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  1. SharpShooter solo ataca por un tiempo, hay ocasiones y en ciertos mapas que ataca normal y en otros se queda atacando y no hace daño como se ve en el vídeo, solo pasa en el en SharpShooter tanto en lance como en phyllis alguien puede ayudar con esto por favor https://youtu.be/cVJSOxULn8Q?feature=shared
  2. @V3ct0r could you give your opinion on this problem?
  3. @V3ct0r podrias dar alguna opinion acerca de este porbelmas ?
  4. I don't have any settings on the other maps, but I added the line Maptype(map,3) but the problem persists
  5. function Atk_Raise ( rad , atker , defer ) --技能攻击提升 local atk = rad * math.random ( Mnatk( atker ) , Mxatk ( atker ) ) local defer_def = Def ( defer ) local defer_resist = Resist ( defer ) dmg = Phy_Dmg ( atk, defer_def , defer_resist ) return dmg end This is what I found : in script/calculate/fuctions
  6. Tell me what word I'm looking for exactly, so I can put it in the search engine
  7. https://youtu.be/c6C2tb9YsAg?feature=shared Here there isbun video where I show the CTLs I don't see anything someone can help me or share that I have to correct thanks.
  8. But also happens in DW, DS and Fc.
  9. If correct, the minimum Atake is less than the maximum. "I miss it that you only happen for a while... there are maps in what works but others don't..., whatever the problem... because someone could help me with that. https://youtu.be/zARireDIQRQ?feature=shared Here I leave another video of samples and I don't know if you can see the maximum and minimum atake.
  10. SharpShooter only attacks for a while, there are occasions and in certain maps that it attacks normal and in others it stays attacking and does not hurt as seen in the video, it only happens in the in SharpShooter both in lance and phyllis someone can help with this please https://youtu.be/cVJSOxULn8Q?feature=shared
  11. @dragontechi , Bro, I need you to help me with some things. Can you give me your discord please?
  12. I also have the same problem, it connects everyone but I have problems when connecting the cliente help my
  13. The first link is not useful, you could update it please
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