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Everything posted by Jones

  1. I have an uncompiled stringset. @dimitrov you can use this. Stringset.txt
  2. Jones

    Free Slots

    Just a note that if you have empty spaces in your iteminfo it won't work
  3. @DnA local mnatksa = math.floor ( (MnatkSa (role) - rb_bonus ) * ATTR_RADIX ) -- Min Attack (percentage) local mxatksa = math.floor ( (MxatkSa (role) - rb_bonus ) * ATTR_RADIX ) -- Max Attack (percentage) local defsa = math.floor ( (DefSa (role) - rb_bonus ) * ATTR_RADIX ) -- Defense (percentage) local ResistSa = math.floor ( (ResistSa(role) - rb_bonus ) * ATTR_RADIX ) -- Physical Resist (percentage) local rb_bonus = (-1) * ( 0.055 * statelv ) -- Currently, each level of rebirth adds 5.5% of the stats. to change, u can change the value 0.055 to something else. For example, 10% per level will be 0.1
  4. skilleffect.lua function Skill_Rbmp_Use( role , sklv ) edit the skill to what you want.
  5. oohh, i thought it was just your character, my bad. @NMS3RR
  6. nice! what an advancement for the development community
  7. congratulations and cheers to @Sultan!
  8. can you give us a list of the known bugs? maybe some of us will be able to fix it for you
  9. @TheSamurai means you haven't defined what ATTR_EXTEND6 is most likely, so when u try to call ATTR_EXTEND6 from the character, it's calling nothing.
  10. is that mickey mouse holy shit LOL technically you can assign these models to any of your unique-made characters and it will have a function.. could you post the list of these weird monsters for us? xDDD
  11. I would assume the latest sql is the best
  12. it looks like the client failed to load object files when resizing. does it happen only on your computer, or on your player's computers also? @Satan
  13. Perhaps you want to change the icon of your Game.exe but don't know how to. Or tried to change before, and broke the Game.exe? It's because you don't know how to! In this guide, I will teach you how to change the icon of your Game.exe. First, download Resource Hacker Next, you will need to create an icon. Not sure if this is a must, but create it at exactly 32x32 pixels Example Icon: Now, save the file as a .png , .jpg , or any standard image file. You will then need to convert the file into an .ico (icon file). EXACTLY in 32x32 and 16x16 dimensions. I have found that [This Website] seems to work best for me. Once you get to the website, you must create 2 files. 1. ICO 16x16 2. ICO 32x32 Once you have your .ico files, open the Game.exe in Resource Hacker Replace the 32x32 image with your own icon. Replace the 16x16 image with your own icon. Press Save. Finished! Note: Your finished file must be the same size (KB) or else it will break. *I have not tried this on TOPII Files, if anyone does please report back the results Credits to Jones of BPO
  14. @SnakeSanders arey you trying to get the item type of the test item? if you are then do this: local Itype = 0 Itype = GetItemType ( Item )
  15. Okay, so for example, I set up a variable. Example_Variable = {} and then i create a function. function ItemUse_Example_Variable ( role , Item ) Example_Variable[10] = 1 end Is there any way, that i can pull all the values of this Variable? For example, can i make it list me all of the current existing Example_Variable[x]'s and it's values? Thanks
  16. What defines it so that when you use it, you have an option to feed it to something? Same with Powers, (Repair Hammer) etc
  17. can you tell me how? and the text that describes it is for example, if it's strength attribute added on the normal item, it's called "Mammoth" etc. @7n6
  18. thanks, ill look at that some time. i wanna know, is it possible to create items such as "cardic" "silver dragon" etc on demand? and the text that describes it, is it located in the .exes itself? @7n6
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