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About Terminix

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. well you can use cha_timer for that, once the player's money reach more than 1b, money gets converted to notes and send it to either temp bag or inventory its up to you.
  2. is_friend = function(c, t) pk_mode.conf['hook'](c, t) local cMap,tMap = GetChaMapName(c),GetChaMapName(t) local cRole,tRole = CheckChaRole(c),CheckChaRole(t) local cEffect,tEffect = GetChaStateLv ( c , pk_mode.conf['state']),GetChaStateLv ( t , pk_mode.conf['state'] ) local Teammate = is_teammate(c,t) local cID,tID = GetCharID(c),GetCharID(t) for i,v in pairs(pk_mode.conf['maps']) do if cMap == v and tMap == v then if cRole == 1 and tRole == 1 then if cEffect == 1 and tEffect == 1 and Teammate == 0 and cID ~= tID then return pk_mode.conf['on'] else return pk_mode.conf['off'] end end end end end cha_timer = function(r, f, t) pk_mode.conf['timer'](r, f, t) local PID = GetCharID(r) if (file_exists(pk_mode.conf['path']..PID..'.txt') == true) then AddState(r, r, pk_mode.conf['state'], 1, 3600) else if GetChaStateLv(r, pk_mode.conf['state']) ~= 0 then RemoveState(r, pk_mode.conf['state']) end end end -- prevents self attack, party attack and reflectin' with main is_friend script. Handlechat() cmd.list['pk'] = function(role, param) if param.n ~= 1 then BickerNotice(role, 'This command requires an option "ON" OR "OFF"') return end param[1] = tostring(param[1]) param[1] = string.upper(param[1]) if (param[1]) == 'ON' then local PID = GetCharID(role) if (file_exists(pk_mode.conf['path']..PID..'.txt') == false) then BickerNotice(role, 'PK Mode: activated.') table.save({}, pk_mode.conf['path']..PID..'.txt', 'w') else BickerNotice(role, 'PK Mode already activated.') return end elseif (param[1]) == 'OFF' then local PID = GetCharID(role) if (file_exists(pk_mode.conf['path']..PID..'.txt') == true) then BickerNotice(role, 'PK Mode: deactivated.') os.remove(pk_mode.conf['path']..PID..".txt") else BickerNotice(role, 'PK Mode already disabled.') return end else BickerNotice(role, 'There are TWO options for this command "ON" OR "OFF"!') return end end
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