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Rana last won the day on September 10 2024

Rana had the most liked content!

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2 Neutral

About Rana

  • Rank
    Cabin Boy

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  1. Added a new feature called Timers This feature is not new in tales of pirates private servers, but we made sure to make it better than the other servers. This feature shows the timers of: Mazes Bosses Mini Bosses Check out our server at: https://discord.gg/K7NdgBkgf4
  2. Hey, I need a developer that can create and design a website for me. Payment: Paypal / Binance Contacts: rana_frog_65789 https://discord.gg/K7NdgBkgf4
  3. Added new feature called Daily Buff *This will be a buff for every player in the server (meaning every player will receive the same buff) *The buff will change every 24 hours Type of Buffs: 10% More EXP from monsters 10% Increased drop rate from monsters 20% Increased drop rate from resources 5% Increased success rate when doing cooking 5% Increased success rate when doing manufacturing 5% Increased success rate when doing alchemy 5% Increased success rate when doing crafting 30% Increased sail speed 20% More ship EXP gained from mobs 20% More reputation gained 50% Reduced repair costs for equipment 0,02% Increased drop rate for treasure hunting 5% Increased chance when combining gems 5% Increased chance when forging equipment 20% Increased Fairy growth rate 10% Increased success rate when strengthening equipment 10% Increased drops from Fairy (coins/signets/royal signets) 10% Increased movement speed
  4. Very valuable topic that needs more information for the community
  5. Rates: Max lvl: 65 Solo exp: 1x Party exp: 2x Drop rate: 1x Fairy growth: 1x Ship exp: 1x Resource drop: 1x Max pet lvl: 20 EQ: 45/55/65 Unseals: on start CA EQ: with update 70 lvl Boss stones: with update 75 lvl Death: with update Gems: Broken: lvl 2 Unique: lvl 2 Jade: lvl 2 Normal: lvl 3 Black dragon: lvl 1 Mazes: FC/DS/DW: on start (vanilla concept) New maze: on start CA: with update BD: with update Abba: with update For more updates and information, visit our discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/K7NdgBkgf4
  6. Black Pearl Online Hello, Tales of Pirates community! We are the Black Pearl Online team. The server is in the early development stage, we are working on various tasks, such as fixing files so they are secure and don't hold any bugs. Later, we will work on implementing new features for our server. We will continue to build our server, and we will need your help with that. We have a lot of experienced players in this community, such as FC or DS mains, or HL veterans, from whom we will need their feedback on certain changes. Invite your friends and people who have experience in this game since we will be needing everyone's help. Because our server is made from players, for players! Discord: https://discord.gg/K7NdgBkgf4
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