild_permission; alter table gamedb.dbo.character alter column guild_permission bigint; ALTER TABLE gamedb.dbo.character ADD CONSTRAINT DF_character_guild_permission DEFAULT 0 FOR guild_permission; alter table gamedb.dbo.guild add PDEF int default(0) NOT NULL, MSPD int default(0) NOT NULL, ASPD int default(0) NOT NULL, MXATK int default(0) NOT NULL, DEF int default(0) NOT NULL, HIT int default(0) NOT NULL, FLEE int default(0) NOT NULL, HREC int default(0) NOT NULL, SREC int default(0) NOT NULL, MXHP int default(0) NOT NULL, MXSP int default(0) NOT NULL, level int default(0) NOT NULL; alter table gamedb.dbo.guild add colour int default(-1) NOT NULL; alter table gamedb.dbo.guild add icon int default(0) NOT NULL; CREATE TABLE holding ( id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, bag VARCHAR(8000) NOT NULL, ); alter table gamedb.dbo.account add IMP int default(0); alter table gamedb.dbo.character add chatColour int default(-1) NOT NULL Are you using the last files I sent? I just tested here, it's all working fine!
  12. Please this is very important for a lot of people
  13. Even the last one I sent now? I tested everything before sending
  14. Hello @V3ct0r As I can't send these files as public, I sent them through my Discord: ShadowJr#5627 Thank you!
  15. I believe that the most up-to-date @V3ct0r offline stall already provides this,
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