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Zackeus last won the day on December 10 2020

Zackeus had the most liked content!

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2 Neutral

About Zackeus

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  1. If you are using corsairs, then its possible. If not, then you can't unless if you are using client source + v3ctors compiled exes. But before that make sure you know something or your "dev" knows something about it because at any cause both side have their own issues either "corsairs" or "v3ctors compiled exes".
  2. Make an advertisement all through out social media like Tales of Pirates groups at facebook and here in forum. p.s: If you do advertisement in forum make sure you put it in the right section. If you looking for some services or set up you can pm me on discord zackeus_heyrana
  3. Search for Gemini Decompiler or other decompiler version in forum.
  4. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA <<-- Check the current/stored database file and delete them. If need help me me on disc: zackeus_heyrana
  5. //accountserver[ db] dbserver = DESKTOP\SQLEXPRESS db = AccountServer userid = dbuser passwd = dbpass and check gameserver.cfg //gameserver db_name = GameDB db_ip = DESKTOP\SQLEXPRESS db_usr = dbuser db_pass = dbpass
  6. Better to post the function/script.
  7. There is something similar released or was on archive Dimension Pirates Online owned by Lari and I guess he publicly released it but no client side.
  8. Zackeus

    60 FPS

    Possible, you can check at v3ctors mod.
  9. Provide screenshot your cfg configurations or use : [db] dbserver = DESKTOP-ABCDEF\SQLEXPRESS db = AccountServer userid = TalesOfPirates passwd = (default db pass)
  10. Looking for CO files bug free. (not clean one) Hoping for some good CO Dev will response if they have 1 for sale because there is a lot of scammer in this community now a days. Thank You! DM Me on discord : Zackeus#1229
  11. How does this Mount System work on my CO files? doesnt show, already compiled it
  12. After this changes, i couldnt run Gameserver
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